The Old builds of Duke Nukem Forever

Basically... I can't release them, Gearbox and 2K would know that I released them, Sorry. if anyone who goes on here has a build... leak it.

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I don't believe you.

Give us evidence you have them.

Or are you Killah? You are schizo if you are Killah btw. You tried to scam people when someone jokingly suggested to pay for leaked content, but it was datamined content from 2011.

Literally a Reddit-tier thread.

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So the images in that thread were just bullshit..... fuck

What images? Can you share which ones? They may not have been.

Killah however is schizophrenic, Fred from 3D Realms had to tell him to knock it off.

Sadly all his discord DMs to me were deleted. He however acts like some weird cult member and will claim he knows shit about the development, when in actuality he doesn't. He's a real piece of work and I would advise you NOT to talk to him.

oh shit, a cropped phone photo of a computer screen over empty files, with just enough blur (not too much), AT AN ANGLE! GET HOYPE!!!!

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The shitty low rez vegas skybox image, and the keypad texture

Man people like that are so pathetic.

But if I release my build, they'd know it is you OP. I can't do that to you.

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I mean.... its Yas Forums
Every thread is Reddit tier

What did he tell everyone?

Keypad texture?

Though the former was definitely Killah playing tricks. That's actually in the game files just hidden.

Yeah, the keypad from the 2001 version.
Also, I thought the files were encrypted, how the fuck did anyone get into them?

That he "doesn't have any builds" but acted like he had leaks and shit. I jokingly said "I would give you bitcoin to trade me leaks" just to coax him to share some (plus I actually talked to someone with actual 3D Realms connections who actually wasn't BSing and shared minor stuff with me about the game) who confirmed that Killah was full of shit and that he was passing off datamined info as "leaks".

Also, here is Killah claiming my friend (I blocked out their names and mine) was using Sock accounts to troll him, which is absolute bullshit. The guy is literally schizophrenic or is just a really weird troll.

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Using datamining tools.

What if it's on a shitty obscure website? (Like the Sonic 2 proto)

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Just release one of them on mega ffs.

or take a screencap, don't use the "But it's watermarked" bullshit.

Nice files but where’s the proof?

He's too much of a pussy to leak anything

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Just share a full image.

For crying out loud this teasing is fucking unnecessary. Just leak the damn thing or show us something more.

If you are Killah, which I have a feeling you are. Do me a favor and get psychological help.

Hey it's the guy who downloaded all the pictures of past leaks and has been saying for months he's gonna leak it and hasn't.

Why do you keep coming here and lying and post pictures that are already on the internet?

Because he's Schizo.
No really, the guy (if it's Killah), is either really stupid, schizophrenic, or is a troll. He sounds weird in the DMs I had with him a few weeks ago.

Are you even trying at this point Killah?

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Where is the screencap originally from? Looks like some Duke fan game I remember hearing about.
And holy shit, I knew it. Yet again more fake bullshit.

PS. if I ever learn game development I'm gonna make a spiritual remake of DNF 2001 because at this rate I'm sick and tired of all this fake bullshit from Schizos.

Bitchford will never release it because then everyone would realize an unfinished game from 2001 is better than anything Gearbox has shat out as a formal project.

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Post some game play or screenshots.

Alright this is definitely Killah. He continues to BS even when he was called out on it. The guy btw, I saw a picture of him, he looks kinda weird and autistic and he apparently lives in Brazil.

Do you still have the image?

Just leak it.

God, I fucking hare Gearbox and Randy so fucking much. I'm immediately disgusted with anyone that has touched BL past the first or maybe the second.


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Just upload it for us. Thanks!

That was from the footage in the extras after you finish the game.

Come the fuck on man what is wrong with you?

Killah.... just stop

Contact Randy if you want the builds, I can't do anything at this time.
(Not that I would anyway, you people are assholes)

>Reacts defensively and spitefully when called out

Yeah, you are Killah.

You do realise the bitcoin offer was a joke to coax you into sharing the datamined assets right? The fact you ACTUALLY took it seriously means you were trying to scam someone which makes you a really scummy fuck right?

If you want to contact me, you know where to find me.
(Also you motherfucker, prove to me that those assets are from the retail build.... I'm waiting)

maybe he knew it was a scam and welcomed this curveball in the narrative.
Never underestimate the insanity that a real schizo will happily entwine themselves in.

You're on par with the Klonoa, starcraft SC and og xbox kit faggots to name the most known to the zoomers. Your kind does more bad than good and for the sake of a neutral ground should just stfu and piss off. keep it to yourself or release it to the public there's no middle ground. eat shit.

Ok guys, nothing too see here. He won't share anything.

What the fuck is the deal with all of this autistic drama? You people have been making these threads every week nonstop. If you have the build or builds just upload them to mega already and quit fucking around. It's been 21 years ffs Randy and the rest of those retards won't waste their time and money tried to hunt down people sharing a 20 year old version of a videogame.

What if the build is on a torrent site?
It's possible that an ex employee could have uploaded it somewhere on the internet....

Because I talked to someone who actually knew what the fuck he was talking about, that low res skybox is in the game (it's one of the reflections for the multiplayer digs) and the other shit you shared was datamined.

You are insanely passive aggressive man.

What he did was, I would say "Okay, share this thing then I shall send the money". He would then say "Alright, what do you want (then I respond with what I would like him to share)". "Alright, share the file and I will send the money", but then he would go "No, pay up first". He literally has no reading comprehension.


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I'm fairly convinced you are him and this whole thing is you pretending to have an adversary because you needed one after everyone instantly knew you were bullshit.

Why would I spent my time data-mining a game nobody likes? you're a fucking retard.

I think he is just trolling us.

No. The guy approached me after asking a trivia question (relating to the poker/cards machine in the final game and from an old image), and he shared a bunch of sound files (also extracted from the game) as a "cookie". He also claimed to have info on what happens in the game, and then I left it for a while, until he kept pestering me asking about "Hey, did you see this thing I posted" which was a low res skybox. I btw discovered he was full of shit between the sound clips and the skybox he was posting.

Then after that he got very upset when I said "You know I think what you said wasn't true, I was told those were in the final game files", and then that led to him actually wanting to scam someone. He admitted to Fred he was full of shit too. He left the server and blocked me.

I think he thinks he is. Everyone can see at face value its an insane person talking to himself.
The user calling him schizo seems legitimately schizo. Look at how he is typing out his thoughts as if he is talking to someone (himself).

What the hell kind of logic is that? Even really shitty games are interesting to datamine for cut content.

God you are seriously salty as fuck, and that's saying something for someone on Yas Forums

First of all, I didn't block you, Second... STOP FUCKING LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING!

You sound so insane.

Yeah, great argument... Tell me one shitty game that is worth data-mining... you can't

You were saying?

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Gaslighting. Nice one.

And Duke Nukem Forever for one. Considering you are obsessed with the earlier builds you should know this.

Maybe you should have checked your discord settings first you fucking retard

You won't share the game, you won't share screenshots, you are just a troll.

literally no one but you cares. You keep talking about some one named Killah but only YOU are here making posts about a 20 year old scrapped game and talking about it with intimate knowledge of builds.
You are killah and its painfully obvious you created your own bogeyman because people just didn't even care to play your game.

I don't want to get sued.

Bullshit you don't have anything.

He's crazy and he's trying to gaslight me by samefagging.
This post is from him. He's trying to make me doubt my sanity. If it was just some "20 year old scrapped game" why the FUCK are you posting about it?

It is quite literally impossible to sue you on any grounds.

because I stumbled on a thread with an insane person talking to himself and making up imagined adversaries. Even on Yas Forums you don't see lolcow premium schadenfreude this often.

And I was in the original thread a few months ago and you talk longwinded sentences just like the person you are claiming not to be.

Sure it is, if you had the builds you would understand, now fuck off