If I was Cloud I would ditch Tifa for Jessie and just tear that ass apart every day

If I was Cloud I would ditch Tifa for Jessie and just tear that ass apart every day.
Is Cloud a fag or something?

Attached: jesssss.jpg (1320x990, 1.01M)

>Is Cloud a fag or something
Do you even have to ask?

Attached: jesss.jpg (1058x1196, 233.11K)

You mean Aeris

sfm porn incoming? finally

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my coom tribute will be plenty

>blender UI
retarded Yas Forumsermin.

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>hey Cloud, if I haven't mentioned it already, I love cock, and if Tifa sucks your cock it's fine by me, but remember that I'll always be there to suck your cock too, because if there's something that drives me crazy, it's cock, give me cock now, cock cock cock
what did Square Enix mean by this? I don't remember FF7 Jessie like this

>there's jessie sfm porn already
well fuck, I just jerked off

There's something weird with her face...

>is Cloud a fag
But Tifa has a nice rack, besides Jesse dies anyway

You realize you can just render an image, right? You don't have to print screen, you fucking blendtard.

She looks like she takes knots.

Why the fuck would you spoil that shit? Fuck you.

I’m not a computer wiz just a coomer you know what I meant loser

why does she have literally the same face as tifa?

coomers are not allowed in FFVII threads in any form.

Enjoy your coomer game remaketards

>wanting excessivly used goods
You know she's getting smashed by all of Sector 7, right?

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not my fault you're a dumb zoomer lmao

It is meant to convey the need to satisfy basic instincts and its conflict with moral principles, as modern man struggles to understand his own place in this decaying society

That's Tifa and maybe also Aeris.

I too was born in 95 XD

Yuffie and Barrett are the only pure ones in that game

>China goes full communist
>Everyone protesting and hates
>Blizzard announces OW2.
>Everyone forgives China.
>A week later Carona virus happens.
>Back to hating China.

Computer nerds don't like like that

Just like in my videogames!
Thanks for buying Final Fantasy VII Remake™ my fellow gamer

How did she die? I don't even remember.

>breasts too pointy

>Is Cloud a fag
Yes, his attempts with girls is solely because he's larping as Zack

Yesterday I spied on my neighbor while she got out of the shower

Will you also be bit by a super spider today?

if i remember correct after avalanche blows up the Shinra power plant

Plate drop.

I wish but instead I'll be a mega coomer

Cloud loves big tits more than ass.

Sounds based if you ask me.


yes, it isn't buried in my ass


I guess there are some places swords can't reach huh

Jessie gets fucking smashed hard by shinra cock

>You know she's getting smashed by all of Sector 7, right?

Fuckin kek.

>til there is a choice to save her, but she will be PTSD ed for the rest of the game.

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Even woman, children, dogs and old people?

What in the fuck am i looking at? This real?

>Eternal plating press

God I wish that were me.

Model rip

Yeah. It's not easy to hear. Some people are probably going to be crushed.

nope, you're still asleep.


Yeah i get that, but sometimes actual official nude meshes are discovered beneath, like with Claire in REmake 2. Is that the case here?

i wish i lived in the 80s

Attached: Megazone 23 [BD 1080p] [OnDeed] [27A82C5D].mkv_snapshot_00.23.25_[2018.02.20_05.36.12].jpg (1436x1080, 839.16K)

yh but you would be old as ass now if you did.

Just find a girl fitting that aesthetic bro

>Skinny polio arms.
What went wrong?

Girls were way hotter back then.
Also highcut clothes...hmm...
t. 1980's dude

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i wish i lived in the 80s but never aged

Attached: Megazone 23 [BD 1080p] [OnDeed] [27A82C5D].mkv_snapshot_00.22.17_[2018.02.20_05.34.09].jpg (1436x1080, 1M)

Closer to death and an escape from the current state of the world.

Attached: CD3A464D-C699-4B86-9C0B-85EBC890BB78.jpg (960x720, 83.37K)

>Also highcut clothes
something i've actually hated that's come back into "style" the last 3-4 years

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