REfags will defend this

REfags will defend this.

Attached: bullet_sponge.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

...and this.

Attached: despair.webm (720x405, 2.92M)


>nu-RE fags
DE-make was loathed by the true Biohazard fans.

Is he /ourguy/?

You're supposed to wait until the crosshair focuses again after every shot or you do reduced damage.
You'd know this if you actually played the game.

he crashed the stock market so the bank that's trying to collect money from him goes under and frees him of debt

remake deeznuts


Attached: dspctr.webm (1200x675, 2.57M)

just stun and run by idiot, this fat retard had every opportunity to simply run by and conserve ammo.

I played the game and didn't know that.

>Play on the hardest difficulty
>Use a weak weapon
>Wow dood this enemy is hard to kill
Will DSP ever stop embarrassing himself? You know shit is bad when he even struggled with Kingdom Hearts 3

Game is irredeemable zoomer garbage.

That one particular zombie is often mega-spongy and has tons of HP. Best strategy is to shotgun him in the head at close range while he's on the floor and hope for a critical.

Attached: Irons_lg.jpg (178x155, 6.14K)

yes, hes a racist.

To be fair I think DSPS reaction is pretty logical, I played through the game for a fair while without knowing that (despite hitting the head every time) and it made me pretty fucking mad.


>cuts of limbs with a 1 or 2 shots
>can't do jack shit to a rotten skull full of grey goo

Everybody KNOWS this. Does not make it a fine feature.

Attached: re2de smg.webm (1280x720, 653.5K)

>shotgun him in the head
Yeah, about that...

Attached: sponge.webm (650x366, 2.88M)

It's fine apart from the first Birkin fight

Attached: 1532985638259.jpg (1087x1080, 111.9K)

i despise g2 more desu

did he admit people told him about the drake sword or did he pretend to discover it himself

>he can't aim either
kek, stop shilling this idiot

Fuck off, detractor.
It's not his fault.

Attached: artificial difficulty.webm (1200x675, 2.87M)

Tell them my bro! Cause we TRUE fans hate that stupid worthless piece of crap. We true fans only like the original G`s (thats short for game). Also we TRUE fans meet once a month in a basement and help each other masturbating. You nu-fans don't belong to us!

okay that's just stupid. He very clearly hit the zombie twice in the head with close range blasts. That's a bullet sponge

It's dynamic difficulty so if you don't like it just die a couple times and you'll go back to 1-hit kills.

No he didn't, his first shot was at the shoulder just below the head.

he literally missed and has the reaction time of a sloth
dps is shit and every shill in this thread is dsp samefagging


that us enough to know that this is shitposting

>b-b-b-bu bu bu but
not an argument.

Attached: dsp-ogre.webm (1200x675, 2.85M)

I can hear it my head

he's a fucking failure that despite all odds and his attempts stays afloat, somehow


Attached: 1536197910076.jpg (621x502, 47.08K)

>no counter either

>He doesn't know you had to wait to shoot till the last second to get a shotgun headshot in even the old RE games

man I can't wait for his playthrough of Nioh 2
He got destroyed in the demo

Shouldn't you be attending your court dates instead of this Phil?

I like how every time I see someone complaining about bullet sponge enemies, it's always accompanied with a video or gif of the exact same zombie; the one who sits next to the door in the morgue. It's almost as if bullet sponge zombies aren't actually the problem, it's *that* particular zombie.

Attached: 1583308847743.png (290x1208, 60.47K)

Doesn't it only do a little bit more damage than normal shots?

It's a bit jarring sure, but it's not cod zombies, you're not supposed to take everyone out with skilled headshots, specially not with the pistol, you're supposed to slow them down and go past them.

Pic related, he's fully off the dog with his shotgun when he shoots. So of course this is actually super defensible. Unlike the first webm, he didn't actually even shoot anywhere near the fucking thing.

Attached: wow.jpg (721x402, 57.62K)

It's something like 30% extra damage.

when he was alive he spent his whole life building up a bullet resistance

I beat the game on hardcore with both claire and leon and this is my first hearing of this.
this isnt true right?

>he missed

thats a shit game mechanic.
why don't they just add more zombies/make them faster if they're gonna take 10 hollow points to the head?

Nobody's asking for 1-hit kills, but some actual fucking SENSE in this otherwise photo-realistic game. There'd been fucktons of better ways to design and balance the game around the new, OP camera and aiming systems, many which Capcom already utilized in their past titles, but instead they had to make a cop-out gimmick.

It is 100% true, and people were raging about it day 1. It makes no sense, and it's stupid as fuck.

>thats a shit game mechanic
It's not, it's just an adaptation of how the original games handled shooting. In the originals, you had to stop to shoot, but that doesn't really fly in modern games, so they let you move while shooting, but add in a mechanic to encourage standing still while fighting.

>if they're gonna take 10 hollow points to the head
They don't, see

>but some actual fucking SENSE in this otherwise photo-realistic game
You say while complaining that ZOMBIES are too hard to kill. It's unrealistic how hard these ZOMBIES are to kill. Do you see the problem here?

>people were raging about it day 1
No they weren't, because day 1 people still didn't even realize how the mechanic even worked. And even once they figured it out, nobody was raging about it, except maybe the faggots who tend to put the word "demake" in their post, who don't warrant listening to anyway.

I think people also pointed out that the pistol does drastically reduced damage if you don't wait for the crosshairs to tighten again.
>in this otherwise photo-realistic game
My dude, It's a zombie game with roided out super monsters. Some rando zombie not dying from a few reduced damage headshots isn't really out of the ordinary here.

>it's just an adaptation of how the original games handled shooting.
No, THAT is just a sorry excuse.

>but that doesn't really fly in modern games,
There is zero reason why it would not.
RE4 and 5 still had stationary aiming, which was compensated with unsteady, manual aiming + strong recoil. That would have worked WAY better in this game as well, especially if coupled with a notable increase of enemy numbers. You seldom face more than 2 or 3 zombies at once, which is a far cry from the classic RE2 and 3's outbreaks.

>Do you see the problem here?
No, I do not.
You clearly don't have any sort of arguments left in your book, so you succumb to topic switching, signaling your absolute lack of understanding of basic grounding of the lore and logic.

>No they weren't
They were, I was, and you are a newfag.
There's nothing "not to get" about the mechanic. It's just shitty mechanic, per-se.

Same goes to you. Just kill yourself.

Samefag as fuck, and still trying to defend this.

Attached: 1547343014074.webm (720x375, 2.94M)

Its actually what makes me think RE2make is a 8/10 and not higher. I like to kill shit in horror games even if its not a good use of ammo. When it comes to RE2s pistol it feels like you cannot consistently kill shit and not feel like shit about it.

The whole
>Dude survival horror
Is a shit argument since REmake and other did it just fine in comparison with consistent kill times it also adds to replay value and allows for alot more play style variety instead of always stunning a zombie sometimes you'd kill it or decide you'd stun it without feeling so forced to. Game was good though but yeah this shit was obnoxious in a good deal of situations.

why is that idiot shooting at the arms

>Make smallish mistake with turtle
>Then make giant i want to lose tier mistake with wall

I hate this part of DSP the most. Being close to the end and making huge mistakes is not bullshit.

First Birkin is no worse then any of the other Birkin fights. There honestly isn't a single good one in my book. Both the final Birkin fights are terrible.

>Dude it won't be as hard x 200.

I didn't even understand how someone can make this an argument if anything this should make someone mad the snake might by like full game Muneshiggy and be a pushover. Also

>The full game of Nioh was so easy
>Dies 300 plus in main game
>Dies 90 times to Date dad
>Gets filtered by Date with like 40 deaths before hand.

Phil is so shit.

>No, THAT is just a sorry excuse.
It's literally what the developers said. The fact you don't like it doesn't change anything.

>No, I do not.
It is a FICTIONAL MONSTER you fucking mongoloid. You're complaining that not real monsters are too hard to kill, and if you can't see why that's ridiculous then you seriously need to stop and think about it for a while.

>grounding of the lore and logic
They can change the lore you retard. They can, and they have too many times to count. If you think this is the first game to ever have zombies not die in a single headshot, then you need to play the Survivor games, the Chronicles games, RE6, and Revelations 2. Or maybe just go kill yourself, you faggot fake fan.

>They were, I was, and you are a newfag.
You're wrong. The only thing people were complaining about back in those days was that one gif of Mr.x X and the couch, and Claire's face.

Defend what, a zombie not dying because it got shot in the arms? Also
>e-everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Just sad.

Birkin 1 is unforgivable due to the nature of being in tight corridors while being chased and saddled with a controllable camera, meaning you can only look behind you or in front.

that is fucking retarded

>cutting limbs in 2 shots
>cutting limbs at all
the only truly indefensible thing in this entire thread
>b-but the body parts are rotten
even then

Attached: just a flesh wound.png (300x401, 78.37K)

it's a 6/10 at best. A total butchering as a RE game.

The concept of aiming in between shots is a little out there for you, huh?