Produced by Steven Spielberg

>produced by Steven Spielberg
>pizzagate symbol in the intro

What did they mean by this?

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E for everyone.

>E for everyone
>one of the most violent video games to ever feature a child, who gets killed in the most gruesome ways imaginable over and over

It means you’re a schizo still trying to cover for your pedophile president by calling everyone that criticizes him a pedophile (which frankly has a success rate since most anglos are pedos anyway).

>pizzagate symbol
the what now?

>anozher Bowlbo thread

Because people weren't absolute cry baby faggots 25 years ago

pretty sure this game is 100% made i France.

>One of the first deaths is the kid being picked up by a giant sludge golem that bites into him like a Snickers and rips his ass end from his torso

Attached: not_funny.png (462x450, 189.25K)

That era was the biggest victim of censorship, though. Ninty games were always watered down.

Did the creators have a vore fetish or something?

Post the game over gifs

How is this faggot not dead already?

Compared to now? No.

>Saw this game on sale ex-rental at blockbuster in like 1999, didn't buy it then because it looked shit, just watched the intro, it looks unbelievably shit

It's shit

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This shit traumatized me as a kid. I thought I was cured by the time PS2 came out and then the fucking DMC1 fatalities hit me again.

Didn’t one of his books have an underaged gangbang in it?


Plot twist is that none of those deaths physically happened so all is fine.

That's Stephen King

Man I had to fuckin quit when I got sandwiched between the rock monsters and got eaten over and over again. Shit was too real for my 7 year old brain.

i forgot i even had this and the deaths spooked the shit out of me


pedophiles have symbols to flock together and signal to eachother, they put them in media, places (like schools, nurseries and family restaurants, tattoos), and whatever really, you'd be surprised how large the satanic pedo network of human trafficking runs things and covers up for their crimes with ease.

It's called pizzagate because the fisrt places anons started to make connections with were all "family" pizza joints frequented by rich money people, celebrities and politicians, their instagram accounts was chock full of symbolism, code words and quite literal photos of satanism/faggotry and children getting raped and killed (you know, kinda like this game).

Go watch some youtube videos about it i guess.

>Everyone going on about some fucked up game with elite conspiracy theories floating around it.
>Nobody saying what it's called.
Its like you don't want us to solve the mystery!

A friend of mine was really excited about it and we played it for the first time when I was over to spend the night.
We did not get past that part and did not get any sleep that night due to nightmares.

this is my mom favourite game of all time. She completed it 4 times or something

fug I just started it a couple weeks ago, shouldn't have read the spoiler :DDDDD
I'm sick of the caves after you get your powers already.

Game is called Heart of Darkness

want to say based but you're a tripfag so I have to say cringe, sorry bud I don't make the rules

Heart of Darkness for the PS1.

post links

Maybe trauma based mind control, traumatize a large swat of children and make them become vulnerable for future grooming, normalizing brutality aimed at children in the process.

You know how children that get severe trauma in early childhood grow up to be all fucked up suicidal sexual deviants,drug addicts and overall insane, so maybe this was an attempt to mass produce children to rape and kill with ease. Idk man, just saying.

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does she lik SoTn? Cos i wNt to fuck her in the ass

The pizza place that you stupid fucks insisted was part of a pedophile ring didn't even have the supposed "basement" where they were keeping all the children.
All you did was rile up some gun-toting rednecks and get them to harass some people selling pizza.

pizzagate is real and trump is an epstein associate. they all fuck kids, every last person in washington DC

This has gone beyond overused

not that guy but thanks for spilling the beans
I always confuse this games name with Eternal Darkness

I guess you’ve overestimated the power of your circles

she actually bought it in the 90s but never played it cause time constraints being a working mom etc. I still have the original psx copy. Her most played are HoD, tomb raider, resident evil and tekken 2

having considered that, I wish the dems were a lot better at keeping that shit out in the open.

>All you did was rile up some gun-toting rednecks and get them to harass some people selling pizza.

they were libs so they deserved it

I haven't played this since my age was only a single digit, what's the twist again?
It's not that it's all in his head, is it?

Eyes wide shut was a documentary

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the game is not that violent. why are you, and people like you, so... like this?

I’m not doing the work for you lol. Do it yourself, deadbeat.

You sound like an absolute retard.
As if these scum would leave all the evidence there after being initially spotted, let alone, as if fucking news would report accurately what happened if not outright fabricate a convenient gun toting redneck shooting the oh so innocent rich people restaurant plastered in satanic symbolism, what a coincidence to have this lengthy investigation involving recognizable public figures to flop in the public eye right when it's going viral worldwide, only after some guys go and do the the all time favorite american oopsie.

The more concise, digestible ones have been deleted, all you can find now is either several hours no one will casually watch/read and everything you can find on surface searches is tv talk shows PROVING how fake and stupid it all is with the funnies, powerful people wouldn't do this, there are laws lmao.

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I said it could be an attempt at that, not that it was necessarily 100% that. Do yourself a favor and stop expecting decent people to be the norm and insane perverts to be fringe.


>pizzagate symbol in the intro
Post a screencap, nerd.

Attached: screenshot.jpg (1202x1080, 127.46K)

Is this a better adaptation of Heart of Darkness than Apocaylpse Now?

Shut the fuck up Cory

I miss those times.

Bruh, that's NAMBLA's symbol, it's not exclusively a Pizzagate thing.

It’s pedo shit tho. Although I’m assuming these symbols have been out of use for a while


So is this game actually good or not??

>this is your brain on Yas Forums

If you liked Another World you'll probably enjoy it

get out of the house you incel retard faggot

Take your fucking meds you schizo. Something tells me you're convinced there's an organization gang stalking you too.