"Oh yeah, that happened"

"Oh yeah, that happened"

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Why is Ninja’s face not in Rick and Morty style like the rest?

what the fuck were they thinking

oh yeah, it was fucking horrible

who the hell are those

>"Oh yeah, that happened"

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Let's get this out of the way.

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Who the fuck is Logic

Because Logic was actually in a Rick and Morty episode so his face took no work.

did they really model the double chin?

How come there's no Hila sfm model? I'd think she'd have some coach mileage by now

was it kino?


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That one time Nintendo took a giant shit at Kickstarting


Christ at least pretend to not live in a basement you nerd.

I don't follow rap at all as I am not a brown person.

Sorry i don't know about your Zoomer singer faggot

>Ecelebs making absolutely zero effort to interact with Rick and Morty guy

Ecelebs are trash.

>american mcfatty

Rick and Morty really are corporate whores, huh? They're on advertisements for everything.

a white rapper

seethe zoomie

You sound like the type of faggot that would listen to Logic

Everybody flooding the Tranny flash smash bros stage that Nintendo eventually banned it for "Political message"

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I find it funny that the va for Rick and Morty at least tries to salvage the shit fast and indirectly insult the blue hair faggot when he isn't doing his job later on the stream

you want to know how i know you're subhuman

nice bait

>Roiland trying desperately to make the stream entertaining and do funny stuff in the game
>Ninja and the other guy just playing as boring and boringly as possible occasionally saying "Shut up Morty" when they think it's their turn to be funny.

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No, but this was.

it's ironic tho

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>listening to anything closely similar to rap post-2000

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Because he's a narcissist.

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zoom zoom

Funny ad, too bad the game stinks

>indirectly insult the blue hair faggot when he isn't doing his job later on the stream


Logic is white boy rap.

RIP EB and Funcoland

This, I hate music like Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Logic, and Chance the Rapper that are all about sex and drugs and meaningless lyrics. Give me real music like ACDC, Queen, The Rolling Stones, and Akon (Don't Matter)

massive cringe

It is amazing how you stupid zoomers get more and more retarded every year.

Ye fuck it though. Get your money whilst you can.

The stupid thing is signing a contract for 10 seasons like an idiot.

I liked Justin Roiland and was a fan prior to rick and morty but the show went to shit in season 3 (2 wasn't even that good) but now he has to do 10 seasons of it.
It's just slowly going to become even more of just the boring gay family shit and faux intelligent shit Harmon writes and less of the actual funny nonsense roiland spouts

Every time morty speak in the 2nd half. It got to a point where the dev have to make the dtream entertaining and do ninja's job

Doritos in Peace Walker

good PR guys

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nothing matters aside money and ethic votes

This is good bait

That reminds me

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is doing a promotion with ButterFinger

Im throwing my PS4 out the fucking window if they mangle a mission with fucking ButterFingers

The Cup Noodle mission in FFXV was so obnoxious

cringe af bait ngl senpai

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Rick and Morty are voiced by the same person, aren't they?

Jamie Kennedy at E3


Celebrities at E3 in general

remember me?

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Did anyone record it? It's been purged off the net it seems.

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He voices a fuck ton of people on that show, but yes.

the moon landing of our generation

I always wanted to see Simon yogscast interact with brain dead footballer. Really good content.

This is like when the only marketing Sony did for Dreams was a cringe worthy video with cast of Jumanji and just had the rock say playstation at the end.

the fishing minigame was neat

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He's the Seth Mcfarlane of Rick and Morty yes

I made my own personal sfms

why tho

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I just suddenly remembered that Kid Icarus Uprising had Trading Cards that you couldve used AR on to see 3D Models

Justin Roiland created the show and voice's them both and 75% of the throw away characters.

I hate how he has to call himself "Co creator". He came up with actual good shit, Harmon just inserted all the gay family sitcom stuff. I've never watched community but I know it's meant to be good but Rick and morty would be much better without that stuff and just focusing on the Sci fi adventures.

the gb micro was kino, faggot.


It's weird how the show went from most talked about show too largely forgotten and mocked in the span of like a year.

Never Forgetti

Yes you stopped turning on and made me sad.

user, this is the BAD remember me thread, not the GOOD one

How was the game?

Is it comparable to Ace Attorney?

The Verne Troyer sex tape is gone now.

How come being Jewish is a free ticket to success? Ethan and Hila are stupid and not funny, I don't understand how they managed to crack a sing-digit viewerbase, much less millions.

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Good concept but 10 ps1 titles and a store full of shitty games didn't help it

They were pretty neat, but really didn't see the point over the SP personally.

>ninja is some twink gay boy and not a kung-fu really cool dude
>"logic" is some dude
is this some joke or are they people or am I missing something? If those are people, who the fuck are they and who the fuck cares

you could smuggle it into prison up your ass.
try doing that with an sp

Unlike that Fallout 76 stream, the Gameboy Micro was actually cool.

Fallout 76 was the most overmarketed game ever. Why did Bethesda think they could sell an early access survival game to the UFC audience? For fucks sake, there's being greedy and then there's having no common sense.

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Square Enix advertising Disagea inside of Kingdom Hearts

Because they were funny. Ethan was basically just copying Tim heidecker with the neck thing and the forcing out your gut but it was still funny.

Then as soon as they got successful it turned to shit.

Now he thinks he's Howard stern or something but he's not and it just fails.

Have sex.

would like to see that

Some neet on an image board for racists and incels doesn't know them so they must be randoms.

I had one uptdated with a 128gb memory.

Its perfect (exept the lame batery)

is like a Ace Attorney game, there is five cases and you can collect evidence from the crime scenes and make arguments during trials.

It's an extremely popular Japanese franchise paired with an extremely popular Japanese snack.

It's the exact same thing as when CoD makes a deal with Dorito's.

No one cares about Logic.

Ninja was one of the biggest Twitch streamers in the world before he moved to Mixer. He’s a tryhard faggot but that’s why he’s popular with tweens. youtu.be/r7hsv7size4

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>worst flavor gets the worst character
Really makes you think...

is Ninja kill?


No, he has money and that’s all that matters to him.

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I hope you don't unironically listen to that faggot. The only excuse is if you're underage and just don't know any better.