PS5 is a Subscription Service
The future is now boys! Expect your favorite games to be downloaded and ready to go when you come home from work!

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Based. I'd love this if they keep it at or around 20 bucks. I doubt I'd be willing to pay more than 30 though a month though.

Based and futurepilled

the article makes no sense and just keeps going on a tangent.

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I would be open to it if came with a good apps integrated. Like if I could throw my Chromecast in the trash, and maybe even my Apple TV and ONLY have the PS5 in my living room, I wouldn't mind paying for the subs. I just want a clean home and as centralized gadgets as possible.

>For better or worse, incremental consoles became standard this generation. While Nintendo is opting out, for now
Funny, how soon people forgot the "new 3DS"

Nintendo is always exempt when negative practices are bought up. Like notice how it's the end of the world that Sony are charging for online, but Nintendo is somehow given a total pass.

Europoors would never let it happen. They will hold us back for 20 years.

I thought Euros were the prime consumers of streaming services? I read that somewhere in some media article.

Or how they literally shut down the Wii shop channel meaning ALL that shit you paid for PAID FOR is dying with that service? Fucking disgrace and no one ever talks about it.

That's shit for me, I might only buy one or two PS games a year. Not paying for a subscription for games I'll never play.

That's not what it says. It says that the PS5 is going to release in at least four different versions that will all compete with one another.

Don’t you get tired of telling lies and linking to clickbait? Why are you doing this and not playing video games? Are you just looking for a reason to be mad?

good thing i made the jump to PC.

Yeah i get that, but sometimes actual official nude meshes are discovered beneath, like with Claire in REmake 2. Is that the case here?

... because basically only smashers pay for nintendo sub, and these faggots will eat up anything?

>consoles are trying to have multiple SKUs at launch again
Yeah I'm fucking out of this generation if this is the case
I literally just want PS5 to run PS4 discs natively. I don't expect any other hardware support but I would like to be able to access all my old PS1 and 2 games again if I have them digital. That doesn't feel like an insane request.
But I have almost no interest in next gen. Xbox is unimpressive as usual and I wouldn't trust ANYTHING from Sony until we have official words or a conference presentation but I don't have anything to interest in me in PS5 as of now

Is that really new though? I mean the Xbox now has so many iterations and versions that I am at the point where I probably couldn't point out what the "best" one is if I got all the boxes in front of me.

It is no secret that technology is a field of "adapt or die" and everyone knows that the big three have been looking at the mobile marked with greedy eyes. Say what you want about the competition between Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo but they'd all gladly band together if they could get the consumer to buy a new product every 2 years like phones have managed.

I just never buy multiplats or digital shit for a Nintendo console. All my purchases are on xbox for guaranteed backwards compatibility.

Smashfags are the 3rd-worlders of the Nintendo community. There are no worse, more cavemen-like creatures on the planet.

For the Player


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You're too retarded to point out an Xbox one X over an S or a disc less S?

Yes, total pass. That's why only a couple of their 20 or so NSO videos have positive reception.

Delusion much?

Although I guess right now you might not be able to notice that and it may very well be part of the reason a Direct hasn't happened - their channel has been fucked by YouTube as "for kids". Can't comment, there aren't recommended videos except from their channel, no likes/dislikes.

I will remind you that the Crash remaster is one of the best selling games out on the PS4. It makes zero sense for them to gimp their own potential marked by allowing BC when the nostalgia dollar is literally a driving force on the software side.

They -might- give you PS4 BC but it will be a stretch and they'll do the PS3-thing where it's a marketing stunt that is gone when the PS5 v1.000000001 comes out.

I really want a PS4 for a few exclusives and this is making me want to buy one when they drop in price after PS5, originally I was hoping for backwards compatibility but this looks wack

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Is this late stage wojak

How horrifying

Legitimately, yes. I have no idea how the Xbox ecosystem has developed at all, and when the Xbox One X, Xbox One S and Xbox Series X are lined up next to each other I don't really think I'd be able to easily pick out the superior product. And this is assuming that the Sexbox will only have 1 iteration which I highly doubt.

I doubt it will be as big of a deal as the artical implies, it sounds like they will just have the PS5 equivalent of a pro and a slim at launch or something which doesn't really change much since they'll all run the same games. From what i remember ps4 compatibility is confirmed but i mignt be wrong

>Looks like Yas Forums was braindead enough to believe a random fake title for the thread to reach 500+ posts, why not give it a second go?

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Half that nostalgia is for people wanting to pay for roms/isos. Not every game out there gets a Crash tier remake
Stupid comparison

>"for kids"
What? Isn't Nintendo Direct always for kids? Have I missed something?

Fuck it, it's a coom thread now, who in the name of delicious thighs and ass is that?

You have been able to get an xbox as a subscription for years.

Yua Sakuya

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This honestly. I've even had more fun with fucking portstation Switch than my PS4 to the point I buy a game every month, but even so, I wouldn't want a service like this because I wanna own my games and not be locked out if I can't afford it one month.

You're just retarded

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what do you expect on nintendoGAF

That's a terrible article, the source is a random text and it doesn't even explain what it means by subscription.

Is it though? Think about it, Crash Remake printed money. FF7R will print money (no matter how much Yas Forums seethes, normalfags will buy it), and there are a ton of other games that are prime candidates for a remake that would also print money:
>Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake
>GTA Vice City Remake
>Final Fantasy 9 Remake
>Tomb Raider 1 Remake (this one might be a little harder seeing that it's recently been rebooted)
>Tekken 3 Remake
>Final Fantasy 12 Remake
>Kingdom Hearts 1 Remake
>Rayman Remake (see Tomb Raider)
>Dragon Quest 7 Remake
>Jak and Daxter Remake
>Gran Turismo Remake

These are all multi-million-sellers that would make an absolute killing. And this is far from the full list just games I can think off of the top of my head that I know sold well and would be prime remake-potential.

Why on Earth would they allow these to be BC-compatible when the Crash Remake is proved that there's a real marked for well-made remakes?

It is the future. Why pay once for what you can pay for for years?

Even Microsoft has said that W10 is probably the last "traditional" OS.

The strategy is also to change who the consumer is. This is why they don't want to appeal to gamers anymore. Bring in as many people who aren't gamers into the hobby = dudebros, staceys, moms etc. Because these people don't know about gaming, and they don't know the bullshit which publishers have been trying to force on us for decades. They just have to trick enough normies to fall for something terrible for a few years and then it's profitable, and then it's industry standard, and it's impossible to roll it back.
Gaming rights is like a democracy. When it was just a bunch of gamers decided what shit they would put up with, we were strong. When they bring in millions of people who have no clue what practices are acceptable, suddenly we are an small minority being carried along with the retarded masses.

You're legitimately retarded.

Maybe, but I am far from the only retard out there and retards are the people who buy these machines.

MGS 1 remake is surely happening at least.

If Konami is smart they will copy resident evil and remake 1-3

This is a worrying list which actually raises an interesting point: what are the business arguments for backward compatibility exactly?

That is a whole lot of clickbait.

>i have to have the latest and greats day 1 or i'll feel guilty boo boo feelings!
>new product came out that's 4% faster than the one that still works fine!!! FOMOOOOOOOOOO
lol are normies serious like this? just get what you want, when you want and use it til it breaks/no longer meets your personal standard

>When it was just a bunch of gamers decided what shit they would put up with, we were strong
This is probably the truest post ITT. But honestly, if we were to take a step back and assign blame I'd still point my finger on Nintendo. The Wii was the official "refugees welcome here" of video games and they were the first to place games in the hands of the casuals (remember when the concept of "casual" vs "hardcore" was all the rage?).

I would argue that it's not the consumer they are trying to redefine though: it is gaming as a hobby. They want it to be something more profitable that has a lower barrier of entry, is socially acceptable and is more "inviting". If they manage that the consumer marked will naturally fill with tourists who are what we used to define as "casual gamers".

Have you seen the phone marked? It is downright laughable to use your phone until it breaks these days.

>Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake
Fucking el oh el, never happening
>GTA Vice City Remake
When has Rockstar Remade anything
>Final Fantasy 9 Remake
Not for a LONG time
>Tomb Raider 1 Remake (this one might be a little harder seeing that it's recently been rebooted)
Also that anniversary edition exists from like 2005, they'd just do an HD port
>Tekken 3 Remake
>Final Fantasy 12 Remake
Zodaic HD exists
>Kingdom Hearts 1 Remake
Nigger what? see above
>Rayman Remake (see Tomb Raider)
>Dragon Quest 7 Remake
Already exists on 3DS
>Jak and Daxter Remake
Probably not
>Gran Turismo Remake
Ok this whole post was bait

They will be backwards compatible.

The ability to play original FF7 on ps4 would not stop the vast majority of people buying the remake.
This only really is a point with shit like the last of us remastered which was essentially the exact same with a slight boost in res.

consumers not being retarded drones who be willing to pay to have companies shit down their throats. which obviously has been conditioned out of them a long time ago, so none.

Metal gear remake 100% will happen.

Fucking source or evidence? Konami barely does shit anymore

phones are status objects and fashion items though, a video game console sitting at your home is much less so.

The problem is that the consumer does not know what is good for them. That is the hard reality of the situation. It is why most civilized countries have "consumer rights", which are privileges that any private company would sell their mothers into slavery to take away.

The problem is that greed is an insanely powerful motivator and one that greatly outpaces consumer law. Companies are much faster at finding ways to ram you in the ass than a meager consumer branch of government is able to push through new consumer-protecting laws. And even if good legislation is formed the companies have this hellsent profession called "lobbyists". Who's sole purpose is to make sure that law doesn't pass by any means necessary.

I've met people who genuinely argue that consumer law should be abolished as it is "unpatriotic" and "not the principles this country was built on". Hell even now there are probably cucks in this very thread ready to call me a commie for my heretic notions against a system that exists solely to bleed them dry.
>tl;dr pic related

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Isn't MGS: The Twin Snakes technically a remake?

Sasha Grey is ginger now?