
Attached: 5e61808573213.jpg (1106x1436, 338.85K)

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90's 3D graphics were poorly made due to technological limitations, who would've guessed

What's funny? That's just a box tiger.

>90's games are timeless classics
>modern games are gloirified movies

Attached: 9a7.jpg (180x180, 5.96K)

Tiger technology has come a long way.

Attached: TR 2 Tiger.jpg (1280x720, 1.37M)


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Most 90s classics don't hold up anymore and many have been outdone by later sequels and iterations.

There are tons of games in the 90s I can play today and still like the graphics. I've realized while I do like how "nice" things look now, unless it's very well done it almost always looks more like shit in over a year.

Did you or someone else edited this pic? Because I remember seeing the early 2000s used instead of the 90s

then why are doom and quake popular while 2016 is a ded game now?

Only literal whotubers and autistic speedrunners play old dooms and quake

What's the point of this thread?
Ironically or not OP is just retarded.

3D games looked great in 1999-2001

Attached: bdd.jpg (680x658, 32.81K)

because they have mod support

its not true, only retards like you say these things because of nostalgia.

Attached: promise scene.jpg (1905x592, 254.21K)

quite literally not true.
Why are GTA2, 3-SA, and arguably 4 more revered than 5?
Why do people unanimously like MGS1-3 and Rising, but are split on 4 and 5?

Because they are exceptional. That measure of success isn't the same for many other 90's series.

They unironically did when played on CRT screens as the developer intended.

>its not true
But it is.

Left soul, right... you know the deal

Based square doggo

uh huh, is that why Rollercoaster Tycoon, Half Life, Diablo 2, Sims 2, older Simcities and such are still active, but their modern interpretations are either mobile shit or not existant?
Games used to be better before.

Novels written 100 years ago are still really good, lmao. What's your excuse boomer?

Why are you looking for things to get angry at, OP?

>Why are GTA2, 3-SA, and arguably 4 more revered than 5?
5 is by far the most popular GTA. Also,

>Why do people unanimously like MGS1-3 and Rising, but are split on 4 and 5?
Because 4 and 5 were shit games? This has nothing to do with their era, it has everything to do with Kojima being a hack that is nothing without Hiroshima.

shut the fuck up double boomer

are you sure you're ready for the truth?
if so, go ahead:

I feel like this picture is also on low settings, I played Tomb Raider 2 recently again and it didn't look quite that bad. Lighting was slightly better too.

Words don't stab your eyes by looking like poorly made paper mache

Yeah, something is off about it. I could reinstall and put up a screenshot for comparison.

Amazing how graphics have changed

that is close but not quite true, the reason those games were popular is because it appealed to young boys who would go 'this is just like me!', not gay shit like 'i wanna fuck lil boys!'

No they're not, they're racist and problematic.


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I would say the pic is Vanilla TR2 in high settings. I played that shit without graphic accelerator and it looked worst than in PSone

>scoffing at GTA2

Absolutely nobody:

Ohnono we got too cocky 2bros

you are a tiny niche part of the market.

Minecraft with shaders and hd textures

Cubivore came out in 2002 tho

That is pretty funny in retrospect.

It is retarded.

I never self-inserted as a kid
I spent my entire childhood wishing I was older, I wanted nothing to do with anyone young
but i really thought adult link was cool and other adult video game characters
only in my adult years do I realize they were crushes
t. huge fag

the point still stands
games are for children (or manchildren) who wish they were cute and powerful boys

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>Why do people unanimously like MGS1-3 and Rising, but are split on 4 and 5?
Pseuds and posers.

drop the 'cute' part, no children want to be cute.

Holy fuck how is it even possible for someone to play the game on the left

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Most of them had to be reprinted and their language modernized already.

Not only 90s, it's applied up to the end of ps2 era. It was a time of experiments and every game was unique. Nowadays they're mass produced and most of the games are garbage. You can mask the lack of depth and gameplay with good graphics and fun service.

Left has better graphics, but left has better art direction

I agree

user are you ok?

The game is 2 years older than metacritic.


It still received constant 7s in every review that I read at that time.


Giving normalfags access to memes was a mistake

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Why is this thing on the right blocks the view of the stars?

Please cry more

>"don't hold up"
Fuck off with this non-criticism

soul vs soulness

>nooo muh normalfags!!

probably so they can do a dramatic night sky pan as the scene ends

I'm sorry I don't like your zero effort facebook posts that are all variations of nobody -> thing.


Is SoulNes the next character added to smash?

>It still received constant 7s in every review that I read at that time.
The score doesn't matter if the game is good and fun to play. I doubt you were even born at the time because you're clearly a victim of zoomer mentality when everything popular and highly rated by a couple of game journalists = good. The score doesn't define anything, it's subjective opinion from people who don't even finish games, anyone who played gta2 at the time knows how good it was.

Games from 20 years ago are still pleasing to look at. What's your excuse, zoomer?

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Bought it at release actually. Thing is that I was a kid who did not know better. Going back to it now I realize that it was pretty much just a slightly prettier GTA1 and the most fun to be had is grenade glitching onto prison island but not much more.

Shakespeare was unreadable garbage that had to be translated. Don't act like written literature isn't in the same boat.