Fairy Tail

Let's talk about Erza's upcoming game

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*blocks your path*

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Let's talk about her big titties.

mashima's style is so bland that even with all the fanservice his girls have no appeal

>Believing anything Death Battle says
>watching them for any reason other than to laugh at how wrong they are
Even when they get the right answer, like with Superman vs Goku, they do it for completely stupid reasons.


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This show is awful coomer pandering garbage.

welcome to anime sir tardsalot

Why do spergs hate Fairy Tail?
You don't see this level of consistent animosity directed toward most japanimations in this vein, so why this one? Did it call their waifu 'shit' or something?

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They have no friends and so they hate the power of friendship and instead call it bad writing.
They have no gf and so cannot appreciate waifus and instead call them fapbait.
They are constantly butthurt and so cannot laugh at asspulls and instead must constantly complain.

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Natsu's a fucking faggot.

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Shit game, just like its source material.

It's the most typical of battle shounens, that's actually why I like it even if it gets grating sometimes. Also it rips off One Piece apparently which I don't mind because I prefer it's style over One Piece

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Ruined by the absolute outdated garbage turn based combat system. Ruining your games since the early 90s

You know they have a kid right? The author confirmed it? So do Grey and Juvia.

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Trash game, just like its source material.

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Garbage game, just like its source material.

Becaue it's bland, unoriginal, and poorly paced. It reads just like any other shounen from 10 years ago, but those new age shounens like naruto or one piece were pretty inovative at the time. Plus it doesn't have the self awareness of something like black clover where it knows that it's just shounen shit so it skips all the pretense and just gets stuff over with, so in the end you have a booring generic story that drags on too long and overstays it's very short welcome.

at least the tits are nice

>Hurr turn based bad
The absolute state of (You). Mind explaining why?

Not canon the manga continues on Fairy tail 100 years quest.

Is there anime of manga/anime that causes as much butthurt for as little reason as Fairy Tail? I mean there are other series out there that can cause more butthurt than Fairy Tail, Bleach comes to mind, but those people can usually, not always but usually, list more reasons than "I didn't like it" for why it causes them such extreme asspain.

Do you think Lucy got impatient and just raped Natsu?

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Rabid One Piece fans?

Just a meme. Fairy tail is average with big tiddies so the moe garbage fans try and shit on it

My Hero Academia, Naruto


>Fairy Tail gang meets new group of enemies
>Enemies are superior in tactics and magic, whoops the gangs ass
>The group gets seperated and then fight to get back together
>During that time they start thinking about friendship or some shallow past that somehow drives them forward
>Time for the final confrontation (bonus points if one of the bad guys turned out to be a good guy and is now helping Fairy Tail)
>Everyone starts screaming about the power of friendship and somehow beats the vastly superior enemy, through said power of friendship
>Natsu enters übermensch mode and beats up the enemy leader
>Fairy Tail wins yet again
>rinse and repeat for 63 fucking volumes
yeah, i wonder why people despise it

You forgot to add that nobody dies in this trash manga.
Which means there are fucking zero stakes at all.

>Meanwhile in Eden's Zero, Shiki gets capped in the head and dies, and Weisz has his arm chopped off

The manga is about friendship

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Ok sperg.

Gash Bell did it better.

Does the artist ever get better at drawing faces?

Things can be about friendship and still have bad things happen. Have you never had a friend die, or even just leave and never see them again?

Nope, even reuses the same faces in his new manga.

Is there any reason to believe it will be good?

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No, the focus was....elsewhere

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this is image is not really wrong, since that pic is all the nudity you will get
fuck fanservice, i wanna see some tits and pussy, otherwise i focus on the plot

You didn't explain how any of that was bad. Formulaic, yes certainly. But just because things follow a formula doesn't make them bad. If somebody LIKES that type of story, and enough people do that Fairy Tail got 63 volumes, numerous spin-offs, and a sequel, then there is no problem with following a formula that works.

>Just because something is popular doesn't make it good
It doesn't make it bad either. Neither popularity nor a formulaic setup are bad things. Most people LIKE when a series they enjoy does well, and continues to produce stories similar to ones it has in the past. One of the reasons Comic Books are dying out is because Marvel and DC keep changing things up TOO much.

>Japan government makes it so they no longer have to censor any of their pornography
>Since they no longer have to censor anything, hentai studios, doujin artists, and JAV studios no longer have to go out of their way to make unique content to appeal to people who are able to avoid censorship, and all of their content becomes extremely basic
Would you press it?

That's what they look like after he "got better". Used to look like straight One Piece knockoffs.

To me it is the faces that complete the body.

Black Clover?

Lots of big juicy plots

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Astra's scream in Black Clover.

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>Erza's upcoming game

it's Wendy game tho

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Turd game, just like its source material.

from what i see retards are mad the good guys win like this fag

>he tolerates subbed anime
user just ascend.

I want to marry and impregnate Erza

I not only have ascended. I transcended.

Honestly the game looks pretty good for an anime licensed game, I just wish you could make your own character and join any guild instead of just playing through the show's arcs, but I guess I can't ask much from Gust

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Do you guys think we'll get more characters through DLC?
KT loves some DLC

The problem is that the formula never changes to the point where every arc plays out the same. there's nothing wrong with following a formula for a story, but in Fairy Tails case it just becomes so repetitive to the point of parody. read one arc and you know how the next hundred ones are going to end

>both are playable
Day-1 buy for me.

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>all jap studios no longer have to make feet and other weird fetish shit that pass censors like here
i would totally press it till i break it

It's a no brainer that Zoro would win. One Piece's power scale is clearly above Fairy Tale's. It's like asking who would win between Hulk Hogan and The Incredible Hulk. Hogan is a cool dude, but he isn't a superhuman monster.

Even Mashima got sick of "friendship power".

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off-brand one piece