How do you go from this

how do you go from this

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to THIS?

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i dont care bye

By having shit fashion taste and color coordination skills

>Playing without a helm to see you female character face
>incel 100%

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D2's obsession with fuck huge shoulders is stupid.
Whoever thinks it looks good in anything is stupid.

>we want the warframe audience
>but we're actually creatively bankrupt shitters with a rabbid fanbase of mongoloids
>also we've got greed festering up our asses and a corporate overlord to appease

Density, the FPS tortanic.

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WarCraft, WarHammer...

thats pretty sad. my last expansion was the taken king, but i have to say i definitely fell in love with it. the aesthetics were nice.

How many different kinds of currency does an FPS need

But you replied to him bungietard.

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Remember when 70% of Destiny was left on the cutting room floor? I remember.

Reminder Warframe isn't even in the Steam top 10 anymore

yikes let's unpack this
>assuming everyone is m*le
try again sweaty cringe/10

The fuck is this garbage


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>STILL playing Destiny
I tried to help you, anons

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wait till you see the OH NO NO

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i said bye dont reply to me anymore

I'm definitely not saying it's a good game at all, but a tortanic it is not.

Enough to confuse kids into buying the wrong one

But you replied to me as well.

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double triples

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Just downloaded 2 after playing 1 quite a bit. What am I in for , it had my previous character and I did the start mission and it was the same as the first. Is it a remake?

Why is it that there isn't a single looter shooter out there with good and tasteful art direction?

they removed the D2 campaign because new players complained it's too long and shelved it to NPC nobody ever visits if you want to "replay" it

i said bye dont reply to me anymore

those fucking handguns just askew KEK

Don't forget to clear the cum from your larynx, bungietard. Games are uninspired fucking cashgrabs, hyped on virtue of an innane fanbase, the studio's brand, past achievements and sole gimmick of MUH GOOD EPH PEE EHS MECHANICS HAHA XD. On release they were lackluster to say the least, riddled with controversy, shilled extensively by said cancerous fanbase that STILL supports them to this day, went from one shitty decision to another, are greedy as shit and never delivered.

Literally fps tortanic.

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the division 1 was fine

The blue cube is glimmer, which is essentially worthless and exists purely to have something that drops from every enemy. You can buy daily quests and shit with it, but you have so much of it that it doesn't ever matter.
The purple crystals are the real currency that you buy gear and certain consumables with.
The silver orbs are Bungie's paid currency bullshit that you use in the cash shop if you are a zoomer cuck.
The yellow orbs are the poverty cashshop currency that you can earn from playing the game, but most cash shop items can't be bought with it.

Esentially the purple crystals are the only thing that are actually relevant.

The first mission is a remake for new players, just to serve as a familiar introduction

Jesus christ what happened to the faces?

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Destiny is unironically my favorite franchise and The Taken King was peak Bungie. Better than even Marathon 2.

Warframe, the originator, teacher and father of them all. Art direction so good, "fashionframe" is jokingly considered the end-game.

I 100% agree. They've managed to fucking blow it though.

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Holy fucking shit lmao, the absolute state of bungiefags

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i'm sorry, my face is tired

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Someone post that fag who keeps avataring with his shitty exo warlock in /dg/

what was wrong with it user?

Yeah. I loved the shit out of Rise of Iron, it was a beautiful send off for Destiny 1 and I honestly cried at how well it wrapped up all the shit I put up with with D1 Vanilla. I hated D1 at first, but TTK reworked everything else so spectacularly that it's become one of my favorite games of all time now.

Then Destiny 2 drops. The only good thing about D2 is fucking Forsaken. Shadowkeep hyped itself up as the largest shit for the lore and it's A LITERAL FUCKING NOTHINGBURGER??? Then these seasons come in with retarded nothingburgers, Saint-14 is brought back because reasons, and now we're gonna do some dumb shit on the Almighty again to wrap up that plot hole.

I bought Forsaken and fucking loved it to death, just barely below TTK for me, but Shadowkeep is below TDB and HOW. It's that fucking bad.

Honestly, you can make a good character in D2's shitty customization options. It just takes a few tries and can be completely ruined by one fucking cutscene

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Both of the games are shit

nah the lighting in D2 is all wrong

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Based contrarian.
My (You) is on the house.

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That's the problem. In a cutscene, your character will look great, but load into the Tower and it suddenly looks like shit. D3 needs a fucking lighting overhaul

trips of truth.


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I hate d2's titan armor so much

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>black and red
>seasonal ornaments
is that way, user

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All the shoulders are like that and its fucking T R A S H

If you just took the giant shelve pauldrons off, it'd be 100% fine

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i only played destiny 1 when TTK dropped and haven't played destiny 2. why was TTK so good?

user, people have been making fun of WoW's ridiculous shoulder pads for over a decade now and no one cares enough about Warhammer to have an opinion one way or another.


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based. fuck warframe, and fuck destiny. they're both tranny games now anyways.

>he doesn't want to be calus' royal crab

Thanks I'll see you there user

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since when the fuck are trips back

looks like something out of Halo 5

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You look dumb either way.

Dropped d2 because of retarded SBMM


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TTK returned to the exploration strengths that Marathon was so known for with the isolated atmosphere for most of its missions, with the hype as fuck manfights that Destiny and Halo had become known for. Rise of Iron wasn't really as bombastic in comparison, it was just a sort of side mission, but it's an ultra comfy romp that's always fun to replay around christmas time because of the snowy setting and how wrapped up it feels.

Destiny 1 is a very fun way to end the year on a bang.



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Hello David Alexandre
facebook com/ david. alexandre. 75839

d2 still hasn't managed to hook me as much as d1 did in the end.