>games still use boob armor (&treat women as objects)

I honestly think we should go beyond this as a species. Realistic armor in video games might be the way to go and a first step. What do you think, Yas Forums?

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I dont care.

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Fuck off. Men like tits. Kill yourself

>treat women as objects

Only feminists think a woman being dressed attractively makes her an “object” in the eyes of men. They also routinely ignore the women who like that stuff as well.

For those struck with sudden illiteracy when the topic of women in gaming comes up, a simple tl;dr:

>Women get shit irl every goddamn day of our lives, we don't want it in our video games which are supposed to be fun escapism, not a constant reminder of how shitty being a woman is
>If male characters are fully dressed and women are running around in assless chaps, that just makes us feel like shit because it makes it clear the devs (and presumably a not-insignificant part of the audience) don't view us as people but as objects of titillation
>Sexist portrayals in media help to reinforce sexist notions irl! Not only are tittyninjas a giant kick in the teeth to female gamers, they also actively help make the real world even more fucking sexist garbage than it already is.
>99.9% of the time the sexualised designs don't make any sense, in universe or out, and in the end the devs are harming their own narrative and world for the sake of boobies.

ur mom is the one who got struck with "sudden illiteracy" last night

>Women get shit irl every goddamn day of our lives
Cunt should speak for herself.

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>Men like tits.
Get some taste, kid

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>nooo how am i gonna coom without metal thongs and boob windows

If we really wanted to be realistic about it, we wouldn't have games with female warriors in the first place.

>Caring this much about fictional characters
>Refuse to speak up against black men who abuse white women everyday.

fuck off footfag

I couldn't care less about any of that.

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>"lol i love teh bewbs" good for you. fuck off
>"lmao dumb feminazis trying to censor games" it's not censoring. it's criticism. it's asking to be treated like goddamn people.
>"you're a prude" i'm a sex-positive feminist. that means i support women's right to control over their own bodies without judgement. that does not extend to 1000 year old loli dragons designed by and for men to get their nasty rocks off.
>"wHaT iF sHe ChOsE tO wEaR iT????????" she's not fucking real you drooling bottomfeeder, she can't decide anything because she's a fictional construct!!!! she's a bunch of pixels!!!! she has no agency!!!!
>"men are sexualised too" call me when we get dick physics in video games, then we'll talk about male sexualisation.
>"vote with your wallet" gee it's almost like this is an epidemic in gaming and finding games in the genre we like, with gameplay we like, a story we like, characters we like, and no bullshit designs anywhere to be found is a fucking sisyphean task. fucking great games have this problem. skyrim? dragon age origins? boob armour. boob armour everywhere. if we voted with our wallets we wouldn't be able to play fucking anything
>"my wife/girlfriend/sister/daughter/gardener/friend's cousin's sister-in-law's mother's dog's walker's chemist doesn't think it's sexist!" then she can come on here and make an account and speak for her own damn self, can't she? assuming she actually exists, of course
>"lmao typical prudish americans, in MY sexually liberated country we don't care about these things!!" i'm not american. a vast proportion of the women in this thread are not american. this is a universal problem
>"you don't speak for all women!!!!11!1!" neither do you. now what?

Didn't read lol

what? are you legitimately schizophrenic?

Ideal Men: warriors, metal armor
Ideal Girls: mages, magic armor
Now everyone is happy.

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It's a video game of course it would be treated as a fucking object

>poster is a tranny

Real women wear boob windows and other stupid shit all the time. They'd probably do the same thing to their armor.

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It really depends on the game. KC:D tries to be realistic so it wouldn't make sense to have bikini armour for women. But since in most games the armour is pure fantasy I don't see why female armour has to be realistic.

bikini armour is okay if men get the same treatment too

what game are you actually criticising though?

>a woman should be able to dress like a slut
>but no one should be able to dress a fictional woman like a slut

I fucking hate feminists so goddamn much.


Just gonna leave this here:

Who the fuck are you quoting?

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>but user that’s supposed to be fashionable!!!!!

lol no

Please get off the asylum's communal computer and return to your padded cell.

>women get bikini armor
>men don't get open chest exposed arms armor for maximum flexing on musclelet enemies
I fucking hate this shit. I don't want to be some twink anime boy in a shell of armor

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>boob plate isn't realistic
Oh wow who would've thought? But it doesn't matter because most games use pure fantasy armour.

boob armor is a real thing

>I honestly think we should go beyond this as a species
Hmm no I don't think we should

Just about every female player I know makes an insanely skimpy slutmog/glamor. Let them be sexy.

No it's not. It doesn't even make sense on practical terms as breastplates are supposed to be constructed in a way that deflects incoming attacks.

But as I said, who gives a shit, most games use fantasy armour.

i love bikini armor. no support

How can one post be so based?

I'm against bikini armor since I think that fully armored female characters with helmets are hot

Fucking based

>magic armor
>showing skins

i am talking about stuff for bullets but they dont look anything like fantasy boob armor just a bit more curve to be more comfortable.

Man of culture right here.

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but how do we feel about Rathian armor? What kind of woman willingly wears the worst armor set in every gen?

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What kind of woman uses a regular lance when you could use a lance that is also a gun?

Someone that likes dodging and doing consistent damage

Literally your first point makes this a non-issue:
>"lol i love teh bewbs" good for you. fuck off

>a demand exists
>supply pops up to satisfy said demand

Have sex, femcel.

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Why don't you post an example of a game released in 2020 with boob armor

Reminder that "male gaze" theory is just an excuse to attack straight male sexuality

Ugly women cannot stand the existence of pretty women, they will literally claw and hiss at the screen. So you need to give female characters frumpy armor and make their face look like someone played baseball with it if you want them to play your game. The men can be bullied into playing it.

Why is it ok for women to dress like sluts in real life but not ok to dress like sluts in electronic videogames?

what are some video games with lady knights in thick and feminine armor?

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Glad you asked. I think that women are in fact objects and should be treated as such.

ITT: shizo doesn't know how to use meme arrows

Bet you have a folder full of gigachads to samefag with, bitch.

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Fuck off you fujoshit hypocrites.