Thoughts on FTL?

Im looking for a space game and i see that this one has great reviews. Hows the space ambiance in this?

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What do you mean by "ambience"?
And FTL is not like any other space game out there. It's very "light" on immersion and feels more arcadey than anything (it is a roguelite, after all).

It's fotm shallow as a puddle redditor shit

Lead dev came out as a trannt months ago avoid to buy it until xir joins the 40%

FTL is good.
You also have Starsector and Everspace, devs are working in Everspace 2. Avoid Into the Breach, it's shit

I liked it better after I installed a mod that removed fuel

One of the best games of last decade. I got it for $1.79 on GOG in 2016 and have sunk roughly 300 hours into it since. Buy and play immediately


immersion was the word i was looking for. im interested in ftl cause it combines space and roguelite. is the space only just a background? no exploration?
ill look into starsector and everspace, only issue is i have a potato. im really looking for space games with a really cool focus on the space theme
i would but its $10 on steam, which is why i made the thread to help decide if i buy it

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>It's very "light" on immersion
This is the exact opposite of the truth

FTL gave me grey hair

>is the space only just a background? no exploration?
How the game works is that you travel to specific sectors, but you can choose which one you want to go to, and it's always different on every playthrough. It has exploration in a sense, but it's not free roaming, if that's what you mean.

It's got some great mods too, to increase replayability.

OP is obviously looking for something more akin to a space sim.
You can't even move your ship outside of the "points" given inside the sector (like you can in Shortest Trip to Earth). I am not saying the game is bad, just that it lacks immersion of other space games.

i dont mind the not free roaming part, i just want a focus on space that isnt just there as a background. cause the image i posted as op looks very meh compared to an actual replication of space
its a roguelite so i expect it to be stressful, though ive never played a management game before

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>linking chinkstore directly

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FTL is great but not a game for comfy exploration. You must be constantly on the run because there is always a whole fleet of enemy chasing you. Maybe something like Elite: Dangerous or Rebel Galaxy is what you are looking for

seethe harder steamcuck

FTL is undoubtedly one of the greatest games of all time.

The game is one of the most immersive space games ever created, but ONLY if you're willing to immerse yourself into the actual plot. You are the captain of a spaceship in the midst of a galactic human civil war. You carry vital information that your side needs to win the war, and the enemies are relentlessly hunting you at every turn for it. If you work within that story there tons of immersive RP potential. Dealing with losing critical crew members, recovering from catastrhpic loses only to win in the end, working with the rag tag weapons and people the game gives you, making risky decisions that pay off hours later, it all feels fantastic to me.

If you simply wanted a space game where you could make up the plot and explore at your pleasure in a 'comfy' wander the galaxy simulator, this is not going to satisfy that at all.

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>i just want a focus on space that isnt just there as a background
I'm not sure if FTL might be for you then. Essentially the game's primary focus is ship-to-ship combat, with occasional events that net you different outcomes depending on your reactions to them. Space-faring events carry their own dangers, but also their own benefits, like asteroid fields or being near a sun. I hope that gives you a good enough description.

is avorion any good? just finished rebel galaxy and need something new and freelancerish.

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Have to recommend it myself. I bought it years ago, unlocked everything, then lost the save and I've recently been chipping away at unlocks again.

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Bro just play an actual roguelike. You probably could have ascended in nethack by now.

yea im really looking for a space exploration game, shame. maybe ill get it when its on sale to play it for the roguelite aspect instead.
>elite dangerous
how is this? i was also looking into and it looks good. though it looks like its a delivery game but i wouldnt mind as it would allow me to explore

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>rebel galaxy
my nigger
also don't touch outlaw, it somehow didn't manage to be any better than the first game

Play Kerbal Space Program.

what is FTL going for now, $5?
Soundtrack is fine, but stale after eight playthroughs. It doesn't have SUPER SERIOUS alien politics like ass effect. If you see the MSPaint ship and think "this looks cool" then you'll be more than happy with the game. I'm hoping for a sequel. Convoy has no space but it has the multi-vehicle combat thing going.

>The game is one of the most immersive space games ever created
No it isn't lol
>Noctis iv
>freespace 2
>star control 2
>ever space

Honestly I could probably think of 100 space games I'd rather play than ftl. That game is complete shit.

i dont think this is the game for me, i feel like you need a certain kind of autism to play these games.
alright im now considering two games, elite dangerous and rebel galaxy. which of these two has a better feel for space?

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I don't think those games are really comparable. Their gameplay is so vastly different.

isn't that just rocket building simulator?

The list would go like this if you want
FTL, roguelite on-rails with realtime fights which can be paused
Starsector, space empire simulation with actual trade mechanics and heavy ship loadout customization, very modeable
Everspace, roguelite with interchangeable 3rd person and 1st person with 3 axis (up down fowards backwards)
Elite Dangerous, split singleplayer and multiplayer, honestly overrated for how much shit is tied to multiplayer
Rebel Galaxy games, space sim simulation in general with big open world
Star traders frontier, a space game based on an old mobile game, kinda basic gameplay

Agreed, it's one of my favorite games ever. Really captures the feeling of being a starship captain and having to prioritize different systems in your ship in order to survive--
Do I depower life support in order to up my shields?
Can I survive several enemy volleys unshielded in order to give my glaive beam time to charge?
Do I send one of my crewmembers to an alien planet in order to answer a distress beacon?
Despite having a very barebones story, I can get really invested in basically ever playthrough. Plus the ships all control/play fairly differently and can be so satisfying when you get things up and running. What's your favorite ship?

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I liked but did not love it. It's possible I need to git gud and all of that but as I recall, I became a bit frustrated with certain elements of it. As a roguelike or roguelite, it's expected that you'll get run enders and death. But I recall a kind of consistent frustration near the end of runs where there was some kind of difficulty ramp that made actually ending runs rather difficult. Something to do with running into a black hole or red planet of some kind that would just fuck you out of nowhere.

I liked it kind of but felt it was genuinely unfair at times.

Freespace 2 nigga, don't puss out. It's ace combat in zero g with giant star destroyers and shit

Anyone else really excited for this shit? Spacecim by the guy who made Neo-Scavenger, so it's probably gonna be hard as nails and fucking good

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Ftl is an extremely shallow Procgen game. It kind of reminds of those shitty free phone games. Play star trek bridge commander with mods

>What's your favorite ship?
Engi B for me

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One thing about Rebel Galaxy that the combat is like naval battle. You shoot stuff out of your broadside and everyone is on the same Z axis.

Op have you played elite dangerous

I'm sorry if you feel that way. The game definitely isn't for everyone, but I've sunk at least 400 hours into this game (mods included) so I couldn't really agree about it being shallow.

I really wanted Shortest Trip to Earth to be the spiritual successor of FTL. But the balance is just all over the place. I don't even mind the micromanagement, it's just that it's fucking difficult and unfair unless you play with the premium ship you have to pay extra for.

Rock B. The pressure cooker.

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It's objectively shallow. We can measure the amount of decision making going on and compare it to other space strategy games and it will undoubtedly come up very short. These roguelites are designed to be addictive, not good.

this actually looks good but it doesnt look like theres much exploration to it. also i didnt really like ace combat 7
i dont mind at all, its an interesting take
no but im considering between that and rebel galaxy.

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>What's your favorite ship?
Federation ship C. I just love that super flak cannon that can murder most ships in one giant volley.

this is 100% not true

>other space strategy games
what the fuck
such as??

There's very little depth so it gets boring fast, but it's fun while it's fun.
For "ambience" and immersion I think the best game is still Elite: Dangerous, though that shit gets boring REALLY fast once you start engineering.
So get Starsector.

just because you have fun wallowing in a puddle doesnt mean its good, it just means youre a casual


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>There's very little depth

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think this

One of the greatest indies ever made

Get Starsector Its great and has mods for when vanilla gets boring.

House of the Dying Sun might also be worth a look

There is alot of depth. I think what you meant to say is that there isn't alot of complexity, which in itself you can argue is something you might not like in a game.

>measure the amount of decision making going on and compare it to other space strategy games and it will undoubtedly come up very short
Starcraft? Absolutely you're right.
Haven't played E.V.E.
No Man's Sky? FTL comes out way ahead in depth.
The minute amount of some decisions to optimize runs or mitigate damage is amazing, but it's only really in purchasing decisions, upgrades and combat. The dialogue is usually just auto-brain gloss over blue-choice whatever.

>Broadside combat in space.
I loved it.
I haven't played it yet but it looks so different both in pace and structure. How has it stagnated?

>redditlike metroidvania space sim with pixel-graphics made by indie tranny devs

Really? Maybe you're a genius or something but FTL never really felt shallow to me. It's hard to beat, especially on worse difficulties.

You haven't really explained how it's "shallow".

Elite Dangerous is the absolute GOAT for space feels but because it's so huge expect to see the same stuff copypasted a million times. That aside though the actual feeling of being alone in hostile space and exploring vast distances is second to none. Fuck I just made myself want to reinstall.

You know a space game i had fun with try Space Pirates and Zombies. Its pretty great just dont get the second one it lost all the fun the first one had.

>Using THAT many memes in a single sentence.
7/10 b8

>dev came out as a tranny

[citation needed]

"Roguelike" isn't a good way to describe, metroidvania is worse.
It is great bait.

It was called Abortion in /egg/ (engineering games general) when it was released because of all the bugs, but it got better.
Essentially you build a minecraft spaceship block by block, then do a ton of farming in a hundred sectors that are all basically the same with a different name, trade, upgrade your guns, etc.

It was fun for a bit, but gets repetitive FAST. I'd recommend a pirate.

Fucking based, keep on dabbing on leddditors trying to shill their game.

just wondering, is KSP still banned in /egg/?

i might go with elite dangerous then, how is the ship customization in this game and hows the combat feel?

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Not sure about right now, but it was still definitely banned a few months ago.

no, its on the official "List of commonly discussed /egg/ games" now

Should've been an open-ended game with a massive galaxy instead of this bullshit "roguelike" faggotry.

where are all the 4chanish linear arcade fantasy games with photorealistic graphics made by triple AAA studios

I have a better game for you have you heard about Star Citzen its great and totally coming out soon.

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It's mechanics are indeed shallow akin to a boardgame, something the devs mentions himself. Simple 2D screens where you click on dots to progress and are presented by text events where you pick one of two choices. There's no real meta or mechanics that require explanation and every weapon types have an straightforward optimal way to be used since the battle mechanics are limited to clicking on a room and waiting, teleporting crew on board and waiting or a little bit of both. Resources are Scraps for everything except for fuel and ammo which can be bought with Scraps If you can learn how to play a RPG Sim in 5 minutes, it's definitely shallow. It's still a lot of fun for a few hours though.

ΔV: Rings of Saturn

Ship customisation is quite deep, based around different sizes and classes of modules depending on the weight and role of your ship. There's also an autistic grind for special stuff from rare engineers if you have the patience. Combat is what you make of it, PvE with all the flight assists on is fun but very straightforward and repetitive but once you learn to fly with assists off and start getting into PvP you end up feeling like some god-tier starfighter pilot. Just be ready to spend a lot of time outside the game researching builds etc. if you want to be competitive. Sometimes you're just going to run into autistic meta-obsessed sweaties who have 8 gorillion hours and fully engineered ships who are going to erase you but a lot of the time there's enough room for creativity and sneaky stuff like powering down to drop off people's sensors at the risk of being helpless, things like that. IMO if you approach it as a role-playing game and find your own playstyle instead of just following meta on everything it's one of the most immersive games ever made.

>Simple 2D screens where you click on dots to progress and are presented by text events where you pick one of two choices
Stopped reading there.

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How is that statement wrong ?

Anyone here played AI War: Fleet command? I've never seen anyone talk about this game on Yas Forums. I wouldn't call it an exploration game, though it's an important part of the game.
Essentially it's like Sins of a Solar Empire, except the AI plays by very different rules and the whole game feels like a campaign.

The idea is that humanity was backed into a corner and AI controls the whole galaxy, but he doesn't really give a fuck about killing you as long as you don't piss him off. Taking over his planets will piss him off quickly and you will get crushed.
The galaxy map is randomly generated with like 50-100 planets arranged in a complex wireframe and every planet can have something interesting on it, like a blueprint for a new ship, factories, resource caches, etc.

The way you can win is that you need to be picky about what planets you take and bypass as much as you can so you don't make the AI angry. You need to scout ahead and explore to find important planets, then send a raid fleet and take them over. It will be surrounded by hostile planets, so the game also plays like a turret defense where you have to defend multiple fronts.

i love grinding games so this is sounding even better. i probably wont research too much on meta cause i prefer to do things my way but its good to know. thanks friend, now im really excited

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I just got the sequel from humblebundle, I remember liking the first one but for some reason my attention span is fucked these days and I haven't had the patience to get into it.

How much food do you have left, chang?

You can't take the sky from me

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Nobody mentioned those games, retard.

Enjoy m8. It's worth saying, you can play it just fine with a mouse but even a cheap HOTAS setup will enhance it hugely.

This is what i assume i look like under the helmet in no mans sky. You know anyone able to survive and build alone in space has to be some sort of autistic.

Played it for about two days. Thought it was fun, but nothing revolutionary.

Played Starsector, and I enjoyed that way more. Personally I didn't care for either's combat but getting to command a fleet, be a smuggler, and running a planet outweighed how much I liked the choices you could get from FTL's events.

Both had mods though which was cool.

Into the Breach > FTL

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dont hate me for this but im playing this on ps4, i was really interested in it cause its on sale. if i like it enough ill probably buy a cheap hotas setup

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