Games for this feel?

Games for this feel?

Attached: 158371913551108.webm (642x800, 2.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:

RDR2, especially the ending stuff with John

You're a bigot, OP

Attached: 1572655922513.jpg (1632x1032, 400.14K)

Yeah right

This, but with more desert than grass.
He's not wrong, unless you mean the "yeah right" that agrees and not the sarcastic one.

These landscapes make me feel nothing, am I autistic?

deddo strangingo

it means you're a bugman

Breath of the Wild.

Attached: 181444234.jpg (1920x1080, 678.94K)

Imagine not living in a place like pic related

Attached: 4L_1boJShey.jpg (3264x3264, 3.65M)

Was half-expecting a screamer.
Videos of pleasant landscapes have been tainted for me.

I want to live there :(

Not a single game captures that feel. Developers refuse to make big villages for whatever reason.

where is this?

Stuff like this depresses me as I'll never be able to afford to move or even visit such locations before I die. Fuck cities.

They've been tainted for me too but mostly because I know they're all crawling with tourists.

Skyrim with mods

lauterbrunnen, switzerland

P sure Switzerland valley of 72 waterfalls

comfy as fuck

imagine living in a tiny house with your cute busty wife there

are people who live here just people who were rewarded for being good in a past life

yeah but what's the internet like

Imagine the shitty internet connection.


I can't tell if this is up north towards the Jura part of the country or closer to Valais.


Attached: 1559739148347.jpg (1280x719, 173.91K)

imagine a horde of immigrants storming this place

>imagine a world with no niggers
if only hitler had won

Looks like heaven. I can't stand the USA, or NY, or anyone who isn't white.
>tfw it was just a dream

Attached: viral.png (1280x717, 785.12K)

Well, I know where I'm going.

How do these yuro villages look so picturesque? It's so far removed from my disgusting American towns.

Imagine shooting and killing every one of them and there's nobody around to stop you. The law is the only thing holding white people back right now from making

Witcher 3 Kaer Morhan

living there must be beutiful

Beautiful, just think of how many high density apartment blocks could fit in those valleys. Easily half a million somalians could live here

Unironically, Death Stranding

The pictures capture it a bit better than it actually is, trust me.

what's the GDP of this town? looks sorely lacking in diversity t b h

Kingdom Come, but except mountains.

How so?

Unironically kill yourself.

>immigrants willing to deal with anything that isn't inner city convenience

Being a citycuck hurts bros
I dotn even like people all that much but i have no drivers license so im forced to be here
thanks for readi9ng my blog dont like nor subscribe fuck

>No (EU) to stop you from protecting your borders
>still have a couple hundred stinky nigger corpses to dispose of
Really unfair

Cities are fine, they got their own vibe, they just can't be shitty. Nearly every major American city is a shithole because it is some kind of urban sprawl with suburbs and hell traffic. Then you travel to some other global city and feel like it is paradise because at least its dystopian aesthetics are cohesive and accessible. Everybody actually LIVES IN THE CITY and walks on the streets instead of just driving from their suburban house or cheap isolated apartment to huge warehouse retailers and strip centers to quickly do their consuming and then run back to their hovels to hide from everything.

making the world a better place*

Bruh just go to the Pacific northwest. Search up any national park/forest in Idaho

Death stranding is more iceland/scotland, it seems a lot more dreary and dark than OP's webm

>Cities are fine

No, they would be fine, but the reality is they're not, for many obvious reasons. If earth was only white people, then yeah, they'd be fine.

Not if you stuck in some shitty hybrid between city and village. All the negatives of the city, combined with all the negatives of province. Doesnt help that im living in a stupid block ugh

This webm feels like some Looney Tunes shit where the background is just painted onto a flat wall and Wile E. is about to run into it.

Witcher 3
Kingdom Come Deliverance

Mountains tend to have that effect. Rocks are fucking big man it's weird being around that shit when you aren't used to it.

Unironically minecraft, just make sure worldgen has some good settings.

you vastly underestimate the universality of shitty behaviors that grow far more in cities than anywhere else because living in such close quarters to each other is genuinely inhumane

The landscape is the same, and the darkness you are referring to isnt the entire game. The game takes place in iceland as far as the geographic landscape is concerned and there is plenty of greenery, cliffs and water

I feel like BotW could have felt like this...but didn't. Villages are too small and too "out in the open", felt like hardly anywhere in the game felt enclosed by valleys

no niggers og mexicans

No, I really don't, as I've been around the block for a long time. You're not talking to an 18 year old.

Fuck. Can you imagine growing up there and that being the only world you know? Maybe later your family would move to some normal-ass town or city and you'd being excited to see all the new things and people and places. And then years later when nostalgia started to set in you'd come to the realisation that none of the other places you saw were worth two shits compared to your childhood hometown.

Then you know that even with the improvement of purely white cities they would still not be "fine" at the population density we are working with.


Games just can't capture the scale of real like red dead can try but it just doesnt feel the same

Attached: USA_Parks_Mountains_Lake_Yellowstone_544466_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Skyrim with mods
Go Vacation Mountain Resort

i wish i could live in switzerland

Attached: heaven.webm (384x480, 2.79M)

Depends, have you been in these locations before?

You don't have any idea what you're talking about. you're just spewing propaganda like a typical Jew.