The absolute state of Mortal Kombat

The absolute state of Mortal Kombat

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based sonicfox

>ANOTHER bait thread

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>MK's image being destroyed
>bait thread

lol stay mad
Bernie 2020

Lol Bernie can’t even compete with a geriatric old man.

Sounds like just the thing to promote the shit that MK has become

doesn't stand a chance

>MK fanbase still too fucking shit to beat SonicFox
Welp, dead game

i thought black people didnt like bernie


I'm sure he appreciates the donations, can only imagine what he'll spend it on when he bows out for Biden.

>Gay furry

Nah you whites can have him

Biden is literally ahead 55+ points over Bernie in upcoming primary states. You faggots are already dead.

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Not voting bernie until he reneges on weeb legalisation, widespread poverty is preferable to widespread drug abuse.

remember, no refunds. He needs that 4th summer house.

>>MK's image being destroyed
I can asure you, at least 86% of people who buy MK doesn't care/even know what's going on in a tourney


Enjoy your breakdown of society.

non-american here.
Is Biden on the left side?

Will Bernie make weed legal in Alabama? I don’t know shit about politics but I’ll vote for him if he does that

To the left of Trump, yes.

Well they certainly found a fitting mascot for their game, couldn't have been anyone better.


There's no left in the USA.

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When the fuck is this shit going to end? Why do these people think it's okay to go out in public like this.

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Trump is going to win anyway, you all know its true.

There's a reason why this garbage isn't at EVO.

I unironically think people should be treated respectfully no matter what they look like.

This is why MK11 isn’t at EVO?

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its already a boring, slow piece of shit how worse can it get

you're female aren't you?

>thousands in medical co-pay for simply existing
Then don't.

What the fuck is wrong with you Americans and always bringing up politics in non-political events??

Get a job, loser.

He isn't insulting a company's chinese overlords, so he gets a free pass

Clinton is still running? lmfao

you mean trannies or furries?

>trump only at 50
thank fuck hes gonna lose so easy then

Yes, but people shouldn't have more privileges because they cut their dick off. And they definitely shouldn't glorify mental illnesses

I treat people with respect depending on their actions. Forcing me to try and respect your retarded decisions and destroying your bodies deserves no fucking respect.

is this satire, you can't make shit like this up

>drives even more people to Biden's hairy legs
based gay retard

They think literally everything is political

>losing when 50% is more than 44.6%
Do you understand what the image and numbers in front of you are saying user?

i'm starting to think this shit is rigged
people are purposely losing to sonicfox to push an agenda

I think it's the funniest thing that the reddit candidate got beat because black people already get what he's promising for free. America is so fucked. What's your favorite arcade game?

Lmao almost every politician is a leftist piece of shit even the supposed right wingers.

>make everything political
>cancel you out when you disagree with them

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I can show you common human decency, I don't have to respect you simply because you are, that is some american shit as it gets.

>he brings up politics again and shills for worst candidate

Cadillac and dinosaurs.

Why do people keep losing to a gay black furry? This shit alone should motivate you to get better.

>Why do people keep losing to a gay black furry?
No actual competition on NRS trash.

>politcs = bad except when commie gay furry trans nigger says to vote Bernie

Kill trannies if they can't do something as simple as talk about video games.

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Hes gonna lose points the whole time now though Biden or Bernie will go up to 50% then keep proving the cheeto christcuck is a retard and stomp his ass

MK11 is trash.

>I want free shit (that someone else will pay for) so vote for Bernie!

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A gay black furry playing exploitative trash? Ironic, isn't it.

>impeachment didn't pan out
>iran didn't pan out
>coronavirus didn't pan out
>their last hope is biden
4 morw years

how is the game exploitative?

Based Sonicfox
Incels literally seething.

>MK's image
What, 13 year olds crying online about zoning?

no, don't get your news from v

Man, how do people get roped into this shit so easily
>Go to college, get a degree without the intention of a career in that degree or it's a degree with no real career prospects
>Now tens of thousands in debt
>Oh, but companies will hire you for 14+ an hour because you have a degree, doesn't matter in what because they get a tax break! Worth!
>Oh wait, you can't really quit any jobs because you're in monthly payments up to your fucking eyeballs
College is a massive fucking ponzi scheme that's fucking subsidized by the government and most employers due to tax breaks for hiring these retards that believe a piece of magic paper makes you smart.

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Only on Yas Forums will an incredibly basic universal golden rule-type platitude like this be scoffed at. Even now it baffles me. I'm convinced these people haven't had a meaningful social interaction in months or years.

>Takes college loans
Pay it
>Can't pay for college loan
Don't take it
>But muh boomer wont give me jobs because i need to be a professional
Maybe don't study dead carriers like social studies
It is this simple and muricans still can't figure it out


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>corona didn't pan out
>trade closed
>US Dollar went from 3.9 to 3.7 in mere days
>China ain't producing squad
>people dying from JUST A FLU BRO
ye nah

>tfw just want us to start working on policy to mitigate the effects of climate change before it fucks us over
>have to support liberal platforms and all the ridiculous shit that comes with it in order to do so
I wonder if politics was always this bad. Broadly speaking.

if 8 all trannies die by 2021

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How does anyone get surprised/angry at this lil nigga anymore? He's insanely good at games and he usually makes a statement when he wins along the lines of "I'm a gay weirdo and I'm super liberal politically because of this". Like, what is there to talk about regarding Sonicfox that hasn't been exhausted by now? You nerds finding new shit to seethe about?