Why do people say this game isn't fun? I don't even like MGS but this had me hooked

Why do people say this game isn't fun? I don't even like MGS but this had me hooked

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Its unconventional compared to the average AAA game, especially for what modern audiences are used to.

>why does Yas Forums blindy hate any game with sony's name on it?
it's a real mystery

The fundamental ideas and mechanics are but there's still a lot of modern designs such as levelling and progression that are more immediately appealing

Yas Forums is contrarian

But Yas Forums loves Bloodborne. Also I wasn't just talking about Yas Forums. I've seen the sentiment that Death Stranding is boring in other places too

Amerimutts hate anything that's not high-octane shooty-tooty bang bang.
Been playing it myself for the first time a couple weeks now. It's engaging and gorgeous as fuck. Also way superior stealth game than MGSV ever could hope to be.

I loved it

Love kojima

I've blown countless loads to these two

God bless kojima

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>Yas Forums defending a LITERAL walking simulator
what happened?