Why do people say this game isn't fun? I don't even like MGS but this had me hooked

Why do people say this game isn't fun? I don't even like MGS but this had me hooked

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Its unconventional compared to the average AAA game, especially for what modern audiences are used to.

>why does Yas Forums blindy hate any game with sony's name on it?
it's a real mystery

The fundamental ideas and mechanics are but there's still a lot of modern designs such as levelling and progression that are more immediately appealing

Yas Forums is contrarian

But Yas Forums loves Bloodborne. Also I wasn't just talking about Yas Forums. I've seen the sentiment that Death Stranding is boring in other places too

Amerimutts hate anything that's not high-octane shooty-tooty bang bang.
Been playing it myself for the first time a couple weeks now. It's engaging and gorgeous as fuck. Also way superior stealth game than MGSV ever could hope to be.

I loved it

Love kojima

I've blown countless loads to these two

God bless kojima

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>Yas Forums defending a LITERAL walking simulator
what happened?

Fuck em, game is great, they dont know shit

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It's a tedious delivery simulator game.
And easily one of the worst open world game of this generation

But Fragile looks like she has a birth defect

>go take shit to the Crafter
>need to go through miles of rough and hostile territory
>start returning to Lake Port center
>two thirds of the highway has been re-built by other players meanwhile
And that's when I started to loot Metals and Ceramics like a maniac to return the favor.

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No, you just have absolutely shit taste, and no patience whatsoever.

You know how fleshed out traversal is in Death Stranding? There's a fuck load of mechanics


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keep on keeping on

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>Tfw you log in and player likes start rolling in

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Because it's FUD by seething Xbros. They're still at it four months later.

I'm enjoying more No Man's Sky than this trash delivery game.

No man's sky>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trash Stranding

the common opinion is that DS is a boring walking simulator so naturally the snowflakes here will pretend it's a good game if it makes them feel special. entire board was shitting on the game when it came out, lo and behold everyone hates it after a week and the contrarians come out of the woodwork like the rats they are

>build the roads from lake knot to the distribution center out of pure autism
>go to bed
>boot up the game, went up like 60 levels at once

>game is so fucking bad the only good things about it are how many ways you can simulate walking and how many likes your Facebook Bridge got while you were offline not even playing it


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>Hey mine's heavier!
Just finished making the roads to the incinerator last night. I'm totally keeping a day off today.


Trash Stranding is a pile of trash

dunno, I really liked it. But most people on Yas Forums who talk about it evidently did not play it.

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oh cool the ESL hater is here

post webms/screenshots n shit, still waiting for the photo mode update for ps4 or PC version to make some nice screenshots

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Many people play this shit and they discovered one of the most boring game ever made. Truly horrible game.

Holy shit you're a loser!!!!

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There's games that don't follow conventional standards like Pathologic or Shenmue too. Plus not everyone hates it, it's like saying everyone hates Days Gone when that game has a dedicated following.

They hate fanbase around Kojima too much to accept his game, no matter what game it is.
DS is really new experience and closest we have to it is Zelda Botw. Unironically, zoomers adhd brain can't handle not getting dopamine instantly with the push of a button.

So who's your main on smash?

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The little problem is that this game is truly a garbage delivery simulator.
And for this reason it is boring

>Got emm!

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>Why do you play this shit game?
>"Because Kojima"
And this was listed as a positive.

>what happened?

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nobody plays the game

So how many amiibos do you have?

I do

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Are you just posting this from your phone, ESL-kun?

Yeah the ex-meth addict is wayyy better.

Because it is a boring walking from point A to point B, just for delivery, simulator...
Seriously the most repetitive game I've ever played

double wrong

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>I'm Fragile, but I'm not that fragile
hated her at first but came around to really liking her by the end

Her feet are horrendous though

Don't Google them, you won't like what you see

the game is actually good

Because it is a bad game. And a real pain to play


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Bossfights are worse

this but unironically, game is kino as hell

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So who do you main in Arms?

>obama 2.0 just grabs the precidency
>nobody ever even botters to nominate sam
>even if they did he'd turn it down because of his autismo

I really think its the politics of the game that causes so much butthurt

Isnt there a legendary loot lobby that you should be in right now?

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>He's Bridge...and because of his job he's also a "bridge" between people
>Heartman, lives by an heart shaped lake and makes flying heart emojis. He has heart issues
>Deadman, because he knows about the dead
>Did get the kino, totally subtle and elegant metaphor that elevate the artistic value of this game ?
>I did, because I drink Monsters™

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I don't know why that would be the case. The game doesn't really lean one way or the other politically

So do you make sure to dust off you wiiu every now and then?

I guarantee you unironically enjoy the story of MGS 1-3

Fukushima stories are indeed good

At what point does the game suggest that the names are suppoused to be subtle? Does it make you mad when you cant feel smart for reading about a true meaning of the names on wiki?

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Did you snag those fortnite season 2 skins yet?

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Nigga they all suffer from the same problem. Yeah, Death Stranding has clunky writing and delivery but so does MGS. Just because you played them when you were younger than 16 doesn't make them any better

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tendies, Yas Forumstards and zoomers all got ASSBLASTED that this game even exists
it goes against everything they stand for:
>mindless bing bing wahoo
>uniting the world
>le ebin online pvp

What was their fucking problem?

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>El Steve Jobs de los videojuegos

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Did you get any bonus items for pre-ordering animal crossing?

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>Sniper Wolf
>is a sniper and has wolves
>Vulcan Raven
>uses vulcan minigun and has ravens

left is a gamer and right is a woman
peace was never an option

Higgs is Yas Forums and /his/ combined autistic doomer with massive power trip and mommy fetish. Amelie makes use of that and unleashes his autism in order to test you and the humanity.

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>H-he is shitting on Mr.Kojima's flop
>F-fast tell him he plays Fortnite

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When did I mention Fortnite?