Call of Duty: Warzone™

Wakey wakey Yas Forums your new Call of Duty is here tomorrow and it's F-R-E-E

Are you ready for 150, that's right, 150 player Battle Royale action?

Attached: warzone.jpg (620x347, 54.41K)

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>BR shit

498783845 Fucking really?

I don't like that it's free. Attracts the riff raff

>Free to play user have to download the full game (100gb+)

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But why. How can it require so much space?

They want you to download the full game in case you like warzone so much that you end up buying the game for 59.99$
>Oh you like the game? Buy the full game to unlock the other modes without downloading anything, just give us your money!

The full game is over 150gb.

On boy, now let's all hate it before it's even released like we do with every game. Its hilarious.

fuck off shill JEW

If you download spec ops and campaign add ons

nah thanks bro i'll enjoy my 50mb kino games made by drunk slavs and serbians

Does the PS4 still do that copy thing after the download is complete?

ive finished all mw2019 modes and mp to max rank. the game blows donkey code and br meme wont change that

>no preload
>20GB will still take 6 hours

You've gotta be kidding me.
I just got done with my 175GB download.

I have hope but i wonder how long the shelf life of this game will be given that another cod will release near the end of the year.

There's no level cap in warzone, you aren't done yet

It also has to do the copy process afterwards, aka copy the entire game to the hdd

i dont care shill fag

what the fuck?
are we downloading the entire fucking game?

Then why did you get max rank on multi

Yes. Don't you want to unlock the other modes like multiplayer, at a reasonable fee?

I played it. I'm a streamer. It's trash. Probably the worst and most retarded BR out there. This shit won't have an esports scene, it's fucking dead on arrival, it's literally as uncompetitive as possible

Warzone is 20gb. 80gb of that is cosmetics and uncompressed textures/audio in the base game.

Remember you can buy killstreaks and win to victory
Also there's auto heal and no weapon attachment

>there are people in this thread who don't have a 10gb internet connection in the year 2020

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On a slightly related note, my battlepass just completed itself after a single game
not sure if it's a glitch, but I'll take it

>win to victory

hoping they would unfuck camper crutch mechanics, nu-iw is garbage

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This is Activision we are talking about user

>I hate the game
>btw I put 100+ hours into it lol

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When are you guys going to upgrade your shitty fiber

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Uncompressed sounds and textures

So do you win cod points or psn bucks at the victory screen?


I am not downloading Battlenet for this shit, let alone another fucking uninspired F2P battle royale game

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I've never played even one of these gay battle royale modes or games

And to be honest I don't care to any more at all.

Hi Shill

As soon as wired internet connections in rural US areas get an upgrade.

Please download this free to play mode
It's only 100gb and it's crossplay with 20hz servers

>only 6 hours to download 20GB

>durr you only haet it cuz poplur gaem bad hahaha amirite redditors
>Actually I've played the game, probably more than you have
God you flow chart npcs are so boring.

what is the max dw speed of the ps4?

So in 50 years?

>dont ever question anything

Not sure because it's PlayStation servers that have a limit

Is the Russian cheat available?

nah im fine with apex

nah its NPC logic to play a game for a shit load of hours then say its bad

How P2W is it?

Yes. I have the best speed I can in my area, it's like 12 Mbps. It's not that bad in all honesty, just annoying knowing that my isp is the only one out here that offers a wired connection.

>battle royale
Literally the only genre that can't be P2W

Did they say exactly when the update is going live?
Is it 12am local time? Or is it going to be like 12am gmt globally?

I love apex much as the next person but that game is really lacking compared to every other battle royale

how do i delete that and keep multiplayer and warzone? you could dl them separately on steam

For this game? True.

Do devs just not bother compressing files for PC versions cause storage is cheap? I haven’t downloaded console games in a while but there’s no way PS4 users have to install 100GB for a single game.

>Yes. I have the best speed it's like 12 Mbps. It's not that bad in all honesty
user..., Even my LTE gets me 200 down

Just buy a 8tb ssd

All of those people that bought the game for a mode they knew was coming.
Safe to say no one will be happy about this except for the free 2 play players that waited.

MW players aren't even getting a bonus for owning the game.

countdown in main game

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>buying cod games
They deserve it.

I'm in a rural area user. It's not like in cities where I'd have more options or better speeds. You kind of just make do with the best you can, I know that's hard to comprehend for people living in a more urban area.

There are no free to play players, there's no way they are wasting 100gb(+another 100 for the copying) on their PS4 hard drive

What are the chances it's actually good? Last CoD I played was Blops 2 and I never played BR before


Dependency on the base game. Might not have considered making it a standalone app, F2P could have been a later decision and no one wanted to waste time seeing what they could trim off.

>100gb download

pass again

That's why you use starlink, it's worldwide and it's fast internet provided by Elon musk

It's the cleanest BR in the market, and about the only one I really enjoy.

>there's no way they are wasting 100gb(+another 100 for the copying) on their PS4 hard drive

It's just not ps4 players this is on pc and xbox too.
100Gb isn't that big these days unless you live literally nowhere with bad internet.

Does nuMW have sliding? This is critical to my decision to play this.

In memoriam screen at the end

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I don't trust Elon enough for that, given his wonderful """truck""" he has.


Anyone got any gameplay of it yet? Also,
what's the catch? I've been itching for a new shooter, might as well try this one out I guess

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You have to download 100gb tomorrow because according to Activision pre load isn't a thing

Fair, I still enjoy playing it.
The only battle royale game I've dropped is PUBG.

I think it could be universally agreed that PUBG isn't as great compared to the other BR games on the market.

it's Cod MW
but now with an openworld map and BR gameplay
the gunplay is just MW

it does but its not momentum based like apex, just a fixed slide

>what's the catch?
CoD faggotry. Only braindead niggers play this shit.

It's free
>what's the catch? I've been itching for a new shooter, might as well try this one out I guess

The battle pass will cost money with less chances to level it because you're locked behind BR.
But the battle pass is trash isn't worth buying already.

I'll take it, thanks.

If it's available on Steam I will consider it. Not gonna reinstall

>Only braindead niggers play this shit
So why are people still buying this game and spending cod points on shitty skins

how is this bad? That's actually pretty cool that you see a list of players