Rune Factory Thread

I warmed it up for ya Edition

Attached: bath.png (852x480, 350.03K)

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RF3 remake when?

Just started Tides for the first time. I'm aware the farming sucks but for me that's never been an issue in RF.
Now to just figure out a good controller setup

Attached: Tides.png (1583x828, 2M)

RF5 when

RF5 waifus reveal when

i hate this old fuck i dont care if its raining give me my goddamn hammer back

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I know 4 is the game all the cool kids are playing right now, but does anyone have any general tips/guides for RF3? I tried to go digging for the old /vg/ generals hoping to find links to useful pastebins but none of the archives I checked seemed to go back that far.

Would you play a RF where you play as Venti?

I can already see the threads winding down but im so glad we all got another window to appreciate RF together. Hopefully we see 5 soon.

I just beat the 2nd act right on New Years day. Debating when to start the 3rd act, just trying to get as many town events as I can now. I think I'll try to put 3 in game years and then quit in time for Animal Crossing. The gameplay loop isnt boring yet but I'm nervous about how little post game there is.

I love Marian