Dude, just build a PC LMAO

>Dude, just build a PC LMAO

Attached: Muh PC.png (818x1039, 114.38K)

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the price of motherboard doesn't make any sense.

your mother's a board lmfao

I'm not only poor, I'm inept so even if I could afford to I'd just do it wrong and ruin the expensive pieces

You forgot the 100x RC copters.

Just be like DSP

650W? Don't think that's enough.

>picks the most expensive parts on the market
>"wow what the fuck this is expensive"

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>sort by highest price
>add all to cart
Amazing thread

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>pick the most expensive available parts
>wtf why is it so expensive

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>Pick some of the most high-end parts
>Liquid cooling
>$1200 mobo ???
>4tb ssd
>meme case

based falseflagger

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Money is not an issue for me, just don't have the knowledge nor the desire to learn.

Where do you live? An 860 Pro costs here 400€, the 2080 Ti Stric OC 1200.

Yas Forums build me a $1000 dollar budget Pc.

Why aren't you going with 9900ks?

>getting an i9
lmao what a fucking joke

Eh, not OP, but when I was picking the parts for what I wanted I ended up with the 3 thousand dollar machine...

These are my favorite bait threads.

PCs are for work, anyone that says otherwise is a retard.

k dont care

That's if your buying everything for the first time your 2-3rd build will be a fraction of the cost since you have ram/psu/case ect

Why do weeb posters always make the worst posts?

If you want to make some proper bait at least use the parts that really are the most expensive, like a threadripper or one of the more expensive HEDT options from intel.

At least put in some effort brainlet

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that's even worse than being poor

Why is your motherboard so expensive?
You also don't need a new monitor, you can just plug it into a TV

You should give me your money so i can build a good PC for myself.

Why do you make terrible bait threads while refusing to argue your case?

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>I need all the most expensive shit including 4TBs of SSD but I can only stretch it to 16GB of RAM.

You don't need the most expensive shit to play games. This gets me 100+ fps on high and sometimes ultra. Only cost me about $800 and that was 3 years ago.

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console retards don't understand the concept of pc building, what else is new

It looks more intimidating than it is. As long as your parts are compatible it's as easy as building blocks.

>no poptarts

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confirmation bias

Lol. That power supply.

Hello fren. Upgraded last week

>no pop tarts
phoneposter budget build.

lol shit build

Oh shit nice

>you don't need a keyboard, just use the on screen keyboard
>you don't need a desk and chair, just sit on the floor

i HATE this word, it's the MAINBOARD not the MOFFER xDD BOARD i hate the term motherboard it sounds so god damn awful

>same graphics as PS4
>without the games

Yeah building a Pc can be expensive who knew? Why do you faggots go on endlessly with this shit thinking your superior because you chose one electronic box over another. Do everyone a solid and go buy 6ft of rope

>aussie dollars

Why would you ever buy a 4TB SSD when you could buy an NVME m.2?


Then you're shit at picking parts, my guy.

I've been using the same machine for five years, bought/built everything from scratch, and I think it cost me a bit over a grand.

>Liquid cooler
>a 1300 bucks mobo
>a 1000 bucks monitor
This is just retardation

>paying 1500 dollarydoos for 4tb SSD
>no sense motherboard
>650W power
>case with glass walls

But for what reason.

>only one gpu
>no pop-tarts
apply yourself

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I'm sorry you hate the fact that the motherboard is called the motherboard, but the fact is that the motherboard is called the motherboard.

>$2200 GPU
>Samsung SSD
>$1300 MB
>Buying a meme monitor and not getting anything on sale
How to be a nigger 101:
1. be OP

>no HDD

>gets destroyed by 400$ PS5
Will pc fags ever recover?

>meme brands
>samsung ssd over cheap brand nvme


it's the MAINboard not MOTHERboard ffs i hate that term

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And? Cheaper parts exist

>responding to bait
fuck off newfags

Fact: Real games are made for consoles, why the vast majority of PC games is assfaggots and esports shit
Fact: Exclusives are the premiere games of each gen and PC exclusives might as well not exist
Fact: PC losers will never get laid

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>go for absolute cream de la creme top end
>SATA ssd
lmfao, just buy a prebuilt retard, you are clearly way over your head.

here, just updated last year, very good price, run like butter

Its an intel motherboard.


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The hardest part is actually mustering up the courage to push the ram in hard enough for it to go in.
That and fiddling with the tiny screws.

>no poptarts
>no 50 gallon barrel of lube
the fuck kind of build is this fix your shit OP


is liquid cooler a meme or sth?

>1000 USD on a monitor
>not even 4K