Playing metro exodus

>playing metro exodus
>you apparently get the bad ending for killing cultists and cannibals holding guns because they are just misguided people.
Oh nooo would someone please think of the poor man eaters! Ohh not the heckin innocent soldierino!!

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I'm pretty sure it's just the killing of the slaves in the desert that affects that. The cannibals and cultists doesn't affect it, do they?

The cultists do apparently even though they have ak 47s lol.

Just looked it up and apparently you're just supposed to avoid conflict overall. Which is annoying, because refraining from killing the slavers in the desert and bandits in Volga would definitely lead to more suffering and atrocities being done in the area. I hate the logic of "you have to be a complete pacifist to be morally good". There's no sense in it. Not making a decision is another decision in of itself.

>literally all metro games punished you for not stealthing through it or even ghosting
>killing was always the bad choice considering the ending
>thinking THIS time it will be different

Based Ukrainian logic. Don't fight demented Biden. Let him do as he pleases.

Caring about endings when youtube exists.

Bad ending is
Artyum dies
Good ending is
Artyum lives

I wish I could play this but it's based on books written by a jew.

>being this brainwashed by Yas Forums

You can kill slavers and bandits all day long and you still get the good ending.

They pulled this shit with the second game as well. Doesn't matter, the first game is the only one that matters.

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>Miller sacrifices himself for Artyom and the rest

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>turn the other cheek mentality
Of course a jew was behind it. Just like Dishonored.

Why would you shoot the cultists after you were specifically told by Miller, Anna, and Katya to avoid bloodshed? Of course you'll get the bad ending for doing bad shit.

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Hit me in the feels.

>brainwashed by Yas Forums
I don't have to be Yas Forums to know the truth, Schlomo. And I'm not brainwashed in any way if I'm antisemitic.

good ending/bad ending are stupid concepts in games anyway.

you're stupid

I killed all the russhits. Even the russhitwomen and the russhitchildren. And in the end, my character, also a russhit, died. Good ending.

Damn I always disliked that fag but goddamn did he turn his character around in the second half of Exodus.
The whole bus scene at the end was pure Kino.
>the Music while Kirill telling you what Miller did in his last hour.
Damn boy...

>won't play a game because it is based on a book written by a jew
>not brainwashed

You should play the Two Colonels DLC

Miller is even more based than you think.

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You don't though. I killed everyone who was a threat to me, I just don't kill them when they give up and I got the good ending.

That ending segment is one of the best in a game that I've ever played.

Imagine not even being able to use fucking google correctly. Don't kill people who surrender and don't kill the slaves, and you get the good ending.

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i get an ending that's more interesting than "muh world is saved, i'm good guy.." but it's the "bad" ending so fuck me, right?

I did and Klebnikov was also based and made me feel for him

Source on Dmitry Glukhovsky being jewish? He studied in Israel for a few years but that doesn't mean anything unless you also think every nonwhite who has ever stepped foot in europe europe is white.

Wouldnt killing them just make you as bad as them?

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What the fuck are you talking about


>While talking about the experience, he said: "I have become a fan of Israel after living there, not that I started feeling myself a Jew, but I definitely started feeling an Israeli

>play the fun way
>Get the bad ending
Yep, that is the mark of an absolutly horrible fucking game. Good thing I started the franchise with Metro 2033 so I realized how shit and overhyped it was from the beginning and didn`t have to bother with the rest of the franchise.

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>unless you also think every nonwhite who has ever stepped foot in europe europe is white.
This. Germanics aren't European.

>guy kills 11,111 people
>"But if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him!"

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That's correct.

the game only gives you bad boy points for killing a few groups, but the game does a really shitty job of explaining it so most people stick with the boring ass non-lethal takedowns to err on the safe side

in the Moscow level, you aren't supposed to kill anyone until the scripted train sequence, it's okay after that
in the Volga level, it's okay to shoot the bandits, but not the cultists
you can kill all the cannibals in the cannibal level
in the Caspian level, it's okay to kill slavers in the scripted attack on the lighthouse, and i think it's generally okay to kill them apart from the first one that you have the QTE fistfight with. not triggering a firefight at the top of the base during the end of the chapter actually counts as the bad choice
in the pioneer level, you can kill the bandits again

still, i think it's a retarded approach, an FPS shouldn't discourage you from having firefights. if you can't have firefights, all you're left with is a walking simulator with a barebones stealth mechanic

>if you kill your enemy, they win
I wonder who is behind this post

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fuck off, tripfag

>He doesnt look up 100% guides before he plays any game

Thats a yikes from me


>he needs a guide to 100 percent

>I have become a fan of Israel after living there
>not that I started feeling myself a Jew
Isn't Israel the right wing ethnostate Yas Forumstards wish they could have for whites?


Seeing retards complain about bad endings for killing people will never not be funny. First Dishonored, now this. lmao

I don't even why they rage like that.
Just play the game normally and see the bad ending. If you want to see another one, you can actually try or watch a video.

desu i almost agree with neocons on the J question
i wish all the best for Israel, i feel genuine sympathy for them, i just want Jews to fuck off and stop stirring shit up in my country

If you kill 1 killer, the amount of killers in the worlds stays the same.
That's why you have to aim for the high score.

Just Google "*his name* jewish"
>Firstly, his father was Jewish and because of this he had some familiarity with Judaism.
By looking at him my intuition also says he's jewish and Jews are always behind "no kill" gimmicks.

Exactly. Try subverting more, Schlomo.

Judaism is passed on from the mother retard, he wouldn't be considered jewish in israel.

that's hard to do if you're a completionist autist
if the game like Dishonored suggests that a non-lethal ghost walkthrough is the proper one, then i'll stick to that even if i have less fun that way
similarly, having Artyom die at the end feels like you failed, even if the bad ending is much better written

Is that actually number from the game?
Just like (9)11

I don't know what you are talking about, I killed a ton of the actual bad guys and still got the good ending.
Are you sure you didn't go full spaz and just kill everyone indiscriminately?

You can murder the cannibals all you want, they don't contribute to the pussywhipped status karma system. That said it's retarded how they ditched the good boy points for exploring / interacting / listening to people in this game which usually gave you more leeway when it comes to gunning people down.

It's not about killing, it's about doing something that isn't fun.
This is Dishonored and also Metro (I didn't play it) have terrible game design.

>By looking at him my intuition also says he's jewish and Jews are always behind "no kill" gimmicks.
He wasn't behind it though, in the original book the bad ending is canon you fucking mongoloid.


I fucking HATE reddit/youtube users so fucking much

Ehy not just watch the good ending on youtube?

Finding nonlethal methods are fun in dishonored though and often require you to actually explore the level and look for details.
Hell they're usually far more fucked up than the lethal options too, like sending the brothers to the mines or selling that chick as a sex slave to her stalker.

Whatever jewed laws they have in Israel, a jew is a jew even if his mother isn't Jewish but the father is.

its ironic retard
Also nice double space redditor.

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I don't give a fuck, you idiot. What I'm saying is that there's always a jew behind no kill rules.
Not true. It requires you to study the level to not get seen. Which is boring as fuck.

What can I say,, cockholes have a strange feel of justice

>Game that you paid for punishes you for playing it they way you want.

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