Only 11 days till her first anniversary!

Only 11 days till her first anniversary!

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Wish more people enjoyed Blaster Master.

she cute


Attached: 4b423aaedafbcccb7e965ebd93b35d69e5037a3a.jpg (4096x2568, 714.42K)

I'm just happy it finally got a good sequel and the devs are happy with the sales.

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>All inti MCs get massive amounts of suffering and their girls get fucking killed.
>Jason managed to avoid all that.
Is not fair.

inti has to have at least one series with a happy ending.

Attached: eve.jpg (1280x720, 178.54K)

And, in exchange, the suffering of the other skyrockets. For example, in copen game, they dropped down the number of cute girls dying (bosses doesn't count) but turned up by eleven the bullshit of the only girl that did die.

I will now water your plant.

Attached: blastermasterzero2frommemory.png (432x4800, 90.66K)

I feel like the Gunvolt/Copen games are made by a sadistic man that loves to see suffering. Maybe the rest of the team knows this and keeps him away from Blaster Master.

Actually no, remember Libizt? the edgeman of edgyness and suffering? He was what gunvolt was supposed to turn into after the first game.

>Eve grows tits


I feel his quality in art has dipped recently but god damn he can draw a fine body

Attached: d96.jpg (500x500, 43.18K)

Good point. He has some sway over BM but isn't allowed to make Jason and Eve suffer, or at least not yet. Maybe he is cooking up something far more horrific.
Yep. Turns out mutant infections give you bigger breasts. this is her before and this is her afterwards

Attached: 1553117423658.jpg (707x1000, 59.17K)

Why i see eve and suddenly think in curly?


imagine being the main girl in your game and getting outshined by someone with a 10th of your screentime

Attached: a1f70624ad60b20b7cf7caea6bad5d716f77b571.jpg (869x811, 100.95K)

his Weavile art will always be his best stuff imo

Easily one of the best flavor of the month girls in vidya.

Attached: 1654897865(1).png (756x1075, 234.07K)

Kanna also has canon breast expansion with water based on the supplemental art.

Right you are. It seems BE is very popular with the staff at inti.

Attached: Kanna 4.jpg (1920x1081, 397.5K)

Or just Natsume specifically. Bless the man.
Shame most artists didn't pick up on it.

Post Kanna pubes

I really hope her DLC isnt boring, the name is not the best.

>inti still won't put the t-shirts for sale online

I thought they said they were gonna months ago.

i don't see the BE

There's more DLC?

I love this sexy plant!

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>that fucking bikini pic being official (albeit unused) art
Christ almighty. Some drawfag needs to do a high res trace of it.

Attached: bcb.jpg (500x500, 90.77K)

damnit stop making me love feet
i hate that stupid fetish


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>Every single piece of art with Kanna once her design was finalized is consistent.
>Art of her submerged partially in water triples her breast size and potentially increases height (perspective makes it impossible to tell)
>Concept art shows Kanna pre-Kenwood was basically a loli. He waters her. This does not appear to be an age thing according to art showing her just being a pot with legs of not properly fed.
It's [strongly implied], just like Eve's mutation.

Any art of that shark girl yet?

Just the concept art is all I know of.

Attached: 1575599802210.png (656x1004, 565.15K)

>Kanna raising sim

Attached: smug archdevil.png (3000x2250, 1.73M)

PS, the catsuit is only open at the chest because of her growth after Kenwood began pampering her. It actually fit properly before they met.

>Empress guest appearance
Did they make her game any easier for solo players?

>Kanna raising simulator
I hate IP range bans limiting image posting.

Don't be a phone poster, fag

Smacks of "we didn't expect this."
She's 100% going to be playable in some form for 3.
I heard it's better but still bad.

i know your pain brother

>Kanna literally did a pic related

god i love her so

Attached: Lrnfk5[1].gif (320x182, 1.16M)

I'm on a desktop.

>Smacks of "we didn't expect this."
They didn't expect what?
That a thiccc genki girl in a fucking skin-tight catsuit and tits popping out would be popular?

And then never fixed it because she's lazy, stupid and vain, yes.

Yeah. At least not to the extent that it was. See the t-shirt problems above.

>kanna raising simulator
>plus discussion of kanna BE as she grows
holy fuck this is going to be an excellent game
i'm predicting a march 20th release, since BMZ2 came out on that date last year

Attached: 1557241529602.jpg (480x373, 19.73K)

It's a T-rated game, calm your boner. You're not getting softcore.

Fuck your IP ban. Have a kanna pic.

post kannas

Attached: 861041_s-l-b_cape-kannaveral-comission.png (2870x2650, 2.32M)

I would, but it's a pain to post in different board and then crosslink it just because some retard went on spamming spree or whatever they did.
The IP range ban is only on Yas Forums. I can post pics elsewhere just fine.

Do it for your people.
Or just post good rare ones.

Attached: a1[1].jpg (1191x1060, 476.97K)



Attached: How-to-Use-Watermelon-Seeds-for-Skin.jpg (795x494, 101.73K)

Rather young looking there...
At least it's not se-

Nice, only 11 more years until she is legal

Wonder if 3's gonna adapt Blasting Again or go its own route.