Valve Index goes back on sale in the next 20 minutes or so

Valve Index goes back on sale in the next 20 minutes or so.

Convince me not to buy one.

Attached: HP_kit.jpg (2000x1000, 108.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

get a much cheaper vr set for a virtually identical experience and buy hl alyx on its own


Sitting here ready to snipe some hardware as soon as they go on sale. Just getting controllers since I already have a Vive and its good enough for me except for those shitty ass trackpad controllers

overpriced and breaks easily
both headset and controllers


Why the fuck are all the base station out of stock, I'm looking to get a used vive pro. But I can't find any base stations for it.

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Don't tell them the less they know the more I can buy.

Vive pro is literally worthless as a product to get

WHERE DO WE BUY, do you just keep refreshing the store page??

headset is indestructible and so are controllers unless they're defective.

buy the 250$ headset instead, its all the same other then better wiggle and waggle Wii motes

But the index has better speakers and resolution

and tracking, comfort, screen and build quality

Have they sold out yet?

it is undeniably better in every way, and you can find plenty of people online who had a Vive say that upgrading to the Index was worth it to them, but it is all about how much money you want to spend. If you don't have the money, then just get a Vive or whatever. If you have the money and want the best or you're just a freak that needs to have the most expensive gaming shit available, then buy the Index.

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

Status report? Can't wait for Reddit tears.

VR won't be good until 2030 at least, just save money and invest it more important things.

Does this shit actually work on Linux now?
I fucked sound with trying to make it work on an Ubuntu distro but never was able to get vrchat to work or steamVR
That was last summer though did they fix it finally

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Weird. Ordered it but it didn't ask for payment information or anything. It shows up in my order history though.

That's what they said about the playstation's VR, which is has input lag and is therefore completely garbage

Same here, I ordered the controllers.

Same, nothing to do now but wait.

Attached: asdf.png (1037x125, 11.22K)

Get fucked late adopters

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Ditto I don't even have a card on file.

Check your email. This is the confirmation I got.

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There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

>it's up
>click order
>it places it without any confirmation

Got an email saying they don't charge right away for items that aren't ready for immediate delivery.

here's to 3 to 5 weeks

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bought 5s after it was available and i need to wait 7-9 weeks fot it

>Open orders
>Don't have stock
Based Valve

It keeps happening bro

tried to buy 1s after it was available and
>There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

Attached: AX.png (400x263, 262.43K)

Better avoid spoilers for those 9 weeks lmao!

this what the fuck

Return from where you came from

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>valve knew this level of demand was coming
>did absolutely nothing to prep for it
>servers on fire
how are they always this incompetent? guess i'll take my thousand dollars elsewhere

2-4 weeks for me :)

Time to cancel that order and join the Oculus family...

Enjoy that superior quality, better controllers and no stick drift!

Welcome home bros.

Should have pre-ordered it in May!

Oh geez, Valve did it again huh
Glad I dealt with this headache months ago

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14k karma after 7 years? that guy never posts.

>got order confirmed
>haven’t actually paid or given shipping info

I want to be excited but all I did was get on ANOTHER mailing list.

>Valve makes a game for newcomers
>newcomers won't have headsets by the time it launches
o am I laffin

>nobody can buy them
>the ones who can have to wait seven weeks

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Nah, I'd probably grab a cheap one with wireless if I didn't have an Index

>finally placed an order after some errors
>it said "4-6 weeks" when I checked purchase history
>then it went to 3-5 weeks after I refreshed
>now its saying 2-4 weeks
What the hell's going on

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>preordering something that costs 1k
that's a special level of stupid

literally clicked seconds after it's available and it wont process
if it wont let me get it niggas are going to die

Apparently when you clicked order you got put in a queue and they are shipping from that queue you get charged 7 days before it arrives, people having shipping from 7days to 9 weeks.

6-8 weeks for me bros

Attached: ORDERED.png (968x118, 12.89K)

Stop clicking you retards. Your order is valid for 24 hours. RELAX. ONE AT A TIME.

I only bought the Controllers.
They were drifting by the end of July

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There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

Fuck off redditer

I borrowed 500 bucks from my brother and told him I'd pay him back in 2 weeks easy since I'll just sell the headset for 700 since I already got a vive pro but is it true that it would take 5+ weeks to deliver or is it just some error?

I need fast answers please

Is occulus quest adaquate to enjoy alyx?
What wouls I be missing out on


I've had my controllers for a year and no drift

Corona virus is going to fuck shit up and you'll have a useless piece of plastic. Buy power generators, batteries, blankets, towels, toilet paper, shit tons of non perishable foods such as honey, and LARP in real life instead of Virtual life.

Tested did a breakdown of all the main HMDs in regards to HLA

As long as we can confirm in within 24 hours we'll be fine, no one will be able to order if we keep killing the server with a DDOS. If you are at the stage where you get the error, you already have your place in the line.

Whether that's true or not i'm at the part for the past fifteen minutes regardless

I'll be one of the first scalpers on the market to FREE MARKET on you pathetic retards, nice.

Your delivery time is based on how fast you got your order in.

For items that are not available for immediate shipping, we will send you a separate email to confirm your shipping and payment information as the target date arrives. You will have 7 days to complete the transaction at that time.

Attached: Chaching.png (479x96, 3.52K)

Why are you replying to me

Still waiting. I need a new video card first

you fuckin sure dude?

Click on the index store page. Can't post images because gook moot is a fag.

consider yourself lucky or stop playing Beat Saber exclusively.

getting the error but this shows up on the store page now. will i still have my early spot as long as this gets completed?

>Why are you replying to me
Why are you replying to me

See Check the store page for the index if you don't believe me.

You are only allowed to reply to this post if you aren't a late adopter.

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I've got a Complete Order, but that kind of button isn't appearing, a thing just next to the controllers themselves, and it gives me the error regardless after I try to put in shipping info

forgot image

Attached: Screenshot_20200309-131550_Steam.jpg (1080x241, 109.21K)

If you can get it through in 24 hours. However if we don't stop spamming the buttons no one will get their order through before it expires.

Get fucked losers

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yeah i have that. clicking it just brings me to the shipping info screen, then error.

i have a Vive, I just want the controllers, does that count?


Please anons, only try once every few minutes. For the sake of us all.

>placed order for VR Kit
>Alyx isn't in my library yet
Will it be added once I pay for the order?

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That's exactly my setup

have a wireless vive with index controllers, feels good

i fucking am lol

How many attempts did it take?

semms like the most cost effective setup. really hoping I can get the controllers before the 23rd but if not atleast I can still play the game

This is what I see

Attached: what i see.png (93x38, 1.36K)

dont listen to the user saying not to spam. i got in within five trys by just doing it over and over. he just wants to keep you from having vr.

>placed order like 20 minutes ago
>still haven't received the confirm purchase notice
what the hell is going on

Eat my dick. I will click so hard the server will overheat and burn VALVe's offices to the ground. I worked ten weeks for this. I got up early for this. I spent my free fucking time busting my ass for this. If I don't get one of these headsets I'm going to do something

Welp, looks like I'm part of the 2-4 week wave. A bit sad to not get it before HL:A comes out, but it could have been worse. Some got 5-7 weeks or 8+ weeks

nothing from Valve yet. do you think we're gonna get some official statement?

>work nights
>afraid of the scalper boogyman
>set alarm for 11:45AM, knowing this will be a shitfest
>it's straight brown town the moment the button goes green
>"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."
>Order page continues to taunt me.

Welp, I'm going back to sleep.

Attached: whyisit2weeks.png (601x673, 261.12K)

let it be known that oculus drove me to this purchase by gutting the oculus social features and forcing facebook integration

I got a card with the steam code inside the box.

>make order
>cant check out because
There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.


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Sorry you guys missed out. I ordered mine on Nov 27 but it is unacceptable to wait this long and still get JUSTed by valve.

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I'm the asshole
I had both the webpage on my browser and the index page on steam open and clicked order on both as soon as it was available. It gave me an error pop up and now I see it in my purchase history and I got the email telling me to wait for my turn.

No one will get one if everyone acts like you. I'VE BEEN WAITING SINCE 2007. I WAS 13 NOW IM 25, FUCK YOU.

That means you missed the first wave like 99% of people. Click the button to see how long you get before it ships. I'm at 2-4 weeks here.

You're part of the first wave you piece of shit, you better complete that order or I'll never forgive you for beating me.

Wireless Vive + Index HMD and Controllers here.

That can't be right, the faq said the game and bonuses are added as soon as you make the order

I don't care, I got the order in, that's all that matters. I already know how long it'll take

had mine the day alyx got announced

I look forward to seeing you join /vrg/ you fucking faggot.

>ships in 10 weeks
Oh my fucking God

The same would happen if you connect the Index to a toaster.

the order timeline keeps changing. For those that got it when it first popped up, how long did it take to deliver?

alright, so, im part of the first wave too. what do i expect to happen/need to do?

VR Chad's at the top of steam again! Just imagine if valve could keep up with demand. We'd never leave the top of the list. The top of steam. We are at the peak of gaming. We are the chaddest of chads.

Attached: Screenshot_20200309-102551_Steam.jpg (1080x1461, 662.45K)

4-6 weeks

Attached: i finally managed it.png (351x225, 89.77K)

>Bank declined the transaction
>Had to call them up and explain
I'm glad the fraud protection is working but god damn.

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Out of curiosity, how quickly did you order? My confirmation order came at 10:00:44 (meaning I clicked within the first minute) and I'm 5-7 Weeks.

just went past the message, There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

and the order is confirmed!! yeah

>Shipping Status: Processing
Thank fucking God.

Attached: coca.jpg (640x640, 173.43K)

Surely you jest.

I'm supposed to wake up for real in 3.5 hours. I'll have plenty of time to complete the order. I will shit a brick if I'm actually a part of that 2 week order group.

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congrats to the

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They don't even have enough units to fulfil the original order, what makes you think you'll get yours on time