If you were to wake up with no memories of who you are in a completely different place and experienced things that you...

If you were to wake up with no memories of who you are in a completely different place and experienced things that you had never experienced before, can you really still be considered the same person?

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No man can cross a river twice.
So no, you would not be the same man.

No, if your memories mean the things you did, liked, talked about and thought, it's no longer a defining featue of the same person.
What is a person if not a conglomerate of memories and experiences, completely tied to the enviroment they're in?

>No man can cross a river twice.

Yes you can, just go around the river and go through it again.

No, memory is only thing that can change nature of man

>the good incarnation became good after committing sins so heinous he believed he'd have to spend an eternity atoning for them
>while also maintaining his memories of what he did
What's your response?

>No man can cross a river twice.
This is one of those stupid statements that is made to sound deep and profound but actually means nothing.
You can absolutely cross a river twice. Whoever made this up is a fucking moron.

The memory of his sins is what prompted him to mend his ways
Hence why future incarnations without that knowledge were not necessarily good

if you had a tiny clone of Hitler, would you torture him?

>can you really still be considered the same person?
No, and you might even be gay this time

Okay dummy

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Well yeah if you want to interpret it like that, but the point is that when you cross it again either you or the river has changed.

If I had actual Hitler I wouldn't torture him so the point is moot.
Torture is unjustifiable.

I guess it's meant to be like "You can only overcome an obstacle once". You can't do it again because it's already been overcome.

obviously your physical body is the same, but I think we can all agree that the human body is simply a vessel for the brain. so no, you would not be the same person.

Yes and no. A man is the sum of his experiences and those shape him, but even without that recollection, you hold onto that wisdom on a subconscious level; the level your personality resides in. You wouldn't be the exact same person, but you'd likely be largely the same and make similar decisions


Featherless biped?

Yes but only if its tiny. Kicking around a funny looking dwarf sounds fun.

He didn't fucking do anything so no

when we die we will realize our lives on this earth were similar, we came here with no memories of who we were

It depends on how you define sameness.

If you define sameness by continuity of matter or by continuity of mental processes, then yes you are the same man.

If you define sameness as relating to disposition and knowledge and talents, then no you are not the same man.

Not out of any ethical obligation or anything, just for the pleasure of having absolute control over another human being.

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I think we can all agree that the brain exists only to facilitate the stomach

>doing bad things makes you good

this is why people don't like you

Except that is also wrong. Lets say your obstacle is climbing a mountain. Climbing it again is STILL going to be just as much of a challenge. Its still a difficult thing to do. Lets say its winning a race. That is still going to be a challenge because there are probably going to be different racers, or the same racers who have been training since the last race, and winning again is no guarantee.
Its just a dumb statement.

It's more complicated than that
Did you know transplant patients often take on some of the traits of the donor?

Midgets are not human.

Nobody likes a pseud either.

If your brain is still constructed the same, I'd say yes, because your brain will naturally react differently than others. But in terms of personality, no, you wouldn't be the same person.

yes, you are soul, not your body, the body is just a vessel.

>travelling around the world
>not just digging underneath it

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That would depend on whether your past experiences still affect your behaviour even if you can't remember them consciously.

he was a nigger this whole time?

Depends on what you mean by no memory.
In case of absolute memory wipeout, as in you revert to infant, probably no.
In case you have problems remembering parts or entirety of your life, you're still be the same, as your experiences leave the mark on you.
>experienced things that you had never experienced before
That's called life, and yes, time changes the person or does person changes with time?.

>The sphere wrinkles in your hands, the skin of the sphere peeling away into tears and turning into a rain of bronze that encircles you. Each droplet, each fragment that enters you, you feel a new memory stirring, a lost love, a forgotten pain, an ache of loss
>And with it, comes the great pressure of regret, regret of careless actions, the regret of suffering, regret of war, regret of death, and you feel your mind begin buckling from the pressure - so MUCH, all at once, so much damage done to others... so much so an entire FORTRESS may be built from such pain.
>And suddenly, through the torrent of regrets, you feel the first incarnation again. His hand, invisible and weightless, is upon your shoulder, steadying you. He doesn't speak, but with his touch, you suddenly remember your name. ...and it is such a simple thing, not at all what you thought it might be, and you feel yourself suddenly comforted. In knowing your name, your true name, you know that you have gained back perhaps the most important part of yourself.
>In knowing your name, you know yourself, and you know, now, there is very little you cannot do.

The point is that by the time you've returned to the river the water is not the same water you've already crossed through

Depends if you update your journal or not

nothing is ever the same.

This. Get a journal and get to work.

there is no such thing as a person

the saying refers to the moving water, dumb ass. you can never step in the same body of water again.

>Day 1:Jerked off and played video games
>Repeat ad infinitum

I'm not Marcus Aurelius, It'd be pointless to start a journal. I don't have a lot going on and I like it that way.

"Let's set up camp at Bonehead River."
>No, white man!
"Why not?"
>A river is never the same, there is no Bonehead river.

Fucking native Americans. They always try to sound so in tune with the land and deep.
That is how a fail culture speaks.

Yeah, that's what they're saying, dipshit.

New memories new me 2020.

gtfo we are talkin serious games here.

Fact is I’m barely even the same person I was ten years ago

ingame he's supposed to be pure scar tissue

No, I would sell it to jews against a shitload of money and Ben Shapiro sister

>N-no you don't understand. Its not that my retarded pseudo-intellectual statement made no sense. Ignore that I have to keep changing the justification. Ignore that it requires some kind of stupid level of understanding of what the term river means. ITS STILL A GOOD METAPHOR!
This is some sad levels of cope. Just accept it was a shit statement.

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no, because the experiences we make in our live shape our personality

Most kino moment of the game for me, alongsides
>meeting Martha again after learning who she really is
>Pillar of skulls
>any meeting with Deionara/seeing what really happened to her when you go to the civic festhall
>Dakon in general

It's not about that, it's supposed to mean that when you come upon the river again in your life, either you or the river has changed, so that you are not the same man or the river is not the same river.
And that's why a man cannot cross a river twice.
I guess it's somewhat like saying that you cannot do a thing for the first time again.

>If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man.
>Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I’ve seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not.
>Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me.

what happens when we die then

Not much

This. Probably oblivion.
Hopefully with better graphics.

that's what they were saying :)