Just bought this

Just bought this
Any tips?

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Is a competitive game, so start with some easier ops if you want.

Refund it

You're unironically too late to catch up. Everyone knows pixel peek spots that you will get one tapped through every round, and the game doesn't explain gadget interactions very well so you will blindly fumble with "what the fuck was that"s until you get so annoyed that you just turn it off and leave it off.

Have fun ok

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do the situations, unlock get base ops first, avoid noob trap ops like castle/shields/entirety of shitnaz
i suggest going with rook/sledge as your very first unlocks

spend 300 hours learning the maps and operator abilities, then you can start playing

Ignore retards, especially the ones on this board.

You should buy all base release ops, Kali, Kaid, and Mira. They are all you need to have an answer to any situation in the game.

Do not play Lesion. He's a bigtime crutch. Have fun.

i dont know the level is super low in casual on PC at least i can spend week without touching the game and finish game with mvp


>Do not play Lesion. He's a bigtime crutch. Have fun.

>hating on my nigga Lesion
shit tastes senpai

Lesion is the closest thing R6 has to an ooga booga character choice. Fortunately, unlike games like LoL or DotA, I can't call them all brainlets and crutch-loving retards, because ultimately you still have to be good at the game to be good at Lesion.

It's just that his gadget is a bigtime crutch that you will do more winning than learning with.

Well, dont play fps on a console for starters.
As in any competitive game it takes time to become decent. So be prepared to invest a couple thousand hours into the game.

Good communication > individual play (given you dont just solo carry)
Since its teamplay be prepared to meet unreasonable shitters that are mad since they are playing bad and are on some sick losing streak.

>It's just that his gadget is a bigtime crutch that you will do more winning than learning with.

yes ofc if you're good you can just hear their footsteps but i'm not at that level yet and i need their scream

refund it. or go to reddit to make sure you never see any post saying nigger

Why would he get Kali and Kid over Jackal/Buck/Mozzie/Capitao?

>retards can't control their foul mouths even when asked to nicely then cry that they got silenced

Eat shit, degenerate. Get a sense of humor instead of being an obnoxious cunt.

Wow you owned that incel. He was probably wh*te too. Death to all crackers man.

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trolling is a lost art nowadays

Get a refund

>tfw calling people niggers and faggots counts as trolling nowadays

Buy the ultimate edition or you'll be absolutely fucked not being able to upgrade versions later and having to earn all the characters one by one minus being able to buy the latest pass which forces you to wait months to get any content out of it

Jackal is permabanned. Sledge is fine if you don't have Buck. Mozzie is good but NEVER EVER necessary. Capitao is cheap and good but also never necessary.

He may be trolling now but the incel rage was real when they actually banned you for saying nigger.

yeah, uninstall it and get a refund

dont you have all base and Y1 operators unlocked now ?

>He may be trolling now but the incel rage was real when they actually banned you for saying nigger.
Yeah how dare they think that getting your right to play the game be stripped over a word is bad? Us based redditors fight against nazi white scum.

As you are playing on console, play with Frost as as a defender and trap near windows. Not many players will have the reflex to shoot the trap on the ground unless they are good with the controller or using a xim4.

>He may be trolling now but the incel rage was real when they actually banned you for saying nigger.

i never got banned from R6 in 500H

Nnno? 240-320 R6 coins each.

don't close down every single door
don't lock your objective entrance with castle unless you are going for a specific strat which is never. Castle is for wannabe architects.
make use of your two drones as much as you can, don't just sent it to be destroyed if you found the objective
you don't have to always reinforce every single wall of the objective(s), especially in bomb defusal
if you're on defense, most of the time let them come to you, don't rush blind and get killed like a retard just because you heard a couple footsteps, as a def it's the biggest advantage you have
I wi not that I have absolutely no idea how to attack, I become retarded when I'm out of drones and panic easily

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Get good with sledge and rook first. Sledge will teach which walls are breakable or not, which is the most important thing in the game.

Refund it

Remember to spam crouch and lean like an absolute retard. Fucking up your character model mid shootout will get you to plat

This shit got fixed, and nobody did it even when it was a problem in normal play.

It's still easy to avoid headshots with it

Yeah at the cost of completely disrupting your own ability to land shots, let alone headshots. Enjoy running out of ammo and dying.

Play casual only. Pay attention to sound, everything makes a noise, standing still and turning your mouse will make noise, going prone makes noise, jerking off makes noise. Save your drone, dont let it die instantly unless you don't care very much. Best tip for keeping drone alive while inside objective or near it, is to sneak in then turn it around a face a wall, this hides the big red light on the front and makes it harder to spot. Don't be a pussy and take 3 minutes to enter the building only to have to rush in the last minute. Cut the pie. Don't cry about teammates and blame everyone for everything. Ignore the faggots who cry and moan.

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AND MOST IMPORTANTLY while on defense draw dicks and smiley faces on the walls and other tactical words.

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I bought Deluxe and it unlocked all the Y1 and Y2 but not the base ones.......

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Have fun, learn to lean and when not to lean
I only play waifus

Base + year 1

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Also don't forget to check your corners in every room unless you drone scouted it first. Suppressing fire works really well because of snap shooting. Snap shooting is leaning/strafing around a corner as fast as possible, if you are having a fight like that spraying that spot can often end up with a headshot cause they peak into a hailstorm of bullets. On offense always watch the windows of the bulding. The biggest faggots that play will try to spawn peak cause they are shit and need ez kills. A good attacker will almost always be able to rape a spawn peaker but you have to be paying attention. The spawn peaker has to focus on multiple areas while the attacker just has to focus on a hole in a window.

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It's a fantastic game if:
-you have a competetive nature
-you have no issue using voice chat to communicate with your team as much as you can
-you are not a Yas Forums incel who gets triggered like a snowflake because they banned him for saying nigger
-you enjoy deep and long learning curves, are willing to invest time learning the maps and proper positionings.
-you will need a constant stack of 5 players if you wanna climb the rank ladder high up

I got this game last week on sale and I'm already addicted because of just how hard it is to get good. If you are looking for a game to chill and have a relaxing time this definitely ain't it. Also it's not a Yas Forums friendly game because everyone here is low testosterone and wants to play simple japanese games and jack off to underage looking female characters, so don't look for anything helpful here.

i play this game casually with friends and it's perfectly fine you just dont go in to "turn your brain off"

>If you are looking for a game to chill and have a relaxing time
I disagree, but I say fuck ranked mode. Casual all day err day. Defense is ultra chill and offense is cool operator mode. There is nothing more relaxing than being in the zone taking down tangos and fuzing hostages.

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>free weekend
>try to play
>estimated wait: 1:06
>queue time: 2 hours
tried both quick match and newcomer playlists. all others locked. restarted the timer and game. nothing happened.

ultimately never got into one game

i've been stuck at plat 2 for a couple of operations by solo qing

being consistent in this game is a pain in the ass

i fucking love the game tho, growing up with CS it's like that but with fun maps

When, what system, what region? Sounds like a bug but i dunno. The game is currently more popular than ever so that shouldn't be the case.

A few years ago were some troubled times and at 4am itd take 30 min Qs.

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i hope you got the hard copy
just in case you got busted table.
anyways just wait for ready or not

do people really play r6 on console? how much of a fucking hellhole console matches are?

I work for Ubisoft, please stop buying this shitty game so we can start making games you actually want.

Dont press enter after clicking reply

Got dahm, these numbers on PS4 are also huge.
Way bigger than I imagines, 23 fucking million sales on ps4 alone. Jesus.

This is a good screen, first place with 1 kill, 2nd place has 8 kills.

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xbox in japan

probably said enough but still

Neat, that ps4 website I linked shows it's fairly popular in Japan. But I guess Xbox isnt that popular there?

>Japan 3x more popular 9%

I dont know what the statistics are but it's common knowledge that xbox has never had a legitimate presence in Japan

jesus christ those pings


When I was a wee lad I played Counter Struck with 300 ping and 15 frames. And I walked skipped school up hill both ways and stayed home and played videogames.

Do steam glitch to get szn pass for free buy it launch the game then refund it the pass itself counts as 2 weeks 2 hours policy. Your welcome

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The day we convinced both teams to go outside and play soccer.

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