What was the consensus
What was the consensus
The guns were okay but too copypasted and the unique variants were useless, I liked their substitution for VATS, the rest was the fucking worst
I'm playing it right now and liking it. There is a lot of plot. The colors suck.
The character customization is decent. The character design sucks. Ellie has shit hair and Pakari which looks good even if not White seems to be lesbian. I wonder if there are romance options.
4 hours
>There is a lot of plot
Oh no
>I wonder if there are romance options
Oh no no no no no
>weapons are boring
>areas aren't particularly fleshed out because they're separate entities entirely
>everything is corporations bad, not much to make you think there might be any underlying good
>short as hell for an "ambitious RPG"
extremely short, and the only way to have fun is by being ruthlessly evil and killing all the stupid reddit/tumblr characters and would-be companions with a revolver.
Fucking garbage i pirated it and couldn't even be bothered to finish it. The story was so generic i dont even remember what happens in it and i did force myself to get pretty far into it hoping it would get better before i just got to bored and stopped playing.
Its ,i completed it and looking back i realized there was not a single moment of satisfaction,it was all a chore
whos this guys name again?
your side quest to get your dyke mechanic some pussy is longer than the original story
no guns
no enemies
no interesting character development
no gear
all budget wasted on queer agenda and decent voice acting
>All quality content is front loaded into the first 2-3 hours.
>No build variety, character building in general is disappointing.
>The setting looks interesting but has no depth once you get past the frontier era optics.
>Story is bland beyond belief.
>Actual game is meh.
>Guns are meh.
>Enemies are meh.
>Level design is meh.
This would have been okay but forgettable for some mid tier slav or euro $30 title. A fucking disappointment from obsidian.
American Alejandro
>Makes you do a galaxy-wide shopping spree spending your money on her shit
>Gives you ZERO monetary compensation, NO items, just a chunk of useless fucking XP at the end
I ordered her to beat her gay lover to death with a hammer personally and told everyone on the ship to fuck off before the final mission for that.
it was boring trash with bat plot and lackluster gameplay but contrarians ate it up because they're convinced that it puts bethesda on suicide watch despite not even being made by the same people who made new vegas
i don't accept your gaming development so i better show my disappointment through my vocal cords and eyebrow movement
>attempt to create CAPITALISM BAD atmosphere
>actually end up with an accurate representation of communist china
bravo, obsidian tranny writer force
It's worth one playthrough. Very shallow compared to Fallout.
Boring and mediocre. Not even worth pirating.
bros... should we tell him?
>no romance options
>every single female NPC is a lesbian bulldyke with an attitude, no exceptions whatsoever
>game literally makes you set up a lesbo date with your dyke party member to progress
>gunplay is generic as fuck, also has fewer weapons than Fallout 4 somehow
>washed out graphics from the PS360 era
>every world feels the same
It's a 6/10 game, boys.
user, please stop describing exactly how my experience went. It's creepy.
The funniest part is the engineer bitch you hook her up with is a complete cunt towards you. After she insulted me for the fiftieth time I just shot her in the head but then Parvati or whatever her name was got pissed off and disappeared from the game. It was so lazy too. In NV at least when a companion turns on you for being a complete monster they actually attack you and you can kill them, in this game she just straight up vanishes after the dialogue finishes unless you keep her in your party with a high enough speech check.
>game literally makes you set up a lesbo date with your dyke party member to progress
Optional, apart from that pretty on spot
I hated the color palette, but the gunplay was ok
the gameplay is archaic, it's still literally just fallout 3, which is basically oblivion with guns
the writing reeks of talentless soulless women.
Terrifyingly mediocre, so meh it makes other average games look good
Same. Was very boring. Plot was confusing. Just stopped playing as I started getting fetch quests and got bored.
its sjw feminazi shit
>every woman is an ugly feminazi with dyke hair
>all the positions of power are muh strong wominz and the few that are men, its muh evil corporate white cis male
>rest of men are low tier slaves, retards or cucks
>every planet is muh evil corporation vs the good hippie rainbow communist snowflakes
>the companions are a brown turbo lesbian dyke, a yasss queen, a scientologist, a cuck and a pirate medic (the only one passable)
it's pretty good. main issue is as you play the game you realize they could have done much more in every category but they played it safe. guns, enemies, loot, stats, just about everything felt too basic and safe. Worth 1 full playthrough
no enough guns to even justify an ok
Nathan Drake
Peepee poopoo
I never once felt like I was in space travelling around from planet to planet. The ship is just a glorified loading screen.
this man seen the light
the plot is boring as fuck
it all boils down to corpo bad
that pickle rick dude is a saint, would've been real cool if he had some ulterior motives or some dark secret. that "reveal" we got is fucking garbage.
It's even worse than Fallout 3.
>You now have to go through a loading screen to get to the loading screen.
What a time to be alive.
it's kinda enjoyable but feels like a story that was artificially inflated and too short at the same time?
The gunplay is absolute trash, making a talky schmoozy guy is pretty much the only way to play.
Hungry Jose
He's a huge fag he had a mental breakdown when trump won and called out half his fan base . Lost all respect for him that day. He's also become way more of a shill. I don't trust the guy
I would have been fine with no romance if one of the game's biggest quests didn't involve you having to get two dykes together. Also come on, you're in a spaceship full with three potential women and you're telling me that not a single one even entertains the thought of fucking you? Even your own on ship AI cucks you.
>wake up all the scientists
>"ahw yeah, now for the second half of the game, working with the scientists, facing moral quandries, who to save and who to allow to di-"
>game just ends right there
>What was the consensus
that your mother is a whore
For me the lore of back story of the game weren't easy to follow and the atmosphere just seemed off. It was just too colourful and bubbly for my liking. Other than that, it was okay.
That would have required decent writing.
lmao i forgot there was a third female in that ship. That nig was completely forgettable. Who thought it was a good idea for a person's main character trait to be "hurr durr imma get drunk and pass out all day."
Pretty good from what I've played.
Texture take way too long to load on ps4 though and even when they do, a lot or absurdly low res.
>>game literally makes you set up a lesbo date with your dyke party member to progress
Bullshit, I beat the game with literally no party at all.
I think the entire village would agree on that
Every character in the game is a one note character.
not as good as Prey
They downplay it so hard. He was obsessed and crazy. The PC was the only fucking successful revival. Realistically there was no way to guarantee he could revive all the colonists and that the one time wasn't just a fluke.
They never even justify everyone squandering the time they bought with the LEP in the corporate ending. They just make it so bad. Complete lack of gray in either ending was bullshit.
that's a given, but how does it compare to Fallout 4
It's way shorter, so at least they got that right.
>What was the consensus
that Obsidian can't into original IPs
The robot isn't even that.
I'm gonna feel real sorry for you if it turns out you're not pretending
I meant that there are many subplot. And it is the first rpg I'm enjoying.
it truly was no man's sky
Starts out good and then takes deep dive into shit town.