Rune Factory Thread

I warmed it up for ya Edition

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RF3 remake when?

Just started Tides for the first time. I'm aware the farming sucks but for me that's never been an issue in RF.
Now to just figure out a good controller setup

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RF5 when

RF5 waifus reveal when

i hate this old fuck i dont care if its raining give me my goddamn hammer back

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I know 4 is the game all the cool kids are playing right now, but does anyone have any general tips/guides for RF3? I tried to go digging for the old /vg/ generals hoping to find links to useful pastebins but none of the archives I checked seemed to go back that far.

Would you play a RF where you play as Venti?

I can already see the threads winding down but im so glad we all got another window to appreciate RF together. Hopefully we see 5 soon.

I just beat the 2nd act right on New Years day. Debating when to start the 3rd act, just trying to get as many town events as I can now. I think I'll try to put 3 in game years and then quit in time for Animal Crossing. The gameplay loop isnt boring yet but I'm nervous about how little post game there is.

I love Marian

The post game is actually bigger than previous RFs, Rune Prana is big as fuck with several bosses, and then there's the Sharence Maze for the true endgame experience.

80% chance we get new info with the next Direct. They clarified that by 2020 on the release date they meant the fiscal year (Q2 2020 - Q2 2021) so it's most likely coming out Q1 2021, or they wouldn't have bothered making that distinction.

Feel like Raguna and Aden is the only characters with an actual personality besides what you do with them, especially Aden

Act 3 is the post game though.

I love Raven.

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>implying that info will come on a direct
Nintendo did zero promotion for RF4S after the initial announcement, not even listing it in the monthly video they do on releases. I doubt they'll spend time on it over the latest port.

hanging out with SMTV and the new Etrian Odyssey in nevereverland

playing on hell here.
just killed the dead tree and the chimera. I guess the invisiblade is pretty good for how early you can craft it.
time to get fucked in the autumn road.

I've found staffs to be really good in hell mode. Upgrading it with the drop from the second boss gives you great charge attacks.

RF4S and RF5 were announced in a Direct. We got RF5 breadcrumbs from a stream to promote RF4S release, but the bulk of pre-release information has no reason not to come from Directs, where they get more exposure, and Nintendo has no incentive not to have them there. They aren't exactly pressed for time when they always find space for everything up to indie PC platformer port #349 in their general directs, and RF5 is a Switch exclusive.
RF4S has had no promotion in general because it's just a hasty port to perform hype necromancy on a dead series. And the bulk of the target audience is Japan. Simply put, there was nothing new to further showcase in directs for RF4 after the announcement.

I love my autistic squid wife!

Damn the town in Tides is max comfy, might be my favourite town yet

I've been playing for 30 hours and I still haven't seen any factories.

How strong do you need to be before you enter Karnak at the end of act 1 on hell mode? I don't wanna get completely fucked since you can actually game over there.

Rune Factories were a dumb idea from the first game where you'd plant crops inside dungeons so you'd harvest them while going through to recover RP (back when RP mattered). Thankfully they realized that was stupid but the series name stayed. I guess you still get runes to level up skills and shit so your normal farm is kind of an informal rune factory.


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It's actually still useful for a free pitstop in Frontier though in the later dungeons, or whale island which is fucking gigantic. It also stimulates natural runey growth.
I suspect most people who struggled and ended up hating the system didn't make rune factories in the dungeon.

Having an actual 3D layout does wonders. I really hope 5 is like that, with all the improvements they've made to crafting and farming.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't most Rune Factory games been first introduced in japanese magazine scans?

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There are 3 possible outcomes for this system:
1. It becomes tedious padding, as you must go through the dungeon multiple times to water crops so that you may continue.
2. You can make it through without them, so it becomes tedious padding in the sense you must make your way through a dungeon over and over for seasonal crops later.
3. The former issues are not present and dungeon fields become completely redundant. And then it's weird to have a bunch of arable land in the middle of the ultimate unbreachable dungeon of death.

Just a tip for people waiting to emulate, there's this "MattsCreativeIncâ„¢" in the discord for ryujinx who has made a complete custom build emulator confirmed working with RF4S of ryujinx and doesn't mind dm'ing it to people. Go ask him if you don't know how to custom build the PRs

>summer field is tiny
>winter field is enormous

I dunno how it was in 1, but in Frontier i found it useful at least, since the latter parts require a lot of grind and RP while hurting bad if you get hit, so a midway health/RP spot saved my ass lots of time.

Yes, but the last time a Rune Factory game was introduced was what, 2011? That was before Nintendo Direct had firmly established itself and magazines went completely obsolete. If you check any number of Nintendo portable-exclusive franchises that are around now and were around back in 2011 you'll find that they most likely were revealed in magazines back then but are revealed in directs now.

When the fuck do I get kids? I've been married since spring and its already almost the end of summer.

Did she pee in the bath?

Are you talking to your wife every day? The event should kick in soon, but only your conversations with your wife will trigger it

I exhaust all her dialogue yea

>All golden crops are winter-season crops
There's your answer. And the REAL question

it takes around 19 days after marriage for her to ask
the dialogue option is a bit weird since XSEED doesn't know how to localize but she'll ask if you want kids

Keep at it. Should start in 2 more ingame weeks at most. I think this event triggers 60 days after marriage

In RF4SUPER GOOD MORNIIIIING does upgrading/crafting a water pot with fertilizer actually do anything? Someone suggest it a while ago but other user's mentioned it being bullshit.

roughly 14 days to start the process, then another 19 days for her to get pregnant, then another 20~ days for it to finish then a 5 yr time skip


RF5 is going to suck and you know it. I rather they remade RF3 first before the franchise dies again from how bad RF5 turns out.

There are three seasons of crops that grow more or less OK during the other 2. Winter crops are just winter crops.

Is it actually impossible to ask everyone as your girlfriend in RF4? I'm trying to unlock most of newlywed mode with just two save files.
I have all the girls at 10 LP and after the first 3, the 4th absolutely refuses no matter what.

>enter an ironleaf for the winter harvest festival for keks
>Volkanon fucking tastes it
>Doug fucking tastes it
>Win by a landslide
What the fuck, do these idiots like the taste of their own blood or something

You arent alone user.

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is there actually any content in sharance maze? I beat act 3 and didn't really feel like fighting boss reskins that have more numbers and no story, it just seemed like sharance maze exclusive stuff existed to help you do sharance better

Your chances of successfully getting a gf decrease with each gf you get. You can get all 6, but you'll need to get lucky.

meant for

You can fight a nonscripted version of Venti, but that's about it. I think all the dragon bosses have different attacks as well.

post vibrating forte

Is there anything important I should do with different sized produce (like s/m/l milk and eggs)? I recall other games having a point of no return for these kind of things, and needing certain sizes for recipes.

Pia>Shino>Marian>Raven>>>>>>every other girl

I think they count as different items for the shipping record. But for recipes the game will always accept any item of the same type that's a higher tier.


Does shipping record ever become important other than the one 10% request I've done?

In general recipes will always accept larger versions, except for solely donuts which require only M iirc, it's a weird exception