Less than 1000 people playing on launch day

>less than 1000 people playing on launch day

Screenshot this

Attached: valve-half-life-alyx_1-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 79.98K)

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Why do you people want games to fail so much?

because it's valve getting back on track, can you imagine how bad for tim sweeney that would be?

If valve was getting back on track they would make hl3 or portal 3
A full gamw and not just a side game

I dont want it to fail i just know it will its a different thing

>not just a side game

why did valve think teleport to move was a good idea

definitely more than that but since vr is pretty niche i wouldn't be surprised if the numbers don't break 40k.

because the alternative "puke locomotion" is garbage.

Imagine how many would play it if it was not VR? Twitch would explode, and their wallets

>less than 1000 people on launch day
>when Valve sold 150 thousand Index kits that have HL:A bundled for free
>literally getting an Index restock right now that will probably sell out in minutes.
>all the anons on here alone that have been recommending headsets or have picked up a headset since the reveal
>understating the amount of hype for Valve's first single player game since Portal 2, especially one on a new engine with a built in level editor.
Whatever you say, OP.

Attached: Smug_Winslow.png (524x509, 294.07K)

There are other types of motion though.

then choose one of the other options retard

Just wait till someone makes a non VR mod faggots say its impossible dont know shit about the half life modding scene

the right question would be to ask why is Valve so hellbent on investing in gimmick technologies. Most people get motion sickness because of VR, it's stupid to try so hard to sell it

>>when Valve sold 150 thousand Index kits

if its more than 1000 vr is not a meme and everyone complaining is a salty poorfag who can't afford good peripherals

I don't get VR sickness. Full movement is fine with me :D

>implying valve doesnt boost their own numbers on their own store page

They do

this, it's vr's first important title that will shift the industry's focus as Half Life did back then for FPS, it'll be close to 500k on the first day

only for you genelet.
For rest of us evolutionally not impeded, it is teleport that is unusably trash

but you don't play games

Game was already a success as has pushed more copies than valve was expecting and is a success. If its garbage or actually enjoyable to play we'll soon find out.

Pcbros are really mentally ill kek

So this is what spending money on virtual hats and knifes does to your brain over time

vr could be good but it would require improvements in movement. room scale is brilliant but really limits your range. you really need to be able to run and jump and have a full range of movement with no barriers before vr gets good.

>game handed out free for everyone who got index and knuckles
>index and knuckles have been out of stock for half a year because they are so popular
>thats not even counting the purchases of the game from shitty headset users.


I literally used that word just yesterday some mod must be really seething hard

poorfags mostly

Same number is referenced in other articles if you look it up on Google.
Valve initially made 150K Index units which sold about 50k when it first launched but after HL:A's announcement sold another 100K almost immediately, emptying the remaining Index stock.
The first restocking of Index units starts today which Valve themselves told people to be hot on the gun for because they're likely to sell out almost immediately.

Attached: 1581601691401.jpg (640x640, 29.2K)

> implying that even if Alyx bombed, Valve wouldn't just put out fake numbers

>full on neuronal interfacing required in order to make VR tech slightly better
I hate where this is going. But you can't stop progress I guess

If that's any measurment to go by then considering how long any and all nintendo related slurs been filtered and the asses covered in multible layers, anyone who owns a nintendo must truly be the absolute bottom of the barrel scum of humanity.

But I guess you gotta be to play and shill literal childrens games

>poorfags filtered
and that's a good thing, wanna play the most innovative game? gotta invest money to it

>$30 indie shit gets this many peak player count
>idiots actually think a new Valve HALF LIFE GAME will have less in 2020
>when every person that owns an index headset or controller gets the game for free (estimated 70-80k people)
>when it is compatible with every VR headset (estimated 1 million or more on Steam alone)

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1440, 617.62K)

If it's not played in VR, it would literally just be a mediocre hallway shooter with nothing new. The entire point of this game is to push/show what VR is capable of.

>estimated 1 million or more on Steam alone)
thats only the 1 million confirmed users who are only confirmed because they had headset connected to pc and turned on WHILE they accepted to the hardware survey.

Nobody accepts hardware surveys.

>soi freeman advernturs and potato powered le cake is le lie 3
>tech demo of the next step of vidya
Dumb chink shill, I hope you get Corona.

Did anyone want Alyx to fail?
Are we going to laugh when it does?

>invest money
>vidya games
I have VR, but come on.

yeah its doable but its like trying to play arma 3 using an atari 2600 pad.
Like what's even the point?

> will have huge peak of players
> by the second week it will have MAYBE 1000 people playing it at any given time
Almost inevitable.

The half life series is about innovation.

Attached: 575.jpg (1889x1889, 695.02K)

You literally just called the game a boring hallway shooter

You must be new here. Yas Forums has a raging boner for tortanics.

lol what a sòyboy tummylet

>calling it "smooth teleportation"
roomlet cope

Valve drones deserve a shot to the head kek

imagine time crisis but vr, now go back to your smash thread or whatever

Sicklets will never be able to experience the kino that is jet island

whats the release date anyways

You're absolutely lying to yourself if you think people here don't want this game to fail.

retard that can't read cope

>Did anyone want Alyx to fail?
like 99% console fags, (mostly nintendo children cause alyxs is not coming to smash), 70% of pc poorfags and like 2% of vr owners want it to fail

Yas Forums is shitting its pants about the game and VR as a whole since it was announced. Fuck off.

Even if it gets 100k+ players on launch there will be threads lasting for at least a month with a crying wojack for an op saying.
>Oh no no we got too cocky valvebros, it doesn't even have as many players as GTA:V.
I swear Yas Forums will be crying about this game for eternity. It's honestly so great how
upset this game has made people.

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>pc poorfags
Why? Most of them would have played HL and liked it

Its like trying to watch a movie trough a radio

VR can't be fun, is just a dumb gimmick for retards.
t. poorfag

No its not stop acting like it is

It's all so tiresome.

Yeah, don't fuck with HL modding scene.

try less than 1000 people playing 1 month from launch day and i'd believe that.

I played VR before and honestly after 10 minutes i would have rather just played a normal game again

this looks autistic