>games still use boob armor (&treat women as objects)

I honestly think we should go beyond this as a species. Realistic armor in video games might be the way to go and a first step. What do you think, Yas Forums?

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I dont care.

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Fuck off. Men like tits. Kill yourself

>treat women as objects

Only feminists think a woman being dressed attractively makes her an “object” in the eyes of men. They also routinely ignore the women who like that stuff as well.

For those struck with sudden illiteracy when the topic of women in gaming comes up, a simple tl;dr:

>Women get shit irl every goddamn day of our lives, we don't want it in our video games which are supposed to be fun escapism, not a constant reminder of how shitty being a woman is
>If male characters are fully dressed and women are running around in assless chaps, that just makes us feel like shit because it makes it clear the devs (and presumably a not-insignificant part of the audience) don't view us as people but as objects of titillation
>Sexist portrayals in media help to reinforce sexist notions irl! Not only are tittyninjas a giant kick in the teeth to female gamers, they also actively help make the real world even more fucking sexist garbage than it already is.
>99.9% of the time the sexualised designs don't make any sense, in universe or out, and in the end the devs are harming their own narrative and world for the sake of boobies.

ur mom is the one who got struck with "sudden illiteracy" last night

>Women get shit irl every goddamn day of our lives
Cunt should speak for herself.

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>Men like tits.
Get some taste, kid

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