New worms teaser
>worms armageddon doesn't count because it's not numbered
nice try team 17

Attached: file.png (1417x797, 900.41K)

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>ginger eyebrows

why? why fix what isn't broke?


oh boy i hope they have those really funny voice lines again

what new can you even do with the franchise? I feel like they've been releasing the same game again and again. apart from the 3d ones and weird spinoffs i guess

That font just screams "cheap mobile garbage".

Team17 went full-PC, so it's unlikely.
Remember when they bragged about removing JonTron from Yooka-Laylee and all his faggy YouTuber-friends buried the game?

Why do they hate Worms 3D and Worms 4 Armageddon?
They pretend those don't exist, along with Forts. They had mobile games become the new 3 and 4.


real-time tdm in 3d would be kino and i'd buy it day one

>we’re never gonna get the update for Armageddon because t17 doesn’t want to compete with a 20 year old game

how the fuck has nobody made an indie not-Worms game that's basically just Armageddon 2? wouldn't be hard at all

i'll make it for you user, what should i use instead of worms?

>anime eyes
yikes, I actually liked WMD's style too

Who keeps buying new worms games

They’ve been pc for longer than that, even the steam version of Armageddon is censored

Attached: 0F3C4D2D-93E0-4C2A-BD0A-FB087F154752.jpg (640x892, 263.32K)

hot anime girls, obviously


slugs, rats, birds, crabs, cats, pretty much anything


Yikes, did they just throw 5 Holy Hand Grenades at the franchise's SOUL?

Worms: Battle Royale

There is gas and 100 player servers. No more turn based combat.

That Worm design looks like shit.

Attached: banana bomb.gif (500x535, 2.53M)

you also can get some puns out of them

Attached: seal fapping.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

"your fate is SEALED"

It's the year 2020 and they still can't just remaster Armageddon and call it a day


>Worms: Battle Royale
i unironically would play it, it's one of the few franchises that deserve a br game

where is forts 2

Both Armageddon and World Party were just expansion packs for 2.

You can make one good game.
As in, the features in your old games?
You put those in.
But Team17 are fucking morons, they'll do one step forward, three backwards.

What's the general opinion the 3D worms? I liked the one on PS2, mostly because I was a bumbling child but still

I agree with you user. I loved Armageddon but i also loved the shit out of 3, 4 and Forts. 3 had spectacular atmosphere, 4 had fun customisation and Forts was a pretty cool idea. And yet everyone pretends that era of Worms never existed...

I played one of them back in the day and even though I was also a bumbling child, I still fucking hated it

It's because the textures look like plastic and they try to hide it with bloom, isn't it?

3 is actually tragically underrated, it's a good conversion of the concept

I liked the gimmicks in Revolution, it actually felt they were trying to do something new

Multiple creatures, dumb story mode is about them being at war with each other.

You smell.

i love them


Deathtank > Worms


What did Yas Forums think of Hogs of War?

I never really understood the 3D games, they always felt off for me, weird physics, idk.
Team 17 hit gold with Armageddon / World Party, but everything they made ever since was somehow dumbed down, less worms on screen, less map themes, physics always felt a little too floaty. But the weird part is that they just ignore even their new games, Revolution had pretty interesting ideas with worm-types. WMD comes out and nope, that is not even in the game anymore.

>3 had spectacular atmosphere
Hell yeah!

Attached: 1583046846404.png (903x713, 325.92K)

it's the best Worms game.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves 3D and Mayhem.

Can't you add voice files and flags anyway?


Attached: 1583423659106.gif (270x340, 1.72M)

Armageddon looked pretty different. Haven't played World Party but it looks like more of Armageddon but i think it had hats maybe?

Yeah but iirc it’s client side only, so if the other players don’t have the custom sounds and maps installed too, they won’t hear it

Because I need muh representation
Deal with it incel

>The 3d worms are ignored

Attached: Wormwinkle.png (290x303, 94.53K)


BASED opossum poster

He did nothing wrong.

Worms fort 2 fucking when ?

Attached: Worms-Fort-Etat-de-Siege.jpg (400x569, 44.11K)

It's a mobile game.

Buy ultimate mayhem on pc. It's worm 4 + the worms 3d missions

Attached: Worms_3D.jpg (256x365, 42.73K)

T17 can't make a Worms game that isn't gimped in some major way to save their lives.


>he doesn't know the Wormsong lore

What did team17 meant by this?
>In the original Worms 4: Mayhem, after the kitchen is destroyed in the mission Diner Might, a laugh track plays. This laugh track was cut inWorms: Ultimate Mayhem

It's a better 3D Worms than Worms 3D and had Rik Mayall (RIP) being funny as fuck but it's weirdly depressing. They were definitely going for a WWI/Blackadder goes Forth vibe.


Attached: comfy boy.webm (640x480, 2.97M)

Check this out:

Replayed it recently and loved it. Kinda funny how it probably couldn't be released today because of how hard it went on the racial stereotypes.

Attached: hogs.jpg (500x372, 16.24K)

>Be shit
>Rik Mayall just fucking insults you or laughs at you