Your physical games collection won't last forever

Your physical games collection won't last forever.

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yes they will
disc rot is a meme that only people who take 0 care of their discs will ever face

uh yeah they will I already ripped them into isos and put them on thumb drives dumbfuck

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disc rot is a meme except for dreamcast games because sega was being retarded as per usual
your corpse will rot faster than these games

nothing lasts forever

The important thing is the games will last longer than I will, whereas digital games only last as long as the company is alive, which might not be the case for Steam or Epic in the next 20 years.

Nor will your digital games collection

Attached: this is what your digital games will look like 10 years from now.png (613x515, 280K)

did you try activating this ps4 as your primary ps4?


You have to connect to the internet and commune with the server once to do that, which you wont be able to do when the server is down. Once your 'primary PS4' hdd dies, so do the games

DRM is the disc rot of the 21th century.

>a few discs that were pressed poorly and also taken care of by sub-humans is evidence that all discs will someday suffer the same fate
What did they mean by this

>tfw all my games from 20+ years ago still work

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Disc rot is a myth, yes. Unlike rotational velocidensity, which is a very real threat to your data, especially the music inside the game discs.

Rotational velocidensity affects all audio files encoded with lossy compression. These include mp3, aac, and ogg.
There seems to be a lot of misconceptions in the music community regarding the differences between 320kbps mp3 and FLAC format. It is true that 320kbps is technically as good as FLAC, but there are other reasons to get music in a lossless format.

Hearing the difference now isn’t the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is ‘lossy’. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA – it’s about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don’t want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

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>collecting MP3s

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And here I was halfway into posting about the same thing but then seen the post above me.

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This is what always makes me laugh about people who put their stake in digital. Nothing lasts forever, but services have an even shorter lifespan than physical.

Explain to me like I'm a five year old: How the hell do digital files degrade over time?

I can understand actual physical hard drives degrading over time, but if I put a 320kbps music file on Google Drive, why the would the quality be worse 10 years from now?

This also affects jpegs, which will lose 1% of their bits per year. Here is a jpeg from 2001

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you ever see old jpegs covered in artifacting? similar concept iirc

the differences you hear are the mastering, flac sounds exactly the same as 320 and 256 and audio recording equipment hasn't advanced at all so all you are hearing is the reverb and compression that the audio engineer is adding in post process

I had it happen to my Street Fighter Alpha 3 Dreamcast disc. I barely took it out of the thing.

I, for one, collect OPUSes

Attached: stallman.jpg (3504x2336, 2.68M)

actually, the man knows what he's talking about, albeit, petty or nonsense to most people. when i've gone back to some really old mp3's from way back 'in-the-day' (90's, Napster, 56k modem) most of my mp3 library sounds like crap, mostly due to the technologies available at the time. i notice an unusually large amount of "pops" in a lot of songs and a 128k rip sounds more flat than a new 128k rip (both sound terrible regardless). anybody who knows how data is written to a disc would know that bits do get lost over time.

Do music videos on Youtube lose quality over time?

I have some burned games from 2003-04 that still work

No but the compression algorithm is still fucking atrocious.

>people not recognizing rotational velocidensity pasta

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>2004 was 16 years ago

everything you know and love with be lost and forgotten in time

It has been a fucking while since I've seen this copypasta.

>google rotational velocidensity pasta
>first result is reddit

Not everyone is a Yas Forums faggot

they re-encode everything all the time to different lossy formats to make sure it stays fresh

Doesn't that only happen to JPGs if you constantly resave a picture over and over again? Like if I post a picture, you save it and post it later, someone else saves it and posts it again later and so on.

If I am right on this (please correct me if I'm wrong), how can something similar happen to music files that people barely ever re-save?

it got posted often here too though

where can i get FLAC versions of vidya OSTs?

That's fine, my life won't last forever either.

Neither will I.

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The physical cds.

>he doesn't have 1.65 terabytes of 2hu FLAC

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cds are worse for game audio

they often cut track short, or skip some to fit on cd because they want to be cheap, and quality is often worse than what the game itself uses

Depends. Some websites will recompress images after upload. Keep doing it, and it might eventually turn to shit.

If it doesn't, then it won't magically turn into a mess., did get lazy and didn't update it a while though

you'll find it on nyaa too

I don't know how, but it's true. Don't let this happen to your music files.

That's why I go full pirate whenever it becomes easily possible to mod a system. I have a Dreamcast with GDEmu installed and have 200 Dreamcast games on a single SD card, loads faster than a GD-ROM, too. And I have all my Dreamcast games and saves backed up to a SSD. No skin off my bones if the console stops getting supported.

yeah but im too lazy to rip and label everything myself, is there a good website thats a repository for that type of stuff? Mostly i just seem to find mp3s

Is this true of metal gear risings ost?

Haha holy fuck you are retarded.
You can change your primary whenever you want. I do it all the time with a buddy so we can share games.

.. in other words, best quality is recording it from the game itself

My pirated PSX games still work 22 years later.

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it's aac and opus so yes

Danke famlam

>tfw playing FF15 on my phone during lunch break with geforce now

I'll stick with the cloud

nor will your physical collection once the servers go down because nearly every game have day 1 patches these days

With some preservation they're a safer option than digital.

It's fine, they'll just keep selling remasters every 5 years forever

>collecting current games
What are you gay?

It's a meme.
unless you're taking a part in the pasta

Depends on what you want. Emulation will be able to render in higher resolutions, which I think nullDC allows for, and it has good compatibility with most dreamcast games. GDEmu is good if you don't want to worry about compatibility/emulation issues and prefer to use the console itself, while being 100 times better than using burnt CDs to play Dreamcast games.

Based and fosspilled

>Used a 1TB external harddrive becuase i ran out of space on my WiiU
>Only game on it Toad Treasure Tracker
>Don't want to delete it incase the Wiiu store goes down.

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Neither will I

y i saw it's not an emulator and nulldc has been succeeded by relcast

Is this from final fantasy?

Prove it