3x3 Thread

3x3 bread
r8, h8, and rape

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4/4 even though I haven't played Bloodborne lol.

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and checked

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>pls lik me Yas Forums

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these are games I genuinely enjoyed

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I never have my image ready for this shit. Have a list instead.

Def jam fight for new york
Burnout 3
Mark of the ninja
Call of juarez gubslinger


Also trips

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5/7 +BB, NGB, DaS, TLG, Portal 2 -Rain World, Prey
The Last Guardian is based

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1/1 (NGB)
3/3 (Sekiro, HGSS, MMZ); why MMZ1 over the others? I can see it more than the people who prefer Z3 over all the others honestly, but as a Z2 guy I don't get it as your #1 in the series.
3/3 (Ultimate, Tetris, Bayo)

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Sorry, missed this one because I didn't notice just the text.
2/2 (Def Jam, USFIV); based Valentine poster.

8/9 -prey

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What are the top three games?

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Not him but top middle is Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R

Oh, just recognized the guy in the background.
The top left looks like vagrant story as well

only three of those games are Yas Forumscore though

top right is tactis ogre

>soul hackers

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Very nice, unique taste. What did you love about Prey? I thought it was okay, but the latter half really turned me off.
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Ashley is best Mass Effect girl.
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Why XII?
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Love Max Payne 3, haven't finished Death Stranding yet but its really comfy

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Looking forward to next Deadly Premonition?

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Holy based, Why ruby over emerald though?

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>Looking forward to next Deadly Premonition?
More and more every day; I can't believe it fucking exits.

*exists, Christ

>I can't believe it fucking exits.
Same, just got the origins version of the switch so I can refresh my memory for it, is it supposed to be a prequel or sequel?

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Very nice, despite most shitting on DS2 I agree that it has its charms

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Whats W101 like? Saw it was getting a switch release and was curious about it


>Halo 3 ODST

A fellow patrician I see.

A man of culture. How did you feel about these little guys? I always felt bad anytime I accidentally shot one

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based ninja gaiden black poster

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How is Morrowind? Thought I heard it can be pretty hard if you mess your build up so I never got around to it. I'm the Skyrim user

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The early game sucks ass because you miss a lot of hits and if you do land one, it hits like a pillow. However after you get some progression into your main skills (or you just ignore the game's rules entirely by abusing alchemy/enchanting), it becomes fairly enjoyable. Great main questline, decent questlines for the three different houses. The guilds are lackluster but they mainly exist to give you money.

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Along with the entire Life is Strange and Infamous series.

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>last of us

>beyond 2 faggots
fuck off david cage

Stop with the reddit id cards. How many times do the mods have to ban you?

+Dark souls, BB, Prey
-Portal 2
Prey is criminally underrated.
+Pokemon, Dark Souls, Sekiro, Halo, San Andreas
Good varied taste
Hello Based user I've been following your list, just for to heavensward in ff14

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no you


Care to explain?

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Nice, user! How are you finding HW so far?

Why Three Houses? It's a damn solid game but imo other Fire Emblem games are better.

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Why do you hate it?

Are you a female by any chance?


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Mostly the characters who all have "gotcha" moments where your initial expectations are subverted in interesting ways. There are only two times I think this fails (Raphael and Bernadette) and even then they were at least enjoyable. The tragedy of Azure Moon makes Dimitri one of my favorite lords in the series. The dichotomical view of the lords is ripe for analysis. The map design could use work tho.

End of ARR reminded me of Golden Age Berserk which is a huge plus IMO so I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

user thats clearly bussy

I'm a guy. I don't understand.

What do you think v core is

He's saying you should rub my dick between your programmer socks.


You're replying to two different people.

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Best way to play silent hill is emulation right? Heard the remaster was really bad

Ok that doesn't sound that bad, suppose I'll give it a go

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Yuck, do you even like gameplay in your games? Just watch movies user

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Berry nice taste user, what route in 3H?



These games just hit me hard. I guess that's why I liked them. I love being able to make my own decisions in games too.

I mean tlou, beyond two souls, life is strange...are you sure?


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My Wife really like the games, so I can see why someone might enjoy them. There is just barely any gameplay so I find it strange

>thinks you have to like certain things if you're a guy.

That's a sad life dude.