Turn your cutie into some ugly goblina

>turn your cutie into some ugly goblina

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Can't have an attractive female be the face of your game when one of the lauded selling points is you can make a mentally ill tranny

She's perfect on the left.
CDPR has fallen. I praised them for being Aryan and pro consumer while criticizing Rockstar of David for promoting degeneracy and being Jewish. Sadly the Jews took over CDPR, too.
Fuck you, CDPR!

Who the fuck cares, can't you customize them? it's like complaining about Skyrim dude being a nord male when you can make anything.

the only big difference is hair color and right has a garbage resolution oh yeah and its not an in game model you fucking retards


>reeee her eyes aren't lifeless and she doesn't have a dumb perpetual smile and she doesnt exist for me to coom to like my anime girls
Shut the fuck up nerd.

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That bitch was never cute.

I think she looks nice.

always with the fucking Zorg hair.
game devs, for the love of fuck stop doing this shit.

It was inevitable

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make your own game then

Im gonna make my own qt

Silver for women.

>reeee her eyes aren't lifeless and she doesn't have a dumb perpetual smile
But that doesn't describe the one on the left at all though

>not a cutie

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yeah, you have terminal shit taste

Get help freak

It would be great that you only will be able to make ugly females with the customization tools

The new one looks better in every way other than the lack of eye make up

>crying over a reversible cover art of a game with a character creator

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Look at her perfect Aryan facial features.
You'll be put in concentration camps. Soon.

This. The new one looks literally more feminine.

it's like where's waldo but instead you look for one of them who looks good, except there's no waldo

Now you have a reason to use the character creator

Every other women in the game is hideous too

>Can't have an attractive female be the face of your game
They can't? They better delete that picture then!

>implying that the default models don't usually have more detailed faces
>implying the default models aren't used to represent the character
>implying you'll even be able to make an attractive woman in the game, as the customization features may have been designed specifically to prevent that
And of course one would ask why they changed her to begin with, where the most logical answer is for the sake of 'realism', ie pandering to SJWs.

I think they wanted her to look tougher.

literally hysterical

>all those 'two genders' hand-signs.

Well they succeeded at that. It's just very convenient that this always works out with the woman being significantly less attractive.

Also the rule doesn't apply to men. They will always be conventionally attractive.

based Geralt and V have had enough of those harpies.

Wow you're retarded

>It's just very convenient that this always works out with the woman being significantly less attractive.
Convenient? You're just not attracted to tough women. No need to take that personally.
>Also the rule doesn't apply to men. They will always be conventionally attractive.
Male V looks decidedly average.

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Right would look fine if they just give her her eyebrows back. This feels like an attack directly toward me!

Nice bait fag

most of them look pretty cute actually

>smooth-brain argument.
right on que :^)

>> They both look ugly
>> One of the left looks least ugly
>> One on the right could be a fucking orc I kid you not. She doesn't even slightly look human in her facial features. Looks like a Klingon and an Orc had the ugliest child they could think of.

Like how the fuck? I've unironically seen hotter fatties than the girl in the OP. It's rare but can happen. Man when even fatties of the old generations look better than the young SJW you know we have a fucking problem.

They both look like they are packing 16 inch horse cock which is the only possibly acceptable way for them to be in game as futa romance but no fucking way would CDPR be that bold lol.

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Neither of those things are cute.

it's because they don't have a full fucking head of hair.

>Looks like a Klingon and an Orc
It's a mutt... You're not wrong tho.

He looks much more conventionally attractive by male standards than the new FemV does by female standards. Tough women has nothing to do with it, she just looks like a fucking man. But then fags like you would probably claim literally any woman is attractive.

>But then fags like you would probably claim literally any woman is attractive.
This coming from the guy fawning over male V?

>> Nope nope nope
Even with full hair she would still be orc. I think if she HAD full hair it would make her even UGLIER! There is no way to save that face expect to impale it on a pike and put it on display to keep the other orcs and klingons away.

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>2/10 elbows too sharp wouldn't bang

A man that looks like a man is better looking than a woman that looks like a man by default. Women should look feminine.

I'd use The Witcher as an example but you'd probably call them anime bimbos.

a character that I can edit looks ugly....wow.... I... must.... shitpost..... about it

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>can't edit them to be more attractive
Yeah that sure solves the problem

You're a fucking moron who has no idea what femininity even is and incidentally if you're going to insist on arguing like a child I won't bother with you. Either reply to me or don't.

>can't you customize them? it's like complaining about Skyrim dude being a nord male when you can make anything
It kinda is a problem when a majority of fanart is the default/box character instead of everyone's OC

wow do you have the game already to know that? thats cool :)

>most of them
some might be, if most of them are you have bad taste

>inb4 hurr durrr yep looks exactly like her

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holy shit


your written language reads like a fag. I'm guessing MtF?

posting on Yas Forums gives you a mental illness. there's no other possible explanation for being this stupid

Your problem is you read like a fag

Are they supposed to be the same person? They have absolutely nothing in common anymore if that's the case. Apart from the jacket.

Wooooooow, this meme
Absolutely kek

>written language reads
what other kind of language are you gonna read? spoken?

My god is the orc was a Mordor orc fused with Klingon it would look almost exactly like a boy version of her lol.

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Hit a nerve kek.

His way of writing, come on. You shouldn't reveal your sub 90 IQ on the internet, buddy.

just have your butler read out the posts so you can dictate a response from your chaise longue like a normal person

>His way of writing, come on.
Otherwise known as "writing"

>Say something retarded
>Get called a retard
>"Hit a nerve lel"

Actually there are verified scientific differences in how boys and girls write. Who’s to say you can’t detect fag writing too?

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take your meds

I apologize, english is not my primary language.

I definitely think you personally can't because that would require you to think about something rationally.

she's way more cyberpunk now instead of average hipster thot

One on the left doesn't look anything even remotely close to a killer. I can see the cucks being mad over this

Which one is the cutie?


Explains why you write like a fag

She basically looks the same minus eye make up, a concave nose (which is more feminine) and a trade off of a slightly more angular chin to having higher cheekbones. Why is everyone losing their shit over this?

>she is looking more like a man than a woman
>why is everyone losing their shit over this?

She has way denser bones and face and unga caveman look in general lol. Big brow.

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