Lets talk about animal crossing and why its a comfy digital stress ball. What will you do on the 20th

Lets talk about animal crossing and why its a comfy digital stress ball. What will you do on the 20th

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What the FUCK does comfy digital stress ball mean.
I will be playing ACNH on the 20th

someone post the goods of THAT female villager and nobody gets hurt

Probably shouldn't post this early, but I am drawing random Animal Crossing human characters because there isn't enough of them. Any recommendations for poses/character or critique of these ones I have finished?

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>they nerfed Bob's gay flower dress
It's not fair bros

What what!

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Can you get a bird gf in this game?

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Friday night me and my gf will be making a town together. I'll probably let her start off first while I make dinner and drinks, but after she's done her intro stuff then it's my time. Going to be fun to run around the town together.

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shut up coomer.

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ears are not good, make them 2D
make a villager catching bugs/running from a tarantula


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>Female villager is the cutest AC character
>Everyone just draws fucking Isabelle

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It's been a while since I've preordered a game outside of Amazon. My question is: how early do stores like Target or Walmart let you pick up your preorder? As soon as they open or until you get your notification to pick it up?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to respond.

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When you unlock terraforming will you go all out immediately and start changing up the layout to be ideal, or will you limit yourself and only make gradual changes over time?

Play my digital copy at midnight, and propably reset a couple times until i get to start with 2 villagers that i don't hate.

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Keep 'em coming.

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nice but I was looking for something more flat

Go bearhug a dick fag.

A decent store should have the stock in advance and be ready to sell it to you as soon as they open on release day, but I've been to some shitty stores in my life.

Posting the shit

>He believes in str*ss
Git gud irl

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so this is the kind of shit str*ight people get off to, huh

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I want to name my island Corona Island but Nintendo might ban me

Make one holding onto a tree, not wanting to go into the airplane

they eat things now?

Why did you ask for it and then respond to yourself instead of just posting it? It's shit by the way

Close your eyes for 10 seconds and reflect on this game.
Now tell me what you look forward to doing the most!

It's almost release and I still can't pick a name for my island.

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idk, dont get too carried away with perspective and geometric shapes? AC gives a lot of freedom for stylization, feel free to do your interpretation of characters.

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what the fuck are you talking about

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I'm gonna have two switch's now

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Wait are you callin my painting shit? (I'm unrelated to the posts you quote, asides the art)

I bet online will be shit again.

I have three and none of them are the AC version

I get ya.

I preordered my copy through Walmart with the intention of picking it up before work, but the order status shows it'll be ready for pickup AFTER 6 pm.

First world problems for sure, but I just want to get comfy and play as soon as I leave work, not have to go home and go out again, dammit.

Anyway thanks for replying, bud.

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neither are mine and they're both the old model

>he said, while on Yas Forums
I'm so sorry, user

never played AC, redpill me on it

chore simulator but somehow comfy

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>Catbread Island
doesn't sound half bad desu

I'll be ripping apart demons you low-testosterone loser >:)

Interior design simulator (and exterior design with this new one I guess) where you collect the furniture thru interactions with charming NPCs

build and live in your own terrarium

So do you think its still possible that we could get new animal types, like bats? Or would they already have confirmed that by now?

Gonna name my island Pawpad Island

sounds like something a coomer would do.

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Why does she have cloud's ps1 poly forwarms?

With the museum lineup I don’t think we will get another mammal unfortunately. Maybe another reptile or invert.

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A bat NPC would be the most hilariously unfortunate thing Nintendo could give us.

what do i name my island

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I hate seeing people get unrequested critiques.

its whatever you want it to be

My favorites are probably Margie and Lucky, though I'll just stick with whatever I get when I start the new game

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Up until now I've always named mine after some fictional town from an obscure vidya I like, I'm gonna try to actually be original this time tho. Still haven't decided for sure.

He literally asked for critiques


How many of you have switch online? We are all gonna team up to game the radish markets, right?

? read again friendo.

>mfw gonna wake up early Friday
>check whether I can play the EU version in Japanese
>once confirmed download the game
>spend my day choosing and island and playing through the start of the game
>drink multiple cups of green tea and eat Japanese snacks
>reset immediately if I get oranges
Maximum comfy

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"Island" doesn't appear after the name in it, well on your password at least. Villagers might add island after the name when talking I guess

It's like life itself, you play for a bit every day and wait for things to happen.

I hope there is actual Turnip storage now, the only reason I've avoided it in the past is because having to put them all over down and only pick up one inventory worth at a time was such a huge pain

meant for

Reposting here Anyone know if this has been shown before?

Shut the fuck up.
I'm based.
I'm redpilled.
I'm chad.
I'm patrician.
I have a high IQ. My parents buy me things. I've been to Japan and had sex. Who are you people? You're fucking nobody. Get the fuck out of my thread.

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I'll be naming mine Rockbell after a vocaloid song

I'm just hoping I can play it midnight if I pre-bought it digitally. If so, my plans are to play for an hour or two before I have to go to bed.

youre asking for going online,or for sharing an online family sub? anyone knows if youre in a family subscription only the titular dude gets promo codes and discounts? im investigating if i join one or if i pay for my own.


I'm looking forward to it release so I can get it for the wife so she will be preoccupied for awhile and leave me the ever loving fuck alone.

OP here, you're a poop nugget that's been in the ass for too long that can't be removed.

>I'm being retarded on purpose as a joke

Targetfag here. Target doesn't even do in-store preorders anymore to my knowledge. Just go there to buy the game, then ask the sales clerk if there are any free bonus items. Nintendo usually does these giveaways with every big release, so someone there should know what you mean. The sales clerk will then just ring up the bonus item (for $0.00) along with your game, and you buy it normally.

gonna name my island saint gregory and I'll fill it with female villagers and make them all wear orange jumpsuits

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Draw lewds so I can beat it to them

>northern beach
>not accesible

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Based retard

Pen Island

What do I need to know before 20th? Never played animal crossing or switch games

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foreign fruits are worth more so the first thing you should do is get some and plant them

Reposting image.

Well like all the footage I've seen showed the north side of the island just as high elevation cliffs. This is the first time I've ever seen someone climbing down the "back" of them. Is there anything else out there showing this?

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Pen like everyone else

Dunno what to name my island. Thinking of maybe Dangan Island or Lemuria. How about you guys?

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In the direct or a trailer they showed the player removing cliffs to make a path to the northernmost beach.

perfect ethno state simulator

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Question for ac veterans: when the house is upgraded to the max, how many rooms do you have? Do you have an upstairs as well? Trying to think ahead.

I promised mysaelf not to watch that video and you gave me a big scare, i checked it out and I saw her in the northern part of the island beach in previews. I dint watch the actual video because fuck that. i got enough evidence for myself.

holy fucking based

Based on what?

It goes the traditional way, 5 rooms, one basement, one more floor and maybe 5 more rooms.

Can i make a castle?

heres a weird new leaf experience, for my second town i realized i liked the house more with the second or so upgrade that partially changed the house exterior, rather than the final upgrade, but I think I had to sacrifice having a room upstairs, hope theres more freedom in this game in that regard.

In previous games, I think you had your main room, basement, upstairs, and then three extra rooms on the sides of your main room. There could be more now, though.


I'll definitely try this on release day in case my Walmart in-store pickup is available after 6 pm.

Hopefully I can nab that planner too and get some brownie points with the GF.

Thanks, user!

The previous game had your main room, upstairs room, basement, left wing, right wing, and back room, all 8x8 when fully upgraded

What this tells me is that it will be impossible to double up cliffs. That means no 2 tier waterfalls.

So fuckin hyped
Gonna make my town look sick as fuck too

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post yfw custom rooms

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Is there a web-based town tune creator that still works? I remember Nintendo had one back in the old days for the Gamecube AC.

Best way to make money in the GameCube version?

I mean, literally just play sims

Uh, I am just talking about playing online together. Inviting other Yas Forumsirgins to your island to buy at the cheapest turnip prices or the sell at the highest.

Buy your own sub it is like 20 bucks for the year. Shit, I paid mine just with gold coins both times.

>That's a clean-burning hell, I tell ya hwat!

>having more options is bad