Dark.......... SOULs 2

Dark.......... SOULs 2

Attached: Dark Souls II pursuer.webm (1200x675, 2.93M)

i was waiting for him to default dance

>tfw beat him without realizing I could use the gun

Yes, that is how you are supposed to defeat the Pursuer.


Attached: Dark Souls II dragno rider.webm (1500x844, 2.49M)

Attached: Dark Souls II need a hand.webm (1300x731, 2.97M)

That legit happened to me once

wtf i have never seen this happen

Out of all the time I played this game I don't remember this happening at all

there's wierd not well known stuff like that everywhere in Dark Souls, like how you can cut every single dragon's tail (even tho they don't drop anything).

meant to say Dark Souls II specifically

dark souls 1 did it better

>dark souls 1
lol more like dark souless 1

Attached: dark_souls_screen_filter_4.webm (1200x675, 2.88M)

>different zones have different ambience

woooooooooooow dbroken game

Isnt that the case in DS1 too?

Why does dark souls 1 look way better graphically than dark souls 2

Yes, this is how you are supposed to defeat the Dragonrider.


Fuck Soul Memory. I will never not be mad about how that fucked up online.

Attached: WTF Heresy.jpg (1024x1024, 68.7K)

Yes but in DS1 most things drop weapons when you cut off their tails.

its amazing, its like an arcade version of dark souls

b team had to make sure the game could run at 60 fps

what the fuck I never knew this

is that supposed to be totalbiscuit

>games so dogshit devs put in free kills on bosses
yikes lol

Yeah the Wyvern really was shit

Though each one has its own flaws and some are more flawed than others, I've still thoroughly enjoyed every souls game

>had to make sure the game could run at 60 fps
on a ps3*

Attached: 1583267424177.jpg (699x485, 59.88K)

Throwing a different color filter is a pretty lazy way to affect a different ambience

DS3 is garbage though, it's the only fromsoft game I ever dropped other than evergrace.

Same I couldnt bother finishing DS3. I dont know how people like it over the other Souls games.

God I love that game

this is canon btw

wait is this not what's supposed to happen? i did a few times doing this boss and every time his hand fell off, i thought it was normal lel


flippy spamroll is not entertaining gameplay

>tfw i could never get the setup and hit him with the arrow
getting it off is probably harder than 90% of the rest of the game

Love dark souls 2, feels like more of a fantastical journey than 1 and 3.

Guess what I've got, Yas Forums!

Attached: Screenshot (33).png (1366x768, 191.17K)


Attached: 1580818189860.jpg (700x517, 164.22K)

Name a more kino boss than the Pursuer.

wait a second, did they really? no fucking way man, did they record that clip in majula? wtf

I never played Dark Souls 2 or 3. Which one should I get? Does Dark Souls 3 reference 2 at all?

Get Dark Souls 2. 3 is garbage;

I used to use this strat plus a few bonfire ascetics to get a quick headstart on my new runs

If the choice is between 2 and 3 get 2. 3 is a massive letdown.

DS3 has a shield with flavor text that shits on the protag from DS2

2 is like a bootleg chinese souls clone

Why is it that the only response ds2 fags have to criticism of their game is to lash out at dark souls 3 and convince everyone that it’s a shit game? Is it because dark souls 2 is so fucked it’s literally undefendable? Do they target the third specifically because they know they can’t touch the first?

sorry for the typo I meant 3

Ok I'll get 2. How should or can I build my guy. Are there any meme builds/weapons?

i was in the exact same boat as you until 2 weeks ago
>played 2 (absolute vanilla) and despite the abundance of multiple-enemy boss fights and horrible enemy placement, game felt pretty similar to 1. overall 7/10
>started 3 but only got a few bosses in, it turns into literally rolling non-stop, dropped it

unironically my favorite in the series, fuck the haters

If you never played Dark Souls 1 play Dark Souls 3 since you wont hate the story that way.

what the heck is going on? 6 years back i thought we all hated dark souls 2? now dark souls 1 is the souless hated one?

Lol really? What shield? 3 was so uninteresting that I didn't bother reading any of the item descriptions.

It's amazing how many people could not figure this out. He's not even a real boss. He's just a dude who follows you everywhere and you're locked into an engagement with him in this one spot.

Attached: DS2 hitboxes 2.webm (768x432, 1.57M)

discord trannies took over

Ds2 containment thread, not for actual discussion of real souls games


>how do processing volumes work, guys??

contrarians and bandwagoners

imagine hearing about the souls franchise but it turned out you started on the worst game in the series, DS2

started with DS2
started with DS3

Both the people who started with 2 or 3 are retards who cant count