Ninja Gaiden Thread

I couldn't hold off any longer for an Xbone X and downloaded pic related with RPCS3. Even if it isn't Black it's still fun as fuck. When is this series coming back?

Attached: ps3_ninja_gaiden_sigma_p_uv185p.jpg (866x1000, 179.01K)

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Wait, PS3 emulation works?

It's okay OP, NGS might not be as good as NGB but it's still close.
Just avoid NGS2.

For a small number of games.

Bro, Drakengard 3 is actually becoming playable on it.

Yes. It's also piss easy to set up since sony hosts the files you need instead of having to find BIOS dumps.

sony hosts the games themselves too lol

This port has all sorts of ugly 2007 era effects yet NG2 still looks crisp and timeless to this day.

Attached: screenshot-2020_03_09_09_27_32.png (1920x1080, 3.47M)

Can someone list all the negative changes of Sigma?


if you shake the controller dont her tits jiggle? Or is that just sigma 2?

You play a finna girl

never. retards would rather have kingdom hearts clone #50 and dark souls #42

Also it seems like the game renders at some squished 4:3 resolution then stretches it to 16:9.

Attached: screenshot-2020_03_09_10_06_38.png (1440x1620, 2.88M)

>booted up NGB for the first time in a couple years
>load up my save
>The Vigoor Emperor fight
Fuck me I hate this fight, no wonder I stopped my very hard run.

You play a fixing to girl?

If I recall correctly the AI is toned down a bit in Sigma, also there's a couple less unlockables.

No blood, less on screen enemies at once.

That's Sigma 2.

Is NG3: Razor's Edge worth playing?

I'd say so, it wholly improves most of the vanilla's faults, but it still has problems of its own.

ye it's fairly fun

>tfw I bought an X recently
Fuck it looks good running NGB, I look forward to restarting 2 soon too

How much did you pay for your Xbone X? I want to get one as cheap as possible.

300$, I used some of my tax return. Also I gave my brother my old S so now I have someone to game with too.

There's not much point getting an X1X this late in the game desu. Not when XSX and Lockhart are around the corner.

True, I just knew I wouldn't have the money I have now in a few months, plus 6 teraflops is still a major upgrade from the S's 1.8

Just jump into the lava and spam the lightning ninpo. With a few elixers you can just destroy him

I thought he was more vulnerable to the fireball jutsu? That's how I beat him last year and that was the first run I actually finished the game, young me got consistently filtered by those dinosaurs in chapter 5.

>I just knew I wouldn't have the money I have now in a few months

Nah. You deal damage to him by killing skulls and the zap pops all skulls that are out, while inferno only pops the skulls close to his body. By jumping in the lava and standing right under him you get maximum skull destruction.

The thing is there is nothing I want to play on the Xbone other than Ninja Gaiden Black and 2 and unless NG4 is Xbox exclusive it will probably stay that way.

Kinda yeah, but hey I have the strongest console available right now.
Oh right skull phase, fireball destroys phase 1

>>Oh right skull phase, fireball destroys phase 1
I find it easiest to just pick the dragon sword and do the spinning UT. You charge it up as you fly towards the boss and then you pop it. The Iframes and damage just tear through him

An Xbone S will do just fine too if you're not concerned about grafixfaggotry. I guess the framerate is slightly worse too but freesync compensates and it isn't nearly as bad as the 360 version.
Or whatever just sit on your ass and wait for Xenia.

As an Xbro with Yas Forums taste you could also play the following
>Asura's Wrath
>Mercenaries Playground of Destruction
>MGS HD collection
>Metal Gear Rising
and others, if you have some 360 games left I'm pretty sure at least 2 or 3 will be BC
I'll keep that in mind for my eventual rerun. I love NGB and have played it since launch but it always intimidated me with its unforgiving combat, but then I beat MGR a while back and then Sekiro 3 times last year so I figured it was time for another go.

This looks beautiful though.

I'll be buying a SeX for this. I'm done with modern games. Hopefully PC emulation is also unfucked soon.

>NG2 still looks crisp
Not on the 360. The framerate is ass and it runs well below HD resolution. At least it looks soft because of the AA.

Whats wrong with NGS2?

Huh, never considered something like that. Sounds like a good way to cheese that gimmick phase.

I'm reaching that point myself, I've been working through the bigger budget Game Pass games like Wolfenstein 2 and Outer Worlds and they're all so boring after a while, only decent game in the catalog is DMCV and that was developed by some veteran nips who still gave a shit.

I have a 4K TV though.

Breakdown is the only other game I'm really interested in since I have a PS3 with MGSHD. I wish they did backwards compatibility for Otogi 1 and 2.

Personally I'm mad they didn't bring nack MechAssault, I could play that survival mode for hours

Then be prepared to spend money on 4k hardware.
This is what's wrong with Sigma 2.


too much bloom

If it comes back it need to be on the level of Black once again

Absolutely, but the first playthrough is going to be awful at multiple points. It's only the chapter challenge mode that remove most of that game's bullshit.


What could NG4 even add?


Attached: screenshot-2020_03_09_12_45_29.jpg (2240x1260, 866.11K)

Better bosses,
better world to explore like Vigoor, as opposed to 3's corridors
Weapons can be upgraded for free after getting x amount of kills with them rather than having to spend karma so the opportunity cost of playing about with the different weapons is less

>Weapons can be upgraded for free after getting x amount of kills with them rather than having to spend karma so the opportunity cost of playing about with the different weapons is less
That's how you leveled up styles in DMC3 which they moved away from to just being able to purchase levels and it was a big improvement.

>threads now start with version shit flinging off the bat
>not even 50 posts yet and it's already a copy paste of every single thread

What is even wrong with you losers? Why do you want to repeat the same bullshit over and over and over and over instead of just talking about the fucking games that you never play for once? Fucking hell you are all so unbelievably autistic.

based illiterate retard writing up nonexistent scenarios in his head

Looks great

Nothing. It's just a choice of do you want more enemies to shreds through like paper or do you want less enemies to fight that can last longer and fight more aggressively. Anyone harping that sigma too is worse because it has less enemies and thinks that makes the game easier has never played either versions of ninja gaidens.

NG has got tier combat but everything else could be far better.
So, a lot. Make it more like Sekiro and Bayo or something. I want big ass maps, much better bosses, a lock on system, just a little bit of stealth mechanics (Ryu is a ninja for pete's sake), and instant weapon switch, also more ways to instantly get to specific moves.

I always felt I didn't like spending karma on them as if you get bored, or decide you don't like that weapon afterwards then that's a whole load of karma down the drain that could have gone on health, or other skills.
I preferred the system in 2 where you can upgrade them for free at blue save points

Regarding Ninja Gaiden Black, which is the biggest difficulty jump:
- normal to hard
- hard to very hard
- very hard to master ninja
? I am finishing my hard playthrough and wondering how much harder VH is.

What makes Breakdown a good game? I have heard mixed opinions about it.

NG does exploration/adventure much better than Sekiro or Bayonetta.
t. like all three

i tried it and when i launch it with RPCS3 the emulator just shits itself and freezes then crashes
Skate 3 plays fine on the other hand

I have it on the newest build in vulkan. I'll post my settings if this thread is still up in an hour but it runs at 60fps with no drops on a 1060 and ryzen 2700x.

hard to very hard.

normal to hard mostly removes the free devil elixers and introduces minions for the bosses

very hard really starts denying a lot of shit and introduces some extra tough enemies. chapter 1 on very hard rapes your asshole open

MN is just mostly a final tightening of the screws, but youve laready seen everything

Is NG3 good for a starting point? Only copy I have right now