ITT: Post shit party members in RPGs

I'll start.

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Erik is OP as fuck with the right build, Veronica as well in late game and she takes even less effort to deal out massive damage. The real shit party member in XI was Rab, he's alright as a secondary healer but other characters can do anything he can more efficiently.

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Eric is a beast if you set him up right

He's been in my party for the entire end game and he was great. Heal, buffs, debuffs, damage dealing, he can do literally everything.

Shit personality
Sucked in combat
Unique skill gets you shit you can buy in any town

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Looks someone has brain problems, Erik is a game breaker, set him with the right skills and he can make short work out of anything.

>sucked in combat
>with slasher and magic cancel
lmao at your life

>One of the best damage dealers is bad
Uh, are you retarded? Early on Jade is better because she can do more consistent damage, but later on Erik starts to really ramp up

Meliadoul. Her moves only affect humans that are equipped with items and you get her after Orlandu who already knows all her moves plus the actual good ones like Holy Explosion

>Dual Wield Swords
>Falcon Slash
>shit party member

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>boomerang is pretty much mandatory early game on hardmode
>can respec him into a boss destroying mother fucker after boomerangs fall off

he's only shit if you played on normal (easy) mode

But he still does tons of damage on normal mode too

you can use anything on easy mode

He replaced Kratos, of course people will hate Zelos.

no one is as good a red mage as he is.

he has no 1 hit ko against metals moves. He is a dead weight for everything but boss encounters. He also doesn't have a character or development. Go on, describe his story in the game without mentioning his sister or anything relating to her. His sister was the character, he was just her handbag.

But he still does tons of damage on normal mode how is he shit

everyone does massive damage easily in DQ11. You have to work for Erik's when you don't have to with anyone else.
He is also a homogay so people don't like him. Sylvando is hahasilly gay, people love that shit. Not in real life mind you, everyone hates gays in real life.

Irving from FF8. Has exactly one job, gets nervous, then fails.

>bro should your mother figure in the face

He did still take the shot.

Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles

He wasn't too bad in combat. He was just Kratos but with more fluid normal attacks, and Kratos didn't suck. His personal ability was nice if you were low on money or if you were rolling in it, free stuff is always welcome.

>You have to use your brain so Erik is bad
...Ok, sure

>he has no 1 hit ko against metals moves
What is critical claim then, and you seem to have a hateboner against him, how can you say that a character that only appears in late act 2 is his whole character

>Here's your second thief, bro

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>erik is bad
>not number 8

He doesn't even get the one ability that made him useful in the beginning of act 3 until really late

and you've already failed.

he was just the weakest link in a game all about party dynamics. He was the outsider that had nothing going for him. He was just the guy that tagged along and stayed because he didn't have anywhere else to go.

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Really, Rab is good because he's a little good at everything, with the downside being he doesn't especially excel at anything. Chances are there's probably someone better you could use in his place, but he fits into virtually any party pretty well.

Bruh, he joined the Hero to seek salvation, because Luigi told him, because he knew the Hero would need a friend to trust

neat, now what did he do during the game to fulfill that? Nothing. It was just his excuse.

>he has no 1 hit ko against metals moves
You what m80? He has critical claim which is really fucking good against metal enemies.

Erik has about as much story as Sylvaggot
>hey look its a silly gay acrobat
>wow his dad hates gays
>jk his dad is gay too
Is somehow superior to...
>generic thief dude
>generic thief dude with bad childhood
>generic thief dudes sister redemption arc
>generic thief dude likes loot

The real issue with that assassination was dropping the gates on her, which basically did nothing but let her know some shit was going on.

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Hero would've died early on multiple occasions had he not been there.
He then remains best bro throughout the whole game.

its easily third string once you know about the electrolights setup.

Well, what could he have done? Linguini didn't tell him what to do, all he told him is to trust the Luminary, and that's what he did, he is the only other person he trusted other than himself

Not only that but reunite with your childhood friends to do so, only they're acting real fucking weird and don't seem to have any fucking clue who you are.
It's amazing he remained as composed as he did.

>best phys skills in the game by far
>makes sleeping table his bitch
>absolute tank
>literally incapable of dying in lategame
>has marakukaja
>is da man and your bro for life
Fuck off, Junpei is ten times more useful than the fucking dog or shota

>Not building Rab with claws
Staves barely do shit for his healing, claws make him faster then Veronica and Serena, gives him high dodge, and utility like Hardclaw.

and it came from without so Erik himself has no redemption in that knowledge. If he believed in the Luminary on his own without being told to I'd see something there.
He's just a yes man simp.

He was a better Kratos.
Both in gameplay and in character.

>best phys skills in the game by far
That's Aigis

Not gonna lie, I was not expecting to like Sylvando as much as I did at the end.

wtf i didn't know i could buy energy tablets in any town

Why do you hate Erik?
Did he let you down in a boss fight?

His gig wasn't to be faggot, but to make people happy
The fabulousness came from being a showman but god damn isnt't it a treat when he drops the act and acts very seriously

Its a thread about the worst party member in the respective game. Erik is the worst party member in the game he shows up in.
This isn't hard to understand. You being so upset about it is the real question.

He could've told luigi and the luminary to piss off and kept on being a thief you raging faggot. He decided to try being a better person instead.

The best part is everyone else is either told to join you via oracle/prophecy or related to you.
Except Sylvando joins you just because he thinks you are a cool dude and wants to hang out with you.

So you are just butthurt about Erik.

>high damage but not high enough to compensate for garbage movement, especially when MC and every spellcaster does more at higher range, also doesn't apply status effects
>leaves your party for an annoyingly long time and doesn't get catchup exp when he comes back. and the unique weapon he gets for doing this doesn't make up for it
>Is basically Brock with a sword
The game doesn't have a huge amount of good party members to begin with. This is an achievement.

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>Not Sylvando

I'm just staying on topic for the thread. You should try it sometime.

I thought this was a post about Rein from Xenoblade from both the thumbnail and the greentext.

A thread that you probably started

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Hustle Dance my dude

I didn't but it wouldn't matter either way.
Why are you so upset about this thread? Just leave if we are insulting something you are emotionally attached to. It isn't healthy what you are doing.

I still can't believe this nigger's special move was throwing stuff

Ehh Cait Siths pretty useful, only character with stupid high magic.

Tifa is probably the worst from a gameplay perspective but FF7 everyone is so damn similar to one another and the game is embarrassingly easy nothing really matters.

This useless fuck
>no AP so he can only use basic attacks
>not even that tanky
>no potential w/ masters
>best weapon drains his health
Guy gets out performed by a fucking walking onion.

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DQ11 is the only DQ without any lackluster characters gameplaywise. Erik drops off for a bit midgame but he's a monster at the end when you have his strongest sword and boomerang moves available, that don't require the status setup knives do. There's some postgame bosses that are groups of multiple enemies that Erik and Veronica van take down in 1 attack each after setup, even on Stronger Monsters mode.
He's like a reverse Yangus

>Guy gets out performed by a fucking walking onion.
To be fair EVERYONE gets outperformed by that onion

You are the only person upset here, what did Erik do user?
Did he fuck YOUR sister, is that why you keep harping him about his own sister

>Ehh Cait Siths pretty useful, only character with stupid high magic.
I don't know that since I've never even included this traitorous piece of shit in my party.

>Tifa is probably the worst from a gameplay perspective
Stat wise maybe (barely) but the old Powersoul + Doom Ring with Hades + Elemental on her armor for OHKO Immunity is game breaking with no downsides

Being able to use masters since level 1 helps a lot

>The projection

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>party member betrays you

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ehh, Rei is fast and Weretiger hurts, Momo is a healer, and Nina has multitarget spells. Nothing Garr can do that Peco can't better even if you don't abuse masters.

Bless that cat, and fuck this animal abuser

>Dual wield Uber Falcon Blades
>Falcon Slash

How many hits is that?

watch that cat "mysteriously disappear"

Shes got a really shitty final weapon and her limits are the lowest damage in the game as well as the slowest limit gain of the cast.
Vincent also kinda sucks but like Red 13 right after you get him you get a really OP weapon for them that makes them cakewalk an already easy game for quite some time.
Tifa can powersoul + deathblow to shit on midgame bosses also but you can just added effect time and on your weapon and slow/stop nearly every boss in the game and full retard clear the game with that too.

Its why minmaxing in FF7 is pretty dumb, its really easy to break the already easy game with anyone, ultimately the only thing you can really say is long rage characters are strictly better than short range characters.

36 I think

Thank god Dragon Quest is a Japanese game or the west would've fucked his character hard.

He does excel at something though, putting enemies to sleep with that pep power of his. I even put the first form of Mordegon and his shadow clone to sleep with that.

She can't, it's her moms cat, she won't fuck with it, literally and figuratively

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