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man I hope bowlbo will be good


Does he wear fast pants?

I played both as a kid but I'm sure I never finished them. Some things felt really cryptic, were they actually like that or would it be feasible to 100% them as an adult with no walkthroughs?

Is she fucking him in the ass? wtf

Maybe it’s the Mandela effect but I swear to god that this series name was Tomba.

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Isn't it kind of coincidental how in most games pigs are evil

such as

Is in america

Tombi is the PAL title because in most Euro langauges Tomba would sound feminine

Fuck you I wanted to post it.

Thank you for clearing that up, kind anons.

It's probably because it was also called Tomba on the demo discs, so yuropoors who never actually owned the game thought it was called Tomba in Europe.

Duke Nukem
Angry Birds
Zelda technically I guess?

Tombi 1 is pretty cryptic at times and a nightmare to 100% without a walkthrough. The sequel is pretty straight forward and overall the better game imo. It's just way too easy.

Is not that hard to understand as an adult and it's mostly about exploring around until you eventually find the solution

I like the game take on sidequests in order to advance through the story and gain extra items

thank you for your list of evil pigs in video games

Um it's Tomba, stupid idiot.

It's crazy how these 2 events happened at the same time and same place

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>zoomers don't know one of the best PS1 games except for gdq memes

Anything missable or time sensitive in either?

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It's not that it would sound feminine, tomba means "grave" in Italian

big guy comin through

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One of the best games of all time.

Attached: Tomba!_NTSC.png (400x400, 340.92K)

>Game gets a thread
>it's people posting the same meme over and over
>no one actually talks about the game and thread dies early

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Who is that and what does he have to do with tomba?

I still have my demo disc with it on, and ir's called Tombi on there too.

>would it be feasible to 100% them as an adult with no walkthroughs?
Pfft... no. But the game is amazing never the less.

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that's chibi and he beat the game all by himself!

please put on some fast pants

the game is fucking ancient and there's nothing else to talk about aside from memes, retard

Doesn't seem to be that true to Tomba!
Tomba! needs the same kind of treatment that Paper Mario got with Bug Fables.

As a kid I beat the second game without guides but got stuck for weeks on some parts
years later played the first game and I used a guide at some point, the guide was really funny and included drawings so I played along with it for the rest of the game

It's not really that hard. The game rewards you quite a bit for exploring anyway

Though I have no idea what 100% completion entails, I got all the main items and did all the sidequests I could find. And on the levels were it was hard to access the higher areas I got up those too

Has someone made a 100% guide?

You're hearing the intro village music automatically.

I love how many PS1 games used those steel drum like sound effects. Reminds me of several games at once (particularly Breath of Fire 4)

what's this?

I wish there was a video
What a white haha

I'm shocked with all the 2D indie platformers on the market today no one's tried to emulate Tomba's style.

I mean... I could always wear the pants.

Oney is doing Bowlbo

What is it?

never doubt the power of big dick space

imagine having this retarded zoomer mindset

fucking christ almighty

imagine being a newfag and thinking this thread would attract some deep lore or gameplay discussion

There's no Zeldi in Europe, after all.

Correct post but Zelda refers to a woman in the first place so not a good point to make.

its called doin the Alucard

>Gets called zoomer
>Fails to even attempt to refute his insult and just calls him a newfag
Have you played the game?

What I am most pissed about is that no one has tried to make a 2.5 version or something. A Rayman Legends-style reboot/remake/sequel would be awesome in today's platforms.
>tfw never got to finish the second because my console had an insane amount of hours put into it + the cd was scratched + it struggled with pirated games
Tried again when my hardware would allow but the second is just not as good as the original.

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nice, got more?

nobody cares newfag

Does it matter whether Tomba is a man or a woman? I know what you mean, but the "feminine" argument just doesn't hold, bro. I don't know where you got that from.
Also, how many people call Link Zelda? Probably more than people who have played the games lmao.

Rocket Knight Adventures / Sparkster too

>thinking this thread would attract some deep lore or gameplay discussion
And when I try to discuss the game you come up with such an elaborate and pertinent answer.
You are the problem here, newfag.
I've been around here since before you were in middleschool, and will continue to be here long after the adhd pills help you complete it.
Now fuck off. This discussion ends here or with your next reply.

christ go back to whatever shithole you came from

The wiki just says to do all 130 events (137 in 2) for 100%.

Ignoring the asshurt zoomer, Tomba definitely felt rushed around 50% or so in the game and some things do go untouched.

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I noticed you can complete the game without capturing all of the pigs as well, as long as you get the last one its over

Hey I did it as a kid who could barely read english. Im confident you can do it too

Care to explain how? Imo the seven friends event cant trigger untill you have beaten the seven evil pigs

This game definitely has an interesting playstyle to it

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I was sure I able to bag the last pig first and got a credit roll. Then I went back to figure out where the other one was that I missed and it was a few levels back.

This is Tombi, the first one I'm talking about