Why are people so smug and dismissive of his opinions on games, when 99% of the time he’s totally right?

Why are people so smug and dismissive of his opinions on games, when 99% of the time he’s totally right?

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E-beggar board when?

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He’s never right though.

>the irony

He was right about castlevania and megaman

literally no one cares about this faggot anymore

How the mighty have fallen.

Because we have years of evidence of how bad he is at video games, even ones he's supposedly good at.

because he proved to be even worse at playing games than DSP so all of his opinions were thrown out the window because he's an actual retard

Doesn’t change his argument

Imagine being pleb-filtered so hard by Majora's Mask that you rage quit, yet still expect your opinions about Zelda and video games in general to be taken seriously.

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Because he isn't consistent and he isn't right 99% of the time, at best he's right 50% of the time. Also because he's very clearly coming at games from an increasingly far left point of view and that's like poison to people from Yas Forums.

He was right about sonic and Zelda

It does, games are an interactive media, a large amount of the entertainment factor is based on many things. Seeing how he's far from competant at games, simple tasks are extremely frustrating for him (OOT 3D camera/pov is something he hated about it for example). His opinion is way less relevant to me if he even struggles to move the character/camera properly, I can trust him with 2D game opinions though, he's actually alright at them so any issues with the game are probably the game's fault instead of his.

An expert and an imbecile may say the same thing, but that doesn't mean you should listen to the imbecile.

Kind of sad to see he turn into such a faggot. I liked his animations back in the day.

Don't you DARE put Chad-daddy on the same level as the rest of those beeches.

how is he still relevant? it’s been 6 years, give it a rest please

>He was right about castlevania
>SotN bad
>Castlevania 4 isnt castlevania

Dont you have a dating sim to make, Arin?

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>How is he still relevant?
People who watch him out of nostalgia plus kids who watched his let's plays.


No you weren't

Hello Arin. Only someone as dumb as you would be so brain dead as to think people are smug and dismissive towards your opinions rather than the reality which is the complete opposite.

Arin/you have most disproportionate ego/sense of self-worth--to--actual intelligence ratio in the history of mankind

>The GG playthrough where he actively tries to ruin Paper Mario for Dan and his viewers just because the game’s popular
I always knew Arin was a petulant bitch but that took the cake

How did he attempt to do that?

Imagine someone criticizes a house, because it is difficult to go through the door, but when said guy enters it, he suddenly crawls through the window.
When you ask him why he isn't using the door, he snaps back at you and says shit like: "It's not your business how I enter the house."
That's Arins take on Zelda.

>don't use the tools provided by the game
>have to use alternative methods and wait for openings
>blame the game for having SO MUCH. GODDAMN. WAITING

>go to a well-reviewed steakhouse
>order ribeye well-done
>ignore the fork and knife given to you
>try to eat it with a plastic spoon and nothing else
>break spoon
>blame the restaurant for making it too tough

Reading dialogue in the most unpleasant, annoying voices possible, and not allowing Dan even 15 seconds to figure things out before busting out a walkthrough at any point in the entire game.

There's another part where he bitches about your tools having no use in general gameplay, despite stuff like deku nuts or bombs being incredibly useful in bypassing the "waiting."

Jontron was the first reason, now it's Dan

Just recording yourself saying it doesn't give it any veracity.

I'm not obligated to humor every random e-celebs opinion, especially when I'm trying to play video games.

Suck my dick, the suck someone else's die, and then go die.

>tfw never got my die sucked in high school
how do i live with this?

The most glaring example was the terrible voice acting he did for some characters, like Grubba. You could see Dan purposely skipping through some dialogue just so Arin wouldn’t get to read them, and continues to do so despite obvious displeasure.
He would act as disinterested as possible when important things happened in the game, such as when the Thousand Year Door opened and all he talked about was how the door had a penis shape on it.
A lot of complaining in general, like how the random encounters were “padding” despite his love for other RPGs and how bad the Grumps were at Paper Mario.
And finally, when fans tried to send them advice on how to play better, it genuinely pissed him off and he was incredibly spiteful towards them, despite spoiling segments of the game with a walkthrough because he clearly wanted the game to be over with as soon as possible.

His politics has nothing to do with it. He's just a moron. Not everything has to be about American politics.

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Ever notice how in all these "insightful" videos, they always try really hard to say stuff no one else has said, even if they have to reach really hard to do so?

I will never get him. People like let's plays to see people's first reactions to shit and trying to figure stuff out. He himself even famously said "I value the process of figuring it out."

Yet whenever there's a new game he makes sure to play it through before doing it with Dan. I get his logic is to not be lost and make no progress but you could just edit out moments of aimless wondering. Or not because people eat up whatever they put out anyway.

During Man of Medan, one of the few times they both went in together blind, he not only googled all the endings but immediately proceeded to fucking spoil them to Dan when they were only like 60% of the way through the game.

you can't

gonna roll 1's for life, chump

>99% of the time he's right
>MegaMan is great for introducing obstacles in a controlled environment first before mixing them together as a challenge
Pointing out the obvious doesn't count. His video on Super Castlevania 4 was decent, however his Castlevania 1 vs 2, and Mega Man 1 vs X were basic, and his Zelda video was fucking awful. I've never seen anyone have issues with Ocarina of Time in the way that he has; it's like he fucking invented shit to have issues with. Not to mention that the massive gaps between videos proves, if nothing else, that he doesn't really have anything to say. 4 videos over the course of 9 fucking years. The guy is a fucking hack with shitty opinions.

How is Dan reacting to this shit?

Good to know we can still talk about REAL gamers

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He does a lot of that with many games.

constantly bitching about fans
trying to force stupid baby humor (le crazy voices, fart noises, dick humor) constantly but especially during important moments that fans are waiting for.

it astounds me how shitty of a person he is and has absolutely no fucking clue, not a single inkling to his shittiness and not a shred of humility either. he doubles down on all his bad aspects day after day.

even more astounding is how people, fans or dan or anyone, put up with him


Exasperated silence, most of the time. There was a point when I was convinced he was getting fed the fuck up and was going to leave at some point.
But they just started playing Rocket League together and it's reminiscent of the comfy early Dan days. They're goofing off and having fun as they should and it's genuinely enjoyable to watch them fumble around like idiots while laughing their asses off.


people obsessed with politics of any kind cripple their mind and ability to use logic

Dan puts up with him a lot but he does call him out from time to time and it's great. I re-watched their SotC run recently and he does it more than once, there was one moment that stuck out to me where Dan told him "stop trying to make this less awesome than it is"

I was genuinely interested in their BotW playthrough but after only a few episodes they came back to it and Arin had basically already beat the game at home and was now just going on a "tour of Hyrule" with Dan to show how cool the game could be. Killed my interest instantly.

Man, Arin really went bonkers if Dan doesn't have the patience for his shit

>has a shield
>never uses it
What a fucking idiot

yeah the rocket league vids are the best shit theyve had in a long while because theyre both playing and focused on the game. not arin just screaming, making fart noises, and saying nonjokes.

I don't know to explain "nonjokes" but he seems to constantly talk in this semi-sarcastic way where he speaks nonstop saying random things, but he's not making any puns, jokes, impressions, or anything. It's just...weird.

"yes dan, i HAVE to save because if i dont save then save i will have not, and no save means no safety and we all love safety because safety is good"
I just made this up but its in the same vain.

It's not that he was wrong, he's just fucking irrelevant.
He stopped Collaborating with the single genuine entertainer in his entire Milieu, to make videos with some insanely boring cuck-bible pushing heeb, and simp for an ugly bitch he was already in a relationship with. Aaron is beyond terrible at judging character.

"Why do I have to wait to attack this guy?" while shoving a grappling hook in his face the entire time.

btw, I haven't played the game in a while. What's the proper way to fight the clams? I'm guessing using the shield for one thing.

Dan got visibly (or audibly, I guess) upset when Arin refused to stop talking about the penis shape on the door, and it was incredibly awkward when Arin didn’t drop the topic
Probably the most uncomfortable moment I’ve seen on GG, and it was a because Arin wanted to show off how uninterested he was in

>Probably the most uncomfortable moment I’ve seen on GG
More than when Dan told Arin to stop being a fucking SJW during Twilight Princess and they tried to awkwardly change the subject but it resurfaced anyway?

>scrabbling to have ANYTHING to say
Would explain why Arin constantly contradicted himself in his Zelda Sequelitis.

I need a timestamped link to this please. Or just the episode number and general vicinity of the moment it happens.

Dan's solo playthroughs are the best videos on the entire channel. Arin is an insufferable asshole who's only into the whole grump thing because it's easy youtube money, yet he's also a greedy fuck and is completely transparent about his attempts at playing the youtube algorithm with the introduction of super blatant clickbait titles and thumbnails, and new channels with different content to try and attract as broad of an audience as possible in order to gain as many youtube bucks as possible. Maybe if the content was good, people would stick to it, but it's the most low effort garbage imaginable. The editors are probably the only one's actually putting in any effort.

RIP Jontrano Soprano 199? - 20XX
You are forever missed

I think his Skyward Sword one is worst because it's the easiest of the 3D Zeldas.

I feel like I'm the only one in the world that doesn't watch stuff from e-celebs and can't recognize any of the people posted in this board.

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Hey Yas Forums why didn't you play Soviet Jump Game?

Arin streams it every week and totally has a genuine blast playing it every time!

(yes i'm being sarcastic. i sat through all of these, at least with audio at double speed. and they are the most cancerous garbage i have ever sat through in my life)

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From 9:00. Dan starts talking about American Pie

>LTTP was the last good Zelda
lol LTTP wasn't even good

He's not right at all
All he did was validate all the faggots that think being contrarian makes them cool

Thanks user


He was right that OoT is overrated.

yeah because zoomers took his word for gospel

same for when Dunkey shits on JRPGs and only liking entryfag shit like Persona 5.

Be happy about that

Fuck off dan, you're a boring cunt. The only reason you got here is because you rode my coattails. Don't think i'm going to forget the time you fucked suzie and didn't let me film it, you owe me at least another year's worth of your patreon cut for that bullshit.

You know, I almost didn't know who this was until I saw broken controller

if this were actually arin i wouldnt be surprised 2bh

No he wasn't.
Had the game come out a decade or two after it did and received the same amount of praise, maybe.
You sluts need to stop ignoring the fact that games are a product of their time and that should always be a factor in how you view them.

That's no way to talk to your friend, Arin

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>More than when Dan told Arin to stop being a fucking SJW during Twilight Princess and they tried to awkwardly change the subject but it resurfaced anyway?
this doesn't happen at 9:00


The topic begins at 9:00 you impatient fucking baby


There's too much GODDAMN WAITING

Imagine being such a retard that you purposefully ignore tutorials and then whine like a bitch when you fuck up because you didn't read the goddamn manual.

>eceleb dogshit trash

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give it about 20 seconds to get the context jesus user

Look kids.
I'm not going to sit here and argue with you.
He was right that OoT.

It's that fucking simple.
It wasn't even the best game out at the time.
You fanboy it because it's "muh nintendo" when playstation and dreamcast fags had games that they obsess about also.

Objectively it was a good game.
Just good, not great.

Even DSP isn't this bad, Arin only has his good looks about him, if he looked like DSP he would have no fans

There's a difference between listening to someone's critiques on a meal when they don't know how to cook vs someone's critiques on a meal when they don't even know how to use a fork and a knife.

Because Game Grumps proved he's fucking clueless.

His Mega Man video was just stating the obvious. It's entry level vidya analysis. His Castlevania video was more subjective than anything but it is probably his most solid Sequelitis. And his OoT video was just flat out bad and proved had no idea what he was talking about.

So his track record isn't exactly good.

dsp and arin are two of the worst people in the entire sphere of gaming (devs, journalists, in-game characters, any given user on any website, etc)

dsp is stupid, has bad humor, and is annoying. but something about arin and his god complex and spiteful attitude towards everything makes me actively hate him when dsp is just annoying

Dam, couldn't read before deletion.

I think the biggest problem with the Zelda sequelitis is that other than complaining about being bad at 3D games, it's mostly complaining about the "Zelda formula" despite the fact LttP cemented it and OoT is literally just LttP's formula + 3D. Comparing the original Zelda to LttP as a sequel or showing how OoT suffers from being too similar to LttP because of how cautious they were going into 3D could have been worthwhile, but the video ended up just being a laundry list of complaints about OoT while desperately trying to ignore that those same complaints exist in his favorite Zelda game.

Oh, why did the collage get deleted?

Ross looks like he's aged 30 years what the fuck happened to him

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He's right about Castlevania and MegaMan x being awesome, he's right that ocarina of Time is shit

But he's wrong that crash bandicoot sucks, he's wrong that classic Sonic the hedgehog sucks. So that isn't really "99%" accuracy rate. I also remember him saying he loves space channel 5 which I have mixed feelings about. I want to say it's based but I can't actually get past the first level. Either it's a fundamentally busted rhythm game or I just don't get it. Cool game tho