
keep it vidya

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>haven't played a Zelda game since lttp
>don't play rpgs
>don't like metal gear
Been gaming for 30 years

When someone near me, be in real life or Yas Forums, shows interest on a game I like I do my hardest to convince that person to not play that game, lying if needed.
People disliking a game I like makes me immensely butthurt so I'll rather have them not play said games.

i was legitimately filtered by aztec falcon. i remember playing the shit out of mmz on the way to school but i just could not get over the tiny screen area and my apparent loss of reflexes.

your mom is god's confession

My libido has gone fucking haywire recently, I'm jacking off like 6 times a day. I've done it a couple times in the parking lot before work, and after work I will lie in bed and literally cum 3-4 times in a row with stopping. Starting to consider mentioning it to my doctor.

i have always enjoyed turning on god mode in games, and exploring them, more than actually playing them how they are supposed to be played

I preorder games

I pirated multiple copies of Fallout 4 and New Vegas

I have an anime reaction image folder,and i put touhou characters there

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Have sex. Keep it vidya you fucking nigger

Nothing wrong with that. "Obligatory games" and "obligatory genres" is a fat bag of shit.

I beat like 1 or 2 games per year and hold equal interest in gigantic AAA games or 10 minute flash games.

I can't do XCOM 2 on higher difficulties with mods. Replacing the Lost with Orks really just ramped up the difficulty.

I pre-ordered Fallout 76, but at least it was with a gift card

Too many to list but I'll give you some of the best ones
>The only MG games I've enjoyed are Peace Walker and Revengeance
>I bought a "gaming laptop", which I still use
>I shop at Gamestop, and I enjoy the experience since the lads at the till are sound and play favourites with customers they like
>With only a few exceptions I have enjoyed almost every video game movie I've seen, including Advent Children, Kingsglaive, Your Story and the Milla Jovovich Resi films

I recently got involved with a 14 year old girl from my building, it boils down to me giving her funkos in exchange for tugjobs and sometimes blowjobs

>and hold equal interest in gigantic AAA games or 10 minute flash games
nothing wrong with this, flash games are based

keep it vidya related, pedo

When I was a kid I bought Wrath of Cortex for the GameCube instead of Melee. I was a stupid kid ok?

I am unable to beat most single player story games. Last one far Far Cry 5 a couple of months ago and while i still have some nice sp story based games installed i havent touched any of them in almost 3 months now. I think i will just see playthroughts and read through the wiki without caring about spoiled just like i did with Yakuza

i have never 1cc'd a touhou game

I think kotor 2 is overrated garbage and that Yas Forums thinks
>long drawn out Shakespearean writing is how games should be written

I started Halo 1 on legendary because of the steam release but I got filtered by the second fight in the second level so now I have to do it on Heroic

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I bought Brink

>bought every souls like game starting with Demon Souls
>haven't even gotten close to beating any of them

Sucks because I really like Sekiro

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I savescum constantly. I can't play stealth or retro games without abusing the shit out of QS/QL. I love Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask but I'm terrified of playing them on the 3DS because I can't quick save/load to erase my mistakes. Even the most minor errors makes me feel impotent and totally enraged at myself for being useless and stupid.

I also change the difficulty to easy or look up a guide if a part in a game stymies me for more than 5 minutes.

i want more of bea and allister together

very nice of the dog

I may have caused some to an hero
>pretended to be a girl online just to see if I could, got one shitty beta super hooked into my new persona
>lead him on for years, maybe like 5
>one day just delete everything related to my persona. All games, all profile, all social media. Just wiped from the internet
>he still hasn't posted anything to this day when he used to be super active

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I'm guilty of it as well. I dunno, few years back I had no problem with finishing RPG without it, nowadays it's just tedious for me. Also, if I'm finishing some RPG on emulators, I'm in constant throttle mode and usually overleveled for any challenge game throws at me.

Pretty sure he would've an hero'd regardless of your prank because of some other catalyst anyway if he's that weak-minded so you should probably not worry too much.
Getting catfished is fucking stupid anyway, always make sure the person you talk to is actually real.

I think GTA Online is the best online game

He’s fapping to animal crossing characters

I do that but I could never lead a guy that long and I pick on pedos

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I hated Dark Souls 2, but after picking it up for the fourth time it's grown on me and I can now see why people enjoy it. It's still shit compared to the rest of the series, though.

I own every installment of COD with the exception of advanced warfare and ww2. IMO everyone who spergs about ssbm is a shitter who needs to git gud

I consider myself a huge Zelda fan but the only 2D game I ever beat was ALBW. I've actually started multiple of them, got very far, or even right up towards the end, then dropped it for whatever reason. I think sometime soon, I'm going to go through all of them because I do own all of them in some way.

I still haven't been a shit ton of stylish action games like NGB or Bayonetta on their highest difficulties despite owning them for years. In Bayonetta 1, I actually got right up to the last level in NSIC then stopped playing for some reason. I think I have really bad ADD. I still haven't beaten DMC5 on DMD despite playing through half of it for example and I still have to beat BP in every single DMC game that has it. I also left off in the middle of my DMC4:SE DMD playthrough too.

I don't care for most RPGs and the ones that I do like, I can never seem to finish.

I only really buy like maybe 1 or 2, sometimes 3, brand new games a year and even then, I generally wait until they're on sale or something. That might change one day when I get a higher paying job though.

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Lost my job a few months ago and wife is supporting now.
I have literally $100 in my bank account, I know I should help her pay the bills but I really want to invest in vidya, since it's been a couple months since my last buy

> Probably buying Death Stranding or Jedi Fallen Order

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Damn. I actually lost my job a few months ago, lost a fair amount of money still but I have a tendency to really save, so I had thousands left in my bank account. Then again, I don't have a car and live with my parents. That'll change soon probably though.

I had savings but I wanted to pay college and not be in debt, smart decision I guess, however it depleted my savings

I like dead island more than dying light.
This happens to me every few months. Did you that there's a few species of animals where if the females go into heat and don't get dicked they straight up die?

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I actually paid for a class this semester, I'm going to look into applying for scholarships and stuff soon.

I should be paying more for classes but I think all things said and done, I should graduate with only maybe 20k in student loans IF I can't get a scholarship or more grants.

I also want to join the Air Force and go into ROTC but I'm not sure if I'm able to.

I have masturbated to every female character in Hollow Knight except Flukemarm, and that's only because I can't figure out how to fit her in my mental fuckdungeon

>Bought the Season Pass of GBFVS on release.
>I don't know any of the characters because I never played the anything GBF related.

The game is fun. But I feel I probably should just have reinstalled FighterZ instead.

I was that kid who deleted his cousins perfect game save.

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>hold me back bro!

It's okay when you know the game will be good.
t. Pre-ordered Nioh 2

Did they fix the RNG loot and world-by-levels shit?
Does it have actual PvP or it's arena shit all over again?

I fucking hate Crash Bandicoot. I feel like it's a poorly designed, poorly programmed, uninteresting shitfest.

I love other platformers. I even love intentionally shitty ones like I Wanna Be The Guy that are designed to be bullshit difficult.

Crash is just unfun.

I installed the UA mod for Dawn of war and I can't beat the AI on normal

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I buy all Paradox DLC. Please forgive me.

I've only played doom II and final doom to completion using brutal doom

I pirate everything. Last game I bought was in 2008.

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I have played over 1000 hours of Skyrim and 500 hours of Fallout 4

Did you at least get some orbiter gifts?

any mod recommendations for FO4 always looks like washed out crap

Not any good ones. Most of the weapon mods I found were OP as fuck. A lot of the best mods were just improving sound design and fixing bugs. I mostly just played a very enhanced vanilla game.

>He can't play the most fair and balanced Legendary mode

Bruh you're gonna get your ass kicked in on heroic in the other games then.

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I'm suprised you resisted the urge to install coom mods
most FO4 modding I see is just bimbos with modern weapons

The only reason i bought skyrim, on sale tho, was that i thought i could mod it into my personal porn simulator. Turns out i'm too retarded for that. I'm a fan of the Monster Hunter series since the original PS2. And when i see the thread on Yas Forums and how they claim to be better it my piss and blood starts to boil. Speaking of: I bought all, up to date, dances emotes etc for MH World. I also exploited the shit outta Oder-commands in Valkyria Chronicles. Going back to Monster Hunter, i did cheat some weapons into MH4U into my game. There are many other things to confess but honestly i don't see any point of it. Just getting a easy (you) if someone can relate or not, it's not like my gaming sins will ever be any problem to me since i'm on a anonymous board. Thanks Father, have a nice day

Well, I don't want to be playing a game with a massive boner. It is too distracting.

Yoo there is no way you do not land in gamer hell

what are the circles of gamer hell?

I install big tiddy mods for every game I can.

The last one is that you can only play trans right indie vn games.

user I was with your waifu last night and I've got some bad news...

I'm excited for Cowadoody Warzone, don't know why I don't play BR and I stopped playing cowadoody after MW2

that's it i'm going to gamer church

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you people are retards, we're all already in gamer hell, this is it.

ignore the other poster, legendary on ce is fucking insane because only 25% of the weapons are viable
there's nothing wrong with playing on heroic
but if you drop to normal you're a pleb

Okay I'll confess. I am a girl, I been pretending to be a boy this whole time.

what's a tugjob?

you're fine, i-
>>With only a few exceptions I have enjoyed almost every video game movie I've seen, including Advent Children, Kingsglaive, Your Story and the Milla Jovovich Resi films
hope you get run over by a car

women aren't real

So like, Advent Children was enjoyable after you watched Spirits Within. You did regognize everything, all characters were there etc etc. Now resident evil, that's the true evil

>do coomer really?

ill never understand simps

I avatarfag as Bea even though the last Pokemon game I ever played was original Silver

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>hack every console I own just to play genesis games
>if I can't, I'll buy whatever collection exists until I can
I think I'm dain bramaged.

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I don't even play vidya anymore just occasionally minecraft with friends

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You get a special place in hell