When is mario going to get the mania treatment?...

When is mario going to get the mania treatment?, people is already tired of the "new" series and the last one was a fucking port

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Does mario need a remake?

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the fucking hat

If nintendo ever introduces "classic" mario then the series is dead


there's too many mario remakes and remix shit already
with sonic, it was necessary


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I don't think people are really clamoring for a "Mario Mania" because the mainline games have never been so utter shit to the point where people want them to go back to their roots.
Also, Mario Maker

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The only thing truly different about the New series is the artstyle which doesn't matter.

The games are no different than they've ever been with the exception of 2 putting some much emphasis on collecting coins for some reason.

Mario never really lost its aesthetic or overall quality (the NSMB are bottom of the barrel but its not at all comparable what Sonic got). Mania was such a fantastic experience not just because it was a quality game in a franchise that had gone without, but also because it captured every minute detail that made the originals stand out; the aesthetic was there, the music was on point l, the style and tone and stage design and mechanics.

Mario never really lost what made it Mario. Doesnt really need a Mania

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I said faster you slut

I'm not asking for classic Mario,just another 2d game without the boring "new" graphics and actually good mechanics,the fact that the last one was a fucking overpriced port was really low for Nintendo

how about new characters?,the yellow toad is literally filler,the canon one is the Chad blue

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How fucked does a series have to be before the fans say "can you just undo the last 20 years please"

what franchises need a "mania"?

>new mario 2d games are just rehashing old games
>mania was even more of a rehash, but was well received because there hadn't been anything like the old sonic games in a long time, much like the original nsmb was critically acclaimed for the same reason
>mario needs a mania game

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With that said, the next step in Classic Sonic media should be saving Sonic 3 from legal purgatory. Emulators and AIR exist, but SEGA actually being able to acknowledge Sonic 3K in rereleases would be the next logical step.

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I don't know. The issue is, Marios considerable lower points are the "New" games and even those are still decent to play at their core. They just feel a bit "soulless" but even the best, NSMBUD, is still a pretty good game.
The biggest issue is that Sonic has had actual low points and thus warranted assistance from fans to make a halfway decent successor to S3K/CD




The mechanics in New are the overall same. All you could say that's lacking is power ups and in some cases *cough*thecape*cough* that's a good thing because they were terrible anyway and barely used to boot.

The games would need to be much longer to have use for all of the power ups. what it sounds more like is you want something more like SMB2 USA which strays from the more original style. If so, that I could agree with but New is as good as any other functionally.

Also, red is the true Toad color, not blue or yellow.

Final Fantasy. A full fledged FF with a job/subjob system, 30+ jobs, classic ATB combat and a story about crystals.



Power Bomberman is basically Bomberman Mania

Sonic is the only real metric to measure this against. No other series can survive being shit for 20 years straight without dying. Sega refuses to let Sonic die.


The Simpsons.

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Nintendo no longer has artists capable of creating decent pixel art. The creator of Super Mario Maker commented on this, that although there are dozens of super qualified artists capable of creating 3D models in the studio, they had no people to create the pixel art of the new Mario Maker characters. And if you see how ugly the Toads got in older versions like Super Mario World, you'll realize that he was telling the truth.

____ / ________

>No other series can survive being shit for 20 years straight without dying
Pokemon, also nice trips.

let's be real
nsmbu is the best 2d mario game

I don't even care if they stay 3D, just make it visually interesting.

NSMB series is great other than 2.

I remember thinking both SMW and LttP were butt ugly back in the day. I got used to SMW but LttP still looks bad. NPCs that aren't Link or Zelda look like doughy clay people and enemies have barely any detail. Thankfully the original LA went back to simple sprites which looked much more aesthetically pleasing.

I think sonic mania only worked because
A) the series had no classic content for decades
B) the series had no great content for years
C) sonic fans are autistic and mania was like a love letter to autistic fans who got all the references

Give Pokemon another 20 years and Nintendo might do something about it.

>point a
What do you mean by Classic Content? Sonic Generations was their attempt at pandering to classicfags.

What ever happened to this statement? Is he still trying or what?

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Yes, I think you are correct. Nintendo games almost never had good pixel art. In addition to your examples, there are games like Earthbound that are atrociously ugly, both NPCs and tilesets.
Perhaps only Yoshi Island, in the SNES era, featured decent sprites. But it was one of the last things before Nintendo went to 3D.

Probably Miyamoto won't let him do his shit, because they already have Odyssey.

no way those pixels are correctly truncated to a grid

I think he means something soley-focused on Classic Sonic.

Classic Sonic played nothing like the Genesis era Sonic. I don't know why people keep saying this. The physics were fucking awful.

Im gonna truncate your mom's mouth to my cock.

Mario maker was that I think.

I do hope they make a new series too though

The worst of all takes.

Super Mario world and Earthbound look great.

The issue with the New Super Mario Bros games is that there were too many of them and they were virtually all we got until Odyssey.
They all look the same, play the same, have the same boring premise.
They're Nintendo's Madden almost.

So compile how bland and uninteresting these games are, then compare them to an actually worthwhile and visually exciting retro throwback like DK Tropical Freeze.
The new DK games look interesting, they actually have differing premises and villains, and are inventive. They blow NSMB out of the water.

I don't know if Miyamoto just got furiously pissed off over all the "weird" Mario games that game out in the 2000s and forced everyone to make the franchise as bland and uninteresting as possible, but if they're going to make a new 2D Mario game, I really hope it is isn't as boring and uninspired as the NSMB series. That series really, really needs to fuck off and die.

Those kind of people don't even know how the NES did things let alone know how to sprite correctly. Mario and every other character is several sprite blocks glued together to make one whole character and has to keep a certain color limit. Not to mention SMB's rom size is tiny and couldn't store anything that animated without going over the size limit anyway.

red is the servant the blue is the chad who actually does something,he literally appears more than the yellow one so he's the canon one

yeah but the port was unnecessary, this just show how lazy is Nintendo

it doesn't matter if you have a good idea as long as Miyamoto doesn't like something it doesn't get approved

he literally hated smash at first but iwata helped sakurai to make the original smash bros,and now just see how good it sells

Miyamoto needs to retire

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I hated the rendered characters in the NSMB series, it just makes the games look, well, soulless. Especially bad when they kept reusing them for several games in a row and thus felt even more cookie cutter and bland.

Nah, that statement was made 3 days before Mario Maker 1 released and is referencing future titles made after, unless you mean Mario Maker 2 but I'm skeptical on that being the case personally.

Are you stupid?

They need to have a 2D Mario on switch. They had 2 that few people played lying around and bundled them together.

That isn't lazy, that's smart.
It's good value for the player as it's 2 good games and it's easy for them.

Whoops, I'm stupid and didn't actually read the article. Yeah Def not Mario maker. This makes me hopeful.

Motherfucker that's just Bravely Default.

Wouldn't that be mario maker 1 & 2?
I get what you're really asking for, but with the mario maker games and nintendo's apparent disdain for making actual high quality sprite work 2d games anymore these are the closest we're gonna get.

More or less, user.
Compare how Mario 1, 2(DokiDokiPanic), 3, World, and Yoshi's Island all look different from one another and play differently.
Then compare how each game in the NSMB series differs in appearance and game play.

Since Miyamoto is brought up do you all think these statements will lead to anything hopeful with the Mario series?
>Miyamoto says his creative direction has been changing. For many years, he tried to maintain a certain consistency with Mario. While this has given the character an air of familiarity, it has cramped Miyamoto's style. For example, if Mario is known to like certain foods, the character cannot suddenly develop a distaste for them in subsequent episodes.
>This has inspired Miyamoto to avoid casting Mario too rigidly, giving him freedom to explore different character scenarios. "I've become more interested in creating greater opportunities for a larger audience to enjoy" the Mario world, Miyamoto says.

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I want to see Wario as a playable character. Maybe Waluigi, too.

Never ever.

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Miyamoto should quit and let Koizumi do his magic.

But Mario has no real personality at all in the mainline games. Not hard to do new things with him when he's even more of a blank slate than Mickey Mouse.

Nintendo refusing to take risks and just stays in their comfort zone? no shit!

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Star Fox

B-but Bros. before hoes...

To me, what made the nuSMB series so dogshis is the crammed tunnel like level design, what i mean is that 3 & World had like areas where you can fly up and the scroll will follow you and there's like secret areas to explore.

Mario Maker is the end product until we get a brand new style

Which we'll get eventually, the developer already expressed saying that's the next step for 2D Mario, we just haven't gone beyond Mario Maker just yet

He shouldn't quit, the guy has ideas and should keep making stuff until he's dead.

He's made some bad calls to appeal to casual but come on, he made Mario, zelda and Pikmin.

But I do agree Koizumi should have the same freedom as Aonuma has if he doesn't already.