Is it time to buy gamestop?

Is it time to buy gamestop?

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what the fuck is happening

are we experiencing another 2008

can't wait to pay $1.20 for gas again

Gamestop stock is going to 0, mate. Don't fall for Yas Forums memes

have you watched the news or read a newspaper or talked to anyone or walked outside your house in the last 2 months user?

Have you been living under a rock? People can't even find supplies at the markets. It's literally the apocalypse.
>Hurr no happenings ever happened so this one won't too durr

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>It's literally the apocalypse.

just in time delivery with jobs outsourced to china means the supply chain is fucked with china shut down




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>Investing in a failing business that will only continue to see declining sales as faster internet speeds increase across the nation thanks to Elon Musk's low-orbit satellites

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Saudis did what Saudis does best, Fuck with the Oil Economy to get an edge in their new war against Russia, US and now brazil, in this case, fucking worldwide economy by using the Wuhan Mass Hysteria to put OPEP on the top again.

its 1991 and 2009 all over again

No, that was obummer being an incompetent fuckwit and/or profiteering traitor.
This is a mediocre flu that the media is overhyping as an attack on the president.

I'm a Trump supporter. You're retarded

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>H1N1 kills up to 18,000 burgers in 2009
>infects something like 59,000,000
>no one gives a shit
>new virus kills a few dozen
Very interdasting. Well it’ll blow over before long so whatever.

>tfw portfolio has been 25% cash for years
Time to buy some cheap ass index funds when this knife is done falling, just like I did in 2009. Crashes are when fortunes are made.

This. I missed out on 2009 a bit so I’m hype for this one.

lol, 2008? 2020 will make 1929 look like a joke

Mass Hysteria user
Someone wants to take a lot of profit using the virus scaremongering, and somehow the virus is hitting china, iran and recently Italy who opened lots of deals of commerce with China.

At this rate you will be able to buy GameStop

>Guys Swine Flu's gonna kill us all! Gibs us money and shut everything down for a week so we can... fix it! Yeah that's it!
>Now we have Bird Flu!
>Mad Cow Disease!
It's the same shit as global warming/cooling/climate change. First we were gonna have a New Ice Age, then permanent acid rain, our soil was going to be unable to grow anything ever again, now we're all apparently going to be underwater in 5 years despite the biggest propogandists of climate change recently buying oceanfront properties.

>Chinese created it as a political (and possibly economic) tool
>"somehow" it's hitting china

Obongo wasn't even in office when that shit started, he wasn't even the president elect, shit the dems hadn't even started their caucuses and primaries yet.

You're supposed to buy stocks of beatdown companies that can recover but GS is about to go out of business and those stocks will be worthless.

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Are you a youngfag? This is obviously worse than all of those if you lived through them.

nigger the market already went even lower than in 2008. Feds are literally using your tax money to bail out those companies right now.

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fake news

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I'd say so. GME short squeeze incoming. Stock is almost 100% shorted and short sellers are gonna skyrocket this shit up to ~4.20 soon. This piece of shit company is hopefully gonna go bankrupt soon so sell this shit off when it reaches 4.20 as fast as you can.

Winnie the flu is killing the economy.

Yeah, that tweet obviously means the dow hasn't fucking plummeted between China getting impacted by a highly contagious virus, who a shitton of people outsource to, and now this oil fiasco.

The propoganda is worse than the others because this time all of the msm news hates the president rather than support him.
Right now the mortality rate of just confirmed Corona cases is far lower than Eboma's.
However there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people who think they just have the flu or maybe a headcold, but actually have the Coronavirus and never find out because they're not that sick so they don't need to see a doctor.

>the market already went even lower than in 2008
Are you retarded, a liar, or both? The DJIA lost 50% of its value in the 2008 crash, the DJIA would have to drop to 15k to even match that and we're at 24k.

This is not gonna be an economic crash retards. In 2008 the Dow Jones dropped to around 6000, right now it is still around 24,000. We are not even close to 2008. We are still massively ahead of 2016, 4 years ago. Even if the market ends up dropping another 5,000 before it stabilizes, which is unlikely, it will still be at 19,000 - over 2,000 points higher than 2016 and 13,000 points higher than the 2008 crash. Stop being so desperate for a happening. At most we are heading for a very minor and short recession, most likely we don't even enter a recession at all.

>Climate change denier
What the fuck do you think, user?

I'm just thrilled for the opportunity to buy in again, the market has been so hot for so long that I abstained and waited for a correction.

I’m already paying $1.93 for gas.

Refute him.

Someone please nuke Yas Forums, I can't even get a laugh out of the recent election their because you faggots have turned into /x/ 2.0
>inb4 but they already were derr
If you faggots want OH YES HABBENING PLEASE KILL ME ALREADY to happen so much then just fucking kill yourselves already

The corona virus has a .1% mortality rate for young adults, basically 0% for healthy young adults. The only people dying in any significant number are people age 65+ with health conditions. Only 10% of cases even need to be hospitalized, most people can just stay home and ride it out.

but if we kill ourselves we'll miss an actual happening

>The only people dying in any significant number are people age 65+ with health conditions.

lmao what shithole do you live in?

>maple bucks are crashing
Too bad our entire economy is based on selling homes to rich foreigners

China announced the situation late so from the start the virus has been spreading everywhere without anyone noticing. Containment was never an option. If it was cataclysmic we would have seen evidence of it.
That said, there are some things that need to be done. It does hit old people hard so keep it away from retirement homes or the hospitals will be full of dying boomers who will crowd everyone else out. But if that can be accomplished we're in the green. Also Asians need to be careful because they have significantly more of the ACE-2 receptor this thing binds to.

>purchase GameStop
>turn it into an internet cafe that sells food
>charge $10 for an hour of play on any platform
>install fortnite
>sponsor some players
Bam, you'd literally make triple the amount GameStop currently makes

>death to boomers
very nice

it's literally a boomer plague. But that's a problem because those fucks control most everything, so they're going to freak out and take shit down with them.

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Everything is made in china which go figure is a bad plan. And the Saudi's are fucking with Oil. Meanwhile we got doomsday retards while life outside major citys filled with disgusting people is perfectly fine.

and the partnerships will come rolling in

pic related

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im so sick of this shit already.

>corona virus omg

how about you people just stop being dirty fucks and spreading diseases

Based Yas Forums poster shitting on the Yas Forumsfags with facts

>they are either going to take everything down with them as they die or take it down and make it worse and worse slowly
just rip the band-aid off

>was at 30k two weeks ago
>went down 7k points
Oh no

>day trading
I bet you also buy crypto lmao

>still higher than the start of 2019.
Oh no, we're all gonna die.

Boomer plague sounds like a neat idea on paper until you realize they make up the majority of whites in most of the West.

>People can't even find supplies at the markets
Imagine still paying to live in a large city

Hey, I need advice. Gonna start trading. What should I buy in to?

Not just them but also chinks, who coincidentally also control everything. And you wonder why there's so much hysteria around

how does obama fuck up the economy when he wasn't even in office until 2009
are you fucking retarded

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gamestop is not going back up

I'm beginning to understand why Yas Forums is so hyped about this virus. It's like their will made manifest.

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Wait until the market crashes then spread your money wide across many mutual funds

you can always find a way to blame someone before your favorite president if it suits you or blame the current one if you don't like him if it suits you

Why mutual over index? Sorry, still learning.

All of the corporations outsourced all of their jobs to China, but now that China is on lockdown due to the coronavirus, production over there has essentially ground to a halt, which means the supply chain is fucked

i live in a large city, and every aisle of every store is fully stocked still

How do I into stocks?

>go to local walgreens
>purell hand sanitizer completely bought out
Oh god, what the fuck do I do bros?!?!

You low IQ retards still worshiping this senile old faggot? You can get a shot for the flu retard

The average Yas Forums user is obsessed with this because almost everyone there hates their life and is massively detached from society. They actively want the end of the world to happen, this has been the case since at least the election and they had happening threads literally every other week. Combine that with outsider interest groups wanting to sway discussion away from the election as much as possible and you basically have an entire board dedicated to meme virus discussion

An index fund is a kind of mutual fund. Just buy the largest mutual fund in the world, VTSAX. Easy peasy.

So? They're all gonna die soon anyway. Whites are a minority anyway. Whites have dominated at making the best countries despite being minorities anyway. Fuck the boomers. Coronachan will save us trillions by not having to care for their old asses for another 20 years.

Will there be internet during incoming collapse? Will I be able to download steam games that I PAYED FOR ALREADY? Should i hoard physical game copies? Let's be honest no new games are going to be made, cyberpunk will never reach dayligt when there wont be CDPR anymore.

Funny you should say that, robinhood awarded me a stock in GameStop this morning, which I thought was worthless (worth a good laugh though).
Here’s hoping that $4.00 goes back to $40 in 5 or so years

>Needing special soap to keep your hands clean
>Not just running burning water over your hands

I bet they bought a dusk mask too

You'd need that with all the fat kids who would be using the equipment

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ahhhh, that makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Hopefully the gaming industry will crash for good this time.

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Yas Forums has always been the HAPPENING board

>faster internet speeds increase across the nation thanks to Elon Musk's low-orbit satellites
Current ISPs will never allow this to happen.

>guys the dow jones is really high higher than it was last time bad things happened itll be ok!!!
you retards do realize the dow jones is pretty much a completely arbitrary number and has been since 2009