Makoto is a healthy girl

Makoto is a healthy girl.

Attached: IMG_20200309_124042.jpg (1116x1578, 658.63K)

Muscles simply don’t belong on girls

it looked like she had a huge horse cock in the thumbnail

Ah good, I wasn't the only one.

she is on roid no girls natty can do weighted pull ups with 3 plates

jesus christ I hoped I was not the only reprobate here

Wtf I came for horse cock. The fuck is this shit?

Thanks user, I thought I might have gone in too deep

I don't think she can even do one. Look at her grip. And her arms are completely locked straight. No way she can do a full pull up from that position

>no muscular dick
>fat chest lumps
what kind of gym does she even go to a gym for women or someting

she looks like she wants joker to sit on her face with that wagon he carries, because she's strong enough to take that boy booty

This has more replies than OP now :^)

Roiding is not healthy.
Injecting male hormones into female body is the same as injecting female hormones into male body, i.e - gay as fuck.
Get out tranny loving degenerate.

Attached: homo.gif (342x277, 1.96M)

same, kind of wish it was

>doing weighted pullups
feels good man

Low test as fuark

Liking high test creatures as high test creature makes you a faggot, bro.
So you have to be a low test to like high test girls. You owned yourself with your own argument, brainlet.

Yep, as well. I’ve spent too much time here.

Being attracted to masculine features is faggotry.

why did i think she had a giant gummy worm cock

I was disappointed

is this bait lol you can do a pull ups with a pronated grip and with straight arms...

Attached: OPs makoto.jpg (319x203, 17.09K)

>haha dae PENIS???? haha

Attached: STOP.png (208x206, 140.37K)

>"umm yeah i think i'd like a small and girly woman with a cute frilly outfit and some fluffy wuffy hair :3 nyaan she better have round knees too haha :)"
how is this not the gayest shit ever

Can a fucking woman? With 3 plates? No.

>becoming a man
Tomboys are a mistake.

get help

But thats what a woman is supposed to be...the essence of being gay is being attracted to what is similar to you rather than the opposite. Thats what homo means you fucking retard.

reminds me of that manga with a tomboy with 10/10 body who cuts off her tits and becomes a manlet with virgin moustache

>Tomboys are a mistake.
you shut your whore mouth

>I don't think she can even do one
were u talking about without weight added?
if yes you are a retard because a woman can.
were u talking about with weight added?
if yes you are a retard because I already said that
>Look at her grip. And her arms are completely locked straight. No way she can do a full pull up from that position
what the hell u talking about nigger

time to get your eyes checked m8

Post it if you have it, please.

Imagine being so deep into the faggot pool that you come up with the idea that finding feminine traits and personality desirable in a fucking female is actually homosexual

Attached: women in the military3.png (1920x974, 859.62K)

Muscles+Boobs+Big throbbing cock=perfection

>i want a man with tits


whatever you say, sissy


>3 pull-up requirement
>bitch is clearing doing a chin-up
Yes I'm triggered

I was disapointed af she didn't

This, I was greatly disappointed.

>implying buff nerds are real

and she couldnt do 3

blackpilled again

>3-pullup requirement
Only 3?

Attached: SOL5ATp.jpg (1620x2160, 918.53K)

>But thats what a woman is supposed to be
Holy shit calm down homo nobody gives a shit about your faggot fetishes.

You can do at least one weighted pull up right Yas Forums?

how much weight?

Healthy attractive women should have 18+ BF percentage.Fact.

Women are meant to have more fat than men on average. Fact.


Attached: 1581252600041.jpg (1092x1500, 262.66K)


I could probably do 5 pullups with 45lbs and 12 regular pullups

can't even do one free
probably being 240pound sack of shit has something to do with it.

Came here to post this.

lol same


Attached: youhadonejobtodo.jpg (400x300, 28.65K)

>99.999% of women are not muscular
>It's bad if 0.001% are

OP played us like a damn fiddle

is this out? is the inside as good as the cover?