>True beauty is an expression of the heart.
>A thing without shame, to which notions of gender don't apply.
What did he mean by this?
True beauty is an expression of the heart
it means he is a tranny fucker.
beauty transcends any gender you fag, if you want to fuck it, then go nuts
It means that being beautiful is something that can be applied to both men and women
I it means that both men and women can appreciate the artistry of the mona lisa
better question is why say something as asinine as that in the first place
It means he's a fag
Still won't stop trannies from appropriating this too.
Mistaking Cloud for a girl would be transphobic.
Beauty – it’s humanity’s greatest sin
Beauty – hiding the beast that lies within
It means Square is claiming genders aren't real. They probably threw it in so trannies will defend the braindead button mashing game that only has 5% of the content of the original.
it means
>hey fucking sjws dont go after us for having cloud dress up as a girl
Then stop them for thinking that and call them out.
Holy shit Barry, stop.
This dude can make you look like a hot chick regardless of what gender you are
I thought Barry only sperged about ff15
>Anyone criticizing the remake whether it be big or small is known as this individul named Barry
At this fucking point, you people are about as mentally ill as Barry.
Here's what I think about trans rights:
>What did he mean by this?
>"Your ass is mine"
Honestly, if you are this negative biased over the remake and completely miss the point on everything yeah, you deserve to be called Barry. Now piss off, Barry.
If the demo didn't tip you off, this game is a movie
every little memorable slice has been turned into a broadway stage show, so it simply wasn't enough for cloud to gather his dress, wig tiara and muster through corneos mansion, it has to have this fluff padding it out so you don't feel ripped off for paying full retail price for 1/10th of its predecessor.
IN MY OPINION of course.
Literally "It doesn't matter if liking traps make you gay, just as long as you like it"
He means that true beauty is an expression of the heart, and you don't have to be ashamed, because notions of gender don't apply.
1 to 1 remake of the scenes would be garbage.
Sure i agree that parts should be bigger (2-3 at most) but they make a game from scratch. Not only that, they remake a game that was the most expensive in history at the time when it came out. And it still is at i think 6th place?
I'm pretty sure that no company can remake a game like that with the quality of the demo and keep all of it's content. So instead they go on expanding parts and making them more full.
That's actually a very good quote.
Thing is, trannies are disgusting, so they aren't an expression of the heart, more like an expression of mental illness.
Yeah, seems appropriate.
look at this thread why something asinine can also be controversial
This, anyone saying otherwise has aids.
that guy I can't remember his name, spoony I think, he crossdresses for photoshoots. Purely artistic, yet the underlying reason is he gets off on the humiliation of being in drag and having that material released to the public
Is perverted art still art?
I want to coom in his armpit
accurate. Especially for everything being 'rebooted' post 2018
He means boys can be pretty too.
Not ALL boys, but some.
Be real with me: If the whole surgery and hormones actually did turn them into a biologically functional woman/man, would we hate them slightly less?
>shaves his armpits
fucking lame
if such a thing were possible then you would only find men in zoos
Nobody would willingly be a man so the only time you;'d see them would be for public display. If anything, they might give subsidies or something for people won't don't switch.
>please don't switch, we need natural males to actually do our construction work PLEASE
>Not wanting liberal garbage like LGBT rights, censorship, etc in gaming
This is why I swapped to anime games, at least they can tell SJWs to fuck right off.
That final fantasy is pozzed just like nips are slowly becoming.
>too afraid to burn flag outside
maximum cuckoid
>This is why I swapped to anime games
>Hating anime
>Yas Forums made by a weeb and has been ussd by weebs since 2003
I found the gif on Yas Forums. Know any other gifs like this where they burn LGBT flags?
I mean its a trans flag its not like its that inflammatory anyways. At worst you get sad trans folks, instead of like if you burned an American flag in the rural south (or an confederate flag, pathetically)
Yas Forums is Yas Forums tranny weeb.
Is it really that difficult for you to understand? Do you need a puppet show to explain it?
That is impossible, you still have a male consciousness. Even if you brain was transplanted into a female body you're still a dude.
>Cringes at anime
>Likes Final Fantasy
final fantasy is "anime", not anime.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits everywhere like a duck.
I know it's impossible, that's why I'm asking.
Any man/woman can be called ‘beautiful’. That’s it.
Trannys do it for cooming reasons, they get off on dressing up. They only reason they want to pass is so they can do it in public.
calling a man beautiful is homo behaviour.
I want to kiss Cloud.
Rent Free
what does that even mean
I want cloud to kiss me
To be 100% real if trannys want the hate to stop they should be more like Baily Jay:
Admit you're a man
Don't chop it off
Try hard to be as less revolting looking as possible
Don't attend drag time story hour or whatever
Don't get political, stay the fuck out of the legal and scientific definitions of gender
Follows these and trans people would be tolerated. It's called compromise, trans hate is huge because all they do is bark orders at people.
It means trannies are based
Look at real anime games like trails of cold steel, persona and star ocean and compare them to Final fantasy. Final fantasy its a mix of west with east. The others are straight up anime games.