Here is your co op buddy for the night bro

Here is your co op buddy for the night bro

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Is that the same take as bullyhunter?

did bullyhunters had braindead paypigs supporting it?

>Become an E-Girl's finally our time

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I already paid a girl on Fiverr to play Overwatch with me. She refused to play as any role other than healer and wasn't even good at that. She had a cute voice though.

There is literally nothing wrong with exploiting an adult's sexual impulses.

as long as they are mentally sound and fully willingly indulging themselves yes

Its morally wrong and I'm still wondering how muh till american boomers catch up with this and try to add some tax or something to this

simps allowed this to happen

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this is a total embarrassment.

Mentally sound isn't accurate. The president of the United States can be argued as not mentally sound, while a tranny who lops off his dick and then wants to kill themselves is considered mentally sound.

Yas Forums allowed this to happen.

Why would I pay to have shit team mates when I can get them for free?

you don't know ESL-kun but they did sell a few headphones

>Pay to Lose

what an ugly bunch of hags

Its not the same...
iirc one of the leads of bullyhunters ended up doing bodypainting on twitch.

>Bullyhunters go out of business
>Bullyhunters become e-thots
I can already see the corruption doujin.

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what /vg/ general?

Can I solicit erp on that site? Asking for a friend.


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>trying to turn e-girl into a positive word

Literally whores.

simps? as in simpletons?

Anyone who wants to play video games with girls has never had the displeasure of doing so

is this an escort service?? what are their rates?

there's also literally nothing wrong with exploiting a child's sexual impulses

>muh morals
uhhh yeah bro i think you took a wrong turn somewhere because this isnt facebook

It’s only going to get worst. You should have listened

how are the simpsons involved?

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omega males were a mistake

What the fuck do you want me to do? I don't watch their "content", I don't give them money, I don't shill for them, I barely know they exist beyond the pictures of them milking dumb betas.

>guys are avaible

Thirsty paypigs are almost as cancerous as females themselves.

>Moon Moon taking the piss

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Even at my lowest points I have never considered giving money to stream whores
Why do people do it? They even donate money in the thousands to them.

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When is E-Trap launching?

actually yes.
Simps is a slang term that is just short for simpleton, but it also implies a degree of being overly desperate for women

e-girl (male) covers all your needs breh

whites allowed this to happen

This shit is fake, isn't it?
Can't find it on google and it's way too surreal.

Sometimes I play L4D and NSMB with my wife and I have fun.

it's a double meaning
simp can be short for a simpleton idolizing women for the sake of idolizing women or it can stand for Suckas Idolizing Mediocre Pussy

I only download indie shit to play it with grills, guacameme was fun with a girl I was dating

Would rather pay a bro to play with me, you could freely crack jokes and banter. The games would be better too i imagine.
But i dont see that any cool dudes would use this shit.

how am I expected to sympathize with betas when they enable this shit instead of making themselves worth something more?

>I’m a weeb-noob.... Please carry me senpai~
Based moon moon

The rise of egirl are one of the few things i genuinely like about modern culture tho. I support this and i want to spread even more.

it would get really funny when virtual thot like kizuna Ai steps in and drives out the 3D one

more like exploiting loneliness

>Get anime girl avatar and voice changer
>Dominate E-Girl site, rake in more money than the thosts

>all those anime avatars

i should do this shit too. i could do some niche games, total warhammer or vermintide or something.


>going your way out to make some shitty fake website just to shitpost on Yas Forums

>anime profile pictures
>no specified gender

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I was told the ebonic meaning for it is similar to thot in that it stands for "sucker idolizing mediocre pussy" but most people seem to not use it as shorthand for anything and just use it to mean thirsty beta.

i'm an animefag but there is no defense at this point, the jokes write themselves

will I be able to find a gf(male) through this?

i don't know but it seems like you can find a full blown bf there:

I play sandbox games with my kids and competitive games with my bros. What games would I want to play games with a thot?

>Pay money to pretend that a girl cares about you and your interests.

This is the ultimate. This is even more temping than sex. My God.

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I cant even like new anime and I started to hate every weeb faggot. even one of my close friends.

You dumb fucks. A simp is one who simpers, to be deceptively ingratiating to invite favours or special treatment.


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Why? It will ruin everything

>Dude pay to play with a mediocre teammate lmao

I see no problem here.
This desu. If anyone has a problem with this, don't buy it. But fuck me, if somebody wants to pay to play with someone let 'em and even more if somebody pays YOU to play with them, fuck me, godspeed to them.

Russian roulette with 6 bullets. Since you're a gentleman you let the lady go first.

There is not even the slightest people who are using simp have heard the word simper before.

how much would you be willing to pay?

No shit, they're just copying others.

Sounds like dating to me.

What the hell is a simp? I keep seeing that word thrown around especially towards mordecai from regular show

Also that's not even what the word means according to google. A simper is a coy smile.

saying that makes you not mentally sound

>He doesn't know

Finally, e-scorts.

Like what? Twitch and lets plays? Good.

>4 dollars a game

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't MOBA games like over 40 minutes long? This does not sound very lucrative.

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I know there's one dominating on a lewd stream site
however that's still rare, expecting more popping up soon

its the cuck of 2020

The difference between this and dating a girl is that she'l at least pretend to give a shit about you and what you're interested in.

It's one of them monkeys in the jungle, innit.

Good God I would love to rent a e girl just so we can play some comfy coop games together.

God I'm so fucking lonely. Why are women so hard to talk to when you're fat and ugly.

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How come there is 0 buzz about this? you think feminist and sjw groups would be super buttmad about this

It's the exact polar opposite of Bully Hunters.
Which is why this will be a massive success.

>how does language work
They act in a simpering manner. You'll also see google has an example showing it as a descriptor for speech.

If it is 4-5 dollars a game, these people are making less than minimal wage to play games with actual autists

Twitter nigger lingo. Ignore and report everyone who uses it.

>all top e-scorts are women
How do we encourage men to take part?

Moon Moon is kinda cute desu

get unfat maybe you will get lucky and get unugly too

Shoutout to simps

>create a party with 4 betas simultaneously so you make 16 dollars a game
>play extremely shitty so you can surrender as soon as possible

ah yes, omega males, my favourite video game.

>no tits

>I'm Laura, I suck at this game