Name a worse redesign

Name a worse redesign.

Attached: Chris-Redfield-Resident-Evil-7-625x352.jpg (625x352, 31.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's basically an older RE1 Chris

Is DmC overplayed? I kinda want to mention that one but god damn is it already been mentioned to death.

Not even close.

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he looks like a older version of re1 chris, whats wrong with that?

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They found a way to revert the effects of roids, so now he's now a battle-hardened RE1 Chris. He's fine.

These guys

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He said worse, not better.

>rad spencer

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Weak bait, user.

please this cant be real

He's Redfield

You're 15 years too late to stop it user.

Remember that one time when they turned Gilgamesh into a dark souls boss

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literally why

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I wouldn't call this a redesign, they're gonna toss this one away and give him a proper design when he appears again.

What were they thinking, jesus fucking christ.
but the Skylanders series is fine tho

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Not a bait.

>young conker.jpg


Is there a more boring, banal, trite, and dishonest take than this? Every single thread it's the same shit.

>complain about something in RE

How can you sleep at night knowing you're so slippery and dishonest in your own thinking? Don't you care about your own personal integrity?

Yea it was kinda cool honestly, fuck FFXV though.

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Honestly, give her the hair vents back and I'd be fine with it. It's a good outfit for her even if I like the granny skirt.

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Anything made by Diaz really

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Everything in pic related

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He looks like a human being now. Not some synthol injected mutant.

Takes the cake.

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>trying to portray Nomura as a competant designer and not someone who was just turning XV into a money pit as it tried to follow his ever changing whims

man wanted it to be a MUSICAL at one point

He's worse in every way.

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he wanted 1 scene to play like a musical you dumbass not the entire game. The redesigns were all shit, Tabata is a hack kill yourself.

Arcueid can have more than one outfit Ed, fuck you

Say what you will but the initial concept and design of the game was very strong before they fucked it all up and watered it down to what it is now.

>just your average looking marine ready to arrest you

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Everything on Tabata's side looks better though.

RE5 Chris was a beautiful CHAD, nuChris is a simp.

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The cover image doesn't even begin to show you how bad it is

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Worse redesign goes to "El exterminador de demonios"
Also Boulder Chris is the only canon Chris for me

Why the fuck can't we have exposed legs when we already have exposed tummy?

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Finished his section yesterday, it was fun fight me.
Looks like a Rule 34 fighter game character

>faggot on steroids
you should watch people competing for arnold classic so you become full faggot

cant upset the white ppl, japs gotta be on their toes

man that's really homoerotic

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they just slapped the name Gilgamesh to one of those generic samurai demons and called it a day

So glad I didn't play the DLC

Absolute territory

said nobody ever


one shitposting fanboy would disagree with your statement

I liked this though. especially the super edgy story that went along with it. Bomberman zero is 1000x better than nuGachaCoomerman

why coudlnt you let me forget this

this Spencer will always have a place in my heart if for MAHVEL than anything.

Skylanders itself was a fuckign mistake.

this was a really awful game

What game is that?


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I'm sorry but last time I checked this was a series about zombies and humans who can make themselves mutate into zombie monsters.

A roided bodybuilder is supposes to be immersion breaking now? Especially when Chris canonically used roids and spent years lifting and jacking himself up. THAT's supposed to be going too far in a series about zombies?

He's not even that big compared to actual IRL bodybuilders but Yas Forumstards exaggerate like he's well over 300lbs like Ronnie Coleman or something. He's about as big as an NFL footballer.

A cancelled Mega Man game.

Re5 chris was worst chris, get over it barafag.

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Tsukihime remake isnt even finalized yet

Right looks like a white man with stinky dreads