Apex Legends

>Apex Legends
>Teammate goes down
>Make my way to them to save their asses
>Finally reach them
>They rage quit
This is starting to piss me off so fucking much.

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Why do people play Octane if his only ability is just to go fast?

>>Apex Legends
>enemy gibraltar shieldless
>shoot him with peacekeeper to the head at point blank range
>9 damage
>he downs me with an automatic

Reminder devs are on record too, shitting on the playerbase for calling them out on their lootbox greed.

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The dev that insulted the playerbase left Respawn a couple of weeks ago.

Play AL
Disconnected from server

>landing on gold armor + flatline and peacekeeper

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>Close to winning
>Become kill leader
>The game crashes

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k now tell me why is the netcode literally the worst in gaming history
also why can wraith fuse herself into deathboxes with her fucked up hitbox
why did fagfinder go from the size of a freighter to the size of wraith
why is there only one white character in the game
why does every character have to have a token disability/minority-bait
why isn't there a level floor for entering ranked
why have I met more hackers in 3 months of AL than I have in the last 15 years of multiplayer vidya combined
why are console shitters allowed to have aim assist and zero recoil at the same time and still be allowed to """""""""""""""""""'compete"""""""""""""""" with PC
why do I get disconnected once or even thrice per day
why does a game that's been out for almost 2 years have more cosmetics than actual content
why is it safer to shoot niggerline in the hips than try to get upper body/headshot damage
why is the wingman a better sniper than the sentinel
why do my sniper shots go through people doing no damage yet showing blood splatter and everything

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>feel the desire to play some chill Apex Legends
>realize there is still not solo mode after a fucking year
>have to be paired up with others in order to play

Did they ever fix that obnoxious bug on PS4 where you would have to disconnect and reconnect with teammates after every match?

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Battle Royale is an awful game mode

winning is barely satisfying when you do

Because going fast is the most fun part of playing FPS. If you played at least Titanfall you'd understand.

>why isn't there a level floor for entering ranked
there is though
But it's only like 3 hours of playing to get there, so people smurf all the time.

I play a fuckton of Apex and I've never noticed any of the problems you mention

Sounds like you're a fucking wraith scrub

I hate BR, but Apex is the only remotely fun shooter I can find these days. Every single match I play I can't stop thinking "damn this could be such a fun FPS, if only it wasn't this retarded gamemode".

The worst part is that it never feels fair, so even when I win, I know it was mostly luck and little skill was involved.
You shoot unarmed people. You shoot people busy fighting other people. You shoot people who got worse RNG on items that you and so on. What's even the point?

>designated solo mode in a game literally built around teamwork
Fuck off, Σοynite zoomer.

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Play with friends, dumbo.

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I don't see anything awful about sandbox shooters. If anything it's actually a step up from regular shooters to me. In br your skill at the game is how well you can adapt to the situations you're in and make a smart plays. You can't plan ahead the whole game. It's all about real time decisions and that's what makes it fun.

imagine playing battle royales.

I tried playing this shit once and we literally won just by hiding

>You shoot unarmed people. You shoot people busy fighting other people. You shoot people who got worse RNG on items that you and so on. What's even the point?
It's partially true but also there's situations when you're 1v3 and you just outplay the whole team.

>there is though
I shit you not I was level 73 being put with lvl 17s. Players being put in my teams that didn't even know how to play the fucking game yet, much less have a grasp on most of the mechanics. So to me a level floor is like 25-30 for bottom BRONZE 4, not going from 0 to 10 at fucking Silver+. Why do I have to grind my ass off if I don't even get the chance to get good thanks to the retarded matchmaking.

But N O T H I N G compares to having a lvl 500 wraith main who fucks off by himself, does 105 damage, dies and disconnects.

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So which one do you want? Because you're complaining about both extremes while posting frogs unironically.

You sound like a huge faggot and I probably know you outside of here. Stop shitposting.

I'll post all the pepes I want, sissy.
Dislike it? Other than that, I'm almost lvl 80 now and I still have no grasp over the way many of the weapons work, especially meta ones like the wingman. Meanwhile, going from S4 to S3 was absolute fucking cancer, because I have to play with players that aren't even 50 vs players that are 150+. I mean, ok, I get enough RP I rank up, but I'd like to get a win or two sometime.

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titanfall died for this..

~engaging NPC mode~

woopte doodeedoo

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As I said, the bar is pretty low, lvl 10 iirc.
Honestly it's just not a game you should play without a premade, even more so in ranked.
But the way you bitch about the grind makes me thing you're just a little bitch. Ranked in any team-based game is a grind, especially in a game as random as a BR. The rules are the same for everyone, so if other people can climb and you can't, that just means you suck.

I still have hope that with the money they made with Gaysex Legends and Star Wars: Ginger Faggot they will make Titanfall 3 eventually.

>I still have no grasp over the way many of the weapons work
All it takes is literally 15 minutes long weapon guide on youtube. Why Yas Forumstards are always so fucking stupid?

alright buddy.
he's pretty autistic, yes.

Apex is a better Titanfall.

welcome to the BR genre, where actual fighting and having fun loses you games and hiding in a corner and going afk until the next circle wins you games

>I'm almost lvl 80 now and I still have no grasp over the way many of the weapons work
what the fuck?

>tfw too scared to try Apex because I don't want to let other people down because am noob

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If it's true how do you explain some players who can drop 20 bodies per game?

>Thinking levels matter in Apex

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There's also a proper firing range (took them only what, 2 years? lmao) with all weapons and upgrades so you can just go and test them yourself, even invite a friend for 1v1 practice. I guess it's just a frogposter being retarded.

Bonus question: what does "the way many of the weapons work" even mean? You just point your crosshair at the enemy and click, there aren't even any splash damage weapons like in Titanfall, how could anyone get confused by this?

Titanfall was garbage. You spent more time shooting at grunts than anything else and it had an auto aiming pistol.


nigger just because some top% player manages to do that doesnt mean it's the best way of winning for your average joe

Man if you suck at shooters doesn't mean your average joe suck too.

you really don't have to explain things to "people" like that
not worth it

>Select Fire Hop Up
>Set it to Single
>Can take down a gold shield with only 3 shots
>No one uses it
But why though?

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Very simple: there's no skill-based matchmaking. If you're somewhat good and play for a while just chasing any kill you can get, you will eventually find a game where you don't meet anyone good enough to actually fight you and can get the achievement. You only have to do it once.

When ranked mode was introduced it became even easier, because now people also make smurfs and go into bronze-level ranked games to stomp newbies.

It's true that fighting will lose you games though, at least against players of similar skill level. In ranked at Diamond or higher you will see people playing extremely cautiously and only fighting when they have to. The reason is simple: the noise of your gunfire will attract people to third-party you, so you want to wait for some other two squads to fight so that you can be the one third-partying them.

I instantly leave the second i'm downed no matter what

>In ranked at Diamond or higher you will see people playing extremely cautiously
Yeah because in ranked it's about position. In casual games everyone still playing full agro for the most part.

>charge up time of like 1 to 1.5 seconds
>hard to hit on moving targets like wraith/pathfinder/banga
It sounds good on paper but is awful in practice

Because long range engagements just boils down to who has the most shields. In the end most fights boils down to who deals the most damage close range.

That being said, the Havoc is my favorite gun because it melts fucking everything.

>Make my way to them
If you weren't with them to begin with, YOU'RE the piece of shit.

Then you're a complete faggot.

He regenerates health, too.

This is why you learn how to aim.

Feels like ass to use.
Unlike the CR, it doesn't have AoE to it for a bit of clutch damage and the spoolup itself is pointless. A sentinel only needs 1 shot and a battery.

Just stack energy and rape people at close range.
With the muzzle flash fixes, using havoc normally doesn't give you epilepsy anymore.

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It takes him fucking forever to regen HP and you're better off using heals anyway since 3rd partying is such a massive problem. Octane is a straight up worse pathfinder in nearly every form.

Well, not everyone, but most people, yes.
That just proves my point though: people will chase kills in normals because that's fun, but if you want to actually win, you have to play hide&seek.
Which goes to show how retarded the idea of battle royale is: when what's fun and what's effective are completely opposite things, you know the game's design is fucked up.

>only semi-viable long range
>get hit once, take cover and never be shot again
>scouts, single fire hemlocks and other snipers can out perform it easily
>you end up with a mediocre gun in mid/close range
I still think it beats post nerf charge rifle and maybe sentinel, but it's still behind of the longbow and the scout for sure

>bruh just AIM
This argument is so tiring and retarded, and yet I keep seeing people say it. This game is movement heavy and a single shot rifle that has a fucking charge up time is NOT going to do well.

Havoc melts if you lucky enough to shoot first. I wouldn't run around and gamble on that.

>a solo mode would only help the game rather than harm it
>Don't do it because 'its muh team game'
>People then complain when solo players quit when they die.
Ignoring the fags that'd complain about balance in solo mode, people have every right to leave once they're downed until a mode like it is implimented. Hell they had duo's for a short time as an event, no idea why they wouldn't just keep it.

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Just downloaded this again after not playing since the game first came out. What's changed since beside new characters to play as.

>t. subhuman who hotdrops solo then disconnects ad noseum

There are players who like to play on a pace that doesn't boil down to deer in the headlights, you know. But wait, you actually don't, because you're a schizoid wraith weebshitter who sweats his ass of on a constant basis.

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>now Yas Forums is shitting on titanfall
the contrarian gold award goes to!..

That's what it's for, though. The RAW SEXUAL THRILL of opening up the Havoc.

>why is there only one white character in the game
Because only based characters get to be white.
Caustic 24/7. Where my Gas Daddy's at?

>Yas Forums is one person

why not just use a wingman or something instead and headshot everything ez

The sentinel is fucking awful and makes no sense

>looks and sounds good
>feels good to use
>disruptor rounds hit like a truck

>disruptor rounds cost a bat AND the charge bleeds over time
>if you pop their shields with a charged shot, you cant really rush them because you're using a sniper and it still takes 2 more direct hits to down them
>in direct competition with the TT and LB, both considered to be the best snipers currently

Even if you pop their shields, 9 times out 10 you can't even rush them, so you've wasted a bat and you've revealed your position.

Play titanfall 2 you dipshit.

>>Don't do it because 'its muh team game'
There's a difference between working together, and being a team game. The game has 2 characters that can solely function by themselves, wraith and fagfinder. And they're literally FUCKING BUSTED hit with the nerfbat more times than the game got new content. The remaining roster needs assistance to function properly.

Otherwise, you're free to disconnect like a retard if it's normalQ, but people have every right to call you out on your assblated retardation.

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There's an actual firing range now, where you can test all champs and weapons/upgrades. Go see for yourself.
As for the most important things: golden armor now does what golden backpack used to, devotion is a drop weapon now. Don't bother with the new characters, the original ones are the best anyway.

>Even if you pop their shields, 9 times out 10 you can't even rush them
This is what team mates are for.

Suicide is painless, it brings on many chances and you can take or leave it if you please.

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