What gachas are you playing?

What gachas are you playing?

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None, because I'm not a loser who plays anime slot machines.

>on Yas Forums
>not a loser
Pick one

Fucking kill yourself if you play this garbage


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At least the gambling addicts play for the promise of more money, and not 2d trash waifus.

langrisser and 7DS.
>money > waifus
off yourself

How do these threads make anons mad?

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fuck off ironic weeb

I play pic related because I like the prioritization of collecting in trading rather than grinding.
The "gameplay" part of gachas are always the worst aspect. It's nice to have that cut out entirely.

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Lol no

For me, it’s “on Yas Forums“

None, I'm playing Ocarina of time on my phone currently.

Kill yourself

Please stop asking, user.

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Dokkan Battle

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Finally pulled Rossiya yesterday, I was starting to worry
This is why people tell me to save for events

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What's a gacha?

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fuck off gachaniggers

Games where you rely on RNG to get characters or gear

So literally every game with random drops?

Warframe but phone game

Yes, but you can pay for the currency used to roll



Gacha is a term often used to refer to japanese/chink/korean (anime styled) games with lootboxes (mostly phone games).
Warframe isn't a gacha, since it doesn't even have lootboxes.
Not all microtransactions are gacha.
The term comes from gachapon machines in japland, so you can figure it out by yourself.

Hi it's me, just letting you know Gacha games are actually Video Games that you can play and enjoy alongside any other Video Games.

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Dragalia fucking lost, bro. Time to uninstall that shit.

No way, I gotta get Gala Alex and craft her an Agito weapon day 1 like she deserves.

kinnikuman muscle shot
sometimes i like it but sometimes i hate it. trying to grind orbs and get ZA MAN before the gacha disappears

I don't, because I'm capable of searching for a character's lewds without hoping for them to appear from a lootbox. I guess this is a novel concept for the fucking retards that play this garbage though.

it's okay to admit you are bad at the game

Play Guardian Tales

It's like Spiral Knights, if any of you losers played that garbage

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Gachas have content though

Spiral Knights was good, you take that back

if its so good then why is it dead

checkmate, athiests

Symphogear XD

I need more Kirika

Last Origin's commercial was pretty cool, but the usual
>man what if this was an actual game


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sdorica, currently trying to max exceed Pang

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Based Pipple poster

None. I prefer Gachi

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Always save for events. Even that can't save you every time, though.

I wish Symphogear got an actual game.

Venus Vacation and SIFAS.

fuck off

That's in the title though

I actually only play gfl and fgo anymore

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>Puzzle and Dragons
>Duel Links
that's it

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does pokemon duel count as a gacha game? It has the style and monetization of one. Despite this, the game is pretty fun and it's sad to see it go.

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Supa Mario Sellout World.

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Kill yourself

That fat bastard already sold out to the kinolymics, black hedgehogs, and chinese prostitution agencies.

Nah, fuck gachas

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I play Pokemon Masters for catching all the cute girls, but other than that I play Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls, mostly because Lucy is cute!

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What game?

Which gacha has the best cunny?

I'm beginning to think Dokkan rewards me for cheating. I always transfer my data back to the real version whenever I summon on anything. I pulled Int Gohan and Str Cooler within the first multi on their banners, and just recently I went again on the Cooler banner because I really want Namek Goku. I didn't get Namek Goku, but I got an Str Cooler dupe, a Meta Cooler Dupe, and my first copy of Phy Cooler.

Mr Kim

The one where you do a backflip off the Empire State Building in real life.


Nice. I only did 2 multis on the cooler banner but I got him on the second. Didnt pull for futhan at all. I'm trying to save as much as possible even though I think the saiyan day unit will be too good to skip.

Got a new phone so I started playing Honokai, honestly shocked with just how it plays but what's the pay system like? Is it fucking scummy or is it like every other Chinese gacha game where you can get everything yourself. Also which characters have the big tiddies

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Imagine being a legit brainlet who enjoys gachas


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this but unironically