How would you make a Doctor Who game ?

How would you make a Doctor Who game ?

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By having shit graphics and outstanding everything else. I guess that makes pic unrelated.

I don't think I would.

>not at least 50% of people black
must be fake
BBC would never allow this

wait nevermind, I didn't realise the girl behind her was black LOL

I would make it start with the Doctor becoming a fat sassy black women. Then i would just make it follow all the most hated story lines from the show.

The girl is Indian, you racist.

Idk she look at least quadroon to me. are you sure she isnt black?

By focusing on the really important things.
Such as feminism and LGBQWERTY++ representation

I'm sure.

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Is that the only people you want to represent!? You disgust me.

Dear lord thats horrifying close up. Why would you post that user this isnt /x/

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>Doctor Whore has yellow sonic
>Rey has yellow lightsaber
Why is yellow the go-to female color in woke media?

Lizzo Sleeps No More: The Game

Huh? Wasn't the doctor always a man?

Fund it

No, the Doctor was born as a black girl. This is canon now.


I can't tell if you are serious or not

That was only when he was brainwashed by the time lord patriarchy. The Doctor was actually born a black woman.

Thats how for the show has declined. Its so depressing i just want to pretend nothing after David Tennant happened.

Man, what a shit show, they knew retards will see it anyway AND this is paid by the goverment so they can get away with anything, they can't be fired for being woke and they can't be fired for poor ratings

>The series got so bad after the second half of season 6 to the point where I stopped watching at the beginning of season 8
>looks like it's getting even worse by the episode.

Goddamn, what the hell went wrong? I don't mind femDoc or anything like that. Moffat fucked everything up.

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The series got so bad it killed the who general on tv.

There's one up right now

Does that mean the first doctor was actually post-regeneration?
Fucking ridiculous.

She's a pajeet

David Tenant is a shit actor

She's a strong independent female of color that got butchered by another strong independent woman (but not of color)

True, but he's still better than everyone in OP's image combined except maybe Bradley Walsh.

Perhaps, but the script writing was at its peak.

They hate ginger women. They're replacing mostly redheads with everything else and it's the blond's doing, because no one hates women as much as other women.

bradders deserved better than this

Anyone else waiting for the day when the Dr being a women isnt woke enough and is made into a tranny. At the rate things are going i expect it in the next 2 seasons.

Wtf? Doctor who is a now a lesbian ?

Yeah no agenda at all guys

I wouldn't, fucking normalfag

Make a puzzle solving game featuring the first doctor as he goes through time and solves alien fuck ups in different parts of history

I don't. I don't even know how this broke ass shit has a following.

>parents start watching at start of this season
>They have never even watched a single episode from any previous seasons
>keep asking me if I have watched it and telling me how good it is

If it's not that it's some basic normalfag shit on netflix. They know my wife and I almost exclusively watch anime so I don't know why they keep asking us this shit, these days I just smile and tune them out as soon as I hear the words "Did you watch...?"

It doesn't, any following this show has had in the past has fucked off after the past two seasons.

Yeah the writers havent figured out that people dont like shows that not only shit all over the established lore but also directly insult the fanbase. I just wish it would die already.

>I just wish it would die already.
It won't, why would they fire the director? Ratings don't matter becouse all of that is goverment money and and they can't fire him becouse he's woke, that would be racist

Why do normies always start from the latest entry in everything? do they star books halfway through too?

Its infuriating. We need to bring back gatekeeping

Thats just depressing.

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I wouldnt, it's a terrible series

I went through this shit with my folks and game of thrones.

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Unirronically my favourite doctor

>yellow sonic

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Good taste.

God that fucking poster was done so fucking terribly. You can fucking clearly tell where the hem on her stupid coat is on the picture, they did a pisspoor job at this.

Christopher Eccleston was the best doctor

Is that real or are you being sarcastic? I can't tell anymore, those freaks need to stop bothering everyone with their own shit

Paul McGann would like a word with you, but yes he is a very good 2nd best

>Christopher Eccleston was kino
>David Tennant was kino
>Matt Smith was Reddit cringe in carnate
>Peter Capaldi was a great actor with a shit writer
>Jodie Whittaker is mild at best with some of the worst writing the series has ever seen

It gets worse
The Time Lords aren't the result of time mutation as River Song would suggest, they were the creation of one ancient Galifreyan woman who analysed the regeneration of a child from another unknown universe.
That child was the Doctor and because of that the Doctor actually has an infinite amount of regens and the other time lords regularly erase his memory to stop him from discovering this shit
It's fucking ridiculous.

It really wouldn't make for a good game at all. I feel like the best fit would be some shit that's like what David Cage makes.

Sexable Jenna Coleman

>People who dropped the show before Capaldi are now watching it and admiting his era was kino.

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I only know him from that famous music video.

weirdly even his black lesbian assisstant felt better writing than the current runs.

Haven't watched this show since 2012. Did turning the doctor into a woman really kill it?

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