In a few years, Yas Forums will be pretending it has always loved this game

In a few years, Yas Forums will be pretending it has always loved this game.

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*I asked OP why if he was a faggot*

>Yas Forums will still exist in a few years

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I wonder if I can outright kill this goblina, she's so hideous and I hate her personality already

God, I hope not.

Horrible aesthetics...

>Yas Forums is older than 70% of the people that browses it

which game? looks like DA:O

...How new are you to think that this is how Yas Forums works?

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Can I fug her?
That's all I need to know.

Divinity Original Sin 3
If thats the case i might as well head on over to RetardEra and nake an account, or better yet quit playing games and get a new hobby like gardening

why can no one understand that Yas Forums's opinion changes over time because the users change too

Yas Forums is the reverse of this.
This place will love a game, then 6 months later shit's all over it. Mind you this place loved Divinity original sin 2 last year. Now everyone is trashing it and Larian studios.

At least gardening is a hobby that pays off.

>This game was only loved cause of shills, now that they left, this is Yas Forums's real opinion!
Every thread, without fail.

Because that would make logical sense that would subside outrage, but people just want to bitch

it's just horrifying enough to happen
This is exactly what happens with Yas Forums though. I've seen it repeatedly. Here's the cycle:
>Game gets announced
>Yas Forums gets hyped
>excited threads
>Excitement gets too mainstream
>Yas Forums hates on it to trigger the people who were excited
>game finally launches
>There's a bunch of AHAHAHAHNONONNONONO threads for the first week but the funposting falls off and people discuss the game
>A week passes
>NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED... threads pop up. People genuinely engage over debating the game
>Gradually, consensus settles on the game being shit because fuck you and fuck your shitty games that you like. Fans retreat to /vg/ where they succumb to incestuous depravity and cancer
>2 years pass
>"Hey do you guys remember X? it was such a good game!"
>Discussion resumes
>if more than 10 years pass and/or the game gets a remake, people go around hyping it WE'RE GOING HOME BRO'S OH SHIT HALO REMEMBER HALO GUYS AHHH CAWDOOTY 2 YOU KNOW WE ALWAYS LIKED IT AHAHA RIGHT?

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Again.. how new are you?

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Absolutely none of that was said in OP, you're deflecting because you're a gay faggot nigger who is wrong and got caught choking on a syphilitic cock made of how wrong you are, please perish you dipshit

>This place will love a game, then 6 months later shit's all over it

Yas Forums likes a game when its a hidden gem. A diamon in the rough. Once it becomes popular and the normalfags start harping about it and and the fandoms are saturated with faggotery that it ruins the experience Yas Forums hates it and rightfully so.

And if you are too new to spot a shilling thread like pointed out, you are are part of the problem.

Your butthurt only makes my penis harder.

>I wonder if I can outright kill this goblina
You can and she's not a goblin. She's a Gith.

Why do people love these "totally not a VN" games, but hate on actual VNs?

How? Divinity threads get shit on all the time. Larian is definitely not favored around here

>why does reddit like casual games but hate harem games
Oh I don't know retard

Attached: Larianfag sees you criticizing BG3.webm (502x540, 371.99K)

Why would i ever love something that has disgusting Githyanki in it instead of based Githzerai?

>implying wrpgs are not harem games in disguise

>n-no you're the degenerate!
Right on cue

What are you trying to say?

Yas Forums likes a game if it has objectively good gameplay
Yas Forums dislikes a game if its gameplay is objectively bad
it's not rocket science

>thinks goblina literally means goblin
Eternal summer

Who in their right mind would fuck a Gith, let alone a Githyanki?

Im sorry for whoever came up with her design
It doesnt looks different or unique, not even ugly or pretty, it just looks fucking unnerving, like someone choped her fucking nose off.

They tried to go for the waifu Gith option, problem is that Giths are fucking ugly by design and trying to make a "pretty" Gith ends up with that shit.
I blame forced romance options.

i have onions and tomatoes atm a d atleast it cant be ruined by sjws either, because i can just shoot them for tresspassing on my property and attempting to vandalize my garden.

Why not simply let me BE a Githyanki? They're basically ARPG characters by default:
>go on quest to form bond with red dragon, who you can summon in battle or use in flight missions
>upgrade silver sword
>minor buffs through psionics, even though githyanki are better
>illithids are the easiest bbeg to plant into any setting
It's basically Drakengard meets Dragon Age, but WoTC hates video games

In a few years, after mandatory goverment tranny estrogen therapy, Yas Forums won't have to pretend anymore.

>People complaining that BG3 is just DivOS3 with a brand name
>Mfw DivOS2 with 3 friends is one of the best times I've ever had playing video games and now I get to do it again but with a bigger budget and more familiar 5e based rules/settings

I honestly do feel bad for the people who wanted an actual BG3, but I don't think WoTC wanted to take another gamble with video games and just wanted to emulate something that was already hugely successful.

In a few years, nobody will remember it. At least it may be fun to see it crush and burn on launch, like Andromeda.

You can be her
She's one of the starting characters you can choose to play as, just like in OS2

Sorry pal this game is obviously looking infinitely better than Andromeda, nowadays even the fucking normies are salivating over basic nerd shit thanks to years of media indoctrination.

It's pretty much the same thing as Eternal, the very prospect of everything not being terrible scares Yas Forums because they wont be able to say that life is shit and its not their fault.

At least there's plenty of time to rewrite the dialogue into a format that makes sense.

The game is out?
Didn't know that.

You can either play literally HER as a character, or create custom gith.

>knows about gith
>isn't aware of their relationships with mindflayers

Attached: thats_just_it.jpg (372x260, 21.16K)

Tell us something new

>Some retard said it so it must be true
I'm laughing at you right now.

Ok Todd

Pin down isn't a 5e ability, a level 1 rogue can do that, those lazy ffucks.

They're placeholders lad

This is what threw me off. If you know what the Gith are you should know they were a people enslaved by Mindflayers at one point.

Eyes should be twice as big, lips should be half as big, mouth should be far wider

Who cares? This board has become worse than shit. Impossible to even get vidya discussion out of here anymore. It's all just terrible baiting with copy-pasted OPs and dumb shitposts not even for the sake of being contrarian, just for being a fucking dumbass. No OC ever gets created anymore, no hidden gems or cult classics ever get discovered, and anytime a new game gets released that people actually want to play all discussion gets kicked off to /vg/. This board is useless.

She might've introduced herself as gith.

A lot of people would. I wanted to fuck the gith villain fron NWN2.

I dont like any of those CRPG games though
and Ive tried half a dozen of them atleast

u fokkin wot

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Yeah, that was a mistake, come to think about it.

You would also know that they are as bad as the mindflayers at least in their grand scheme.

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