Half life 2 is a tech demo, there's no doubt

Half life 2 is a tech demo, there's no doubt.

It's gameplay is stale and it's crutch is that it has some wonky physics that don't always simulate accurately.

Then of course there's it's story, which seems like it was written for a b-grade porno.

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Most overrated game (along with half life 1)

>tech demo

>Most overrated game
That would be reddit evil or ocarina of reddit.

Being a contrarian is practically the same thing as being a conformist. You're ultimately letting other people dictate your views.
>hurr people like it, I like it too then
>hurr people like it, it must be shit
Two sides of the same coin.

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exactly, so many lost souls think that hating on a popular or well-acclaimed makes them look so au contraire and faux-vox-populi when, in reality, they're just the same as us!!

Why are you guys misspelling Skyrim?

Your favourite game is a shittier tech demo than HL2 lol

whom are you quoting?

Shut up namefag your mom is a tech demo for my dick.

Giving that bitch a 60 on metacritic

Learn the difference between it's and its you fucking retard

I can't tell the difference between this place and reddit. mods ban me like twice a day for saying nigger.

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how many brain cells did you have to rub together to come out with this absolute shit of a post?

>this game that was sold as a tech demo for the source engine when it came out is a tech demo
>doesn't like source physics when nothing has come close since
>doesn't like half life 2 gameplay when few fps games have come close to how good single and mutliplayer are
>reddit spacing
your life is the story of a b-grade porno but your the guy in it not getting laid, fuck off back to your home website, tourist

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so many people get this WRONG!! AAGGHHH!


IT'S is a CONTRACTION (the GRAMMATICAL kind) of "It" and "is"!!!!


half life is fun, but the game itself is not the best thing there is
what zoomers need to understand is that half life is a franchise driven by innovation and tech, both hl1 and 2 have set standards in the industry - latter in a little more indirect way (forcing Steam, which essentially shaped PC gaming to what it is today)
interacting with physics on the level of hl2 didn't exist in games yet and the facial animation tech (as well as the graphics) were innovative additions

not to forget that Source is still an engine that is used to date and has given birth to many games and even franchises
you zoomers should be happy to have the ability to witness another hl2, something that sets standards: although those will be primarily for VR - a medium that desperately needs them.

Maybe because you post nsfw, you fucking retard

no one cares you fucking autistic reddior, fuck off and leave no one wants you and your shitty fucking reddit spacing here because you never learned how to fucking read without half a fucking page between the words.
kill yourself newfag bans never got handed out for saying nigger before you fucking scum invaded

or maybes it's because they are niggers

>ad hominem attacks on the basis of my spacing
back to basics for you, asshole.

>defines a generation of video games
>pssh nothang personal kid

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>alboo abloo muh made up reddit terminology because i have no response

I'd actually argue that a game like Star Wars Dark Forces II did more for first-person shooters than Half-Life ever did or, at the very least, should have done. DFII came out a year before and had much better interactivity in the gunplay, a better story, and better music; combat has never felt so satisfying, nor does HL have any characters in the first game that really compel you.

>ad hominem
>reddit terminology
christ on his throne, kid. i didn't think you were this lost.

Contrarian the thread

I reinstalled Synergy and Sven Co-Op last weekend. There is simply nothing else in gaming that comes close to the wonderful "player ragdolls on death" feeling that Source engine has. The weight, the interaction with props and explosions, the sound effects as the ragdolls hot the ground... it's all just perfect. Seeing an Antlion or a barrel kill a player and their corpse flying 7 meters across the room is perfect. You can't get it anywhere else.

The biggest issue HL2 had was a lack of open areas without Immediately forcing you into a vehicle.

spewing reddit tears and muh falluses is the first sign of redditors, i don't care about your stupid faggot fallicies that you learned are what you spew when your fucking npc brain can't think of anything of substance to respond with. Every year this website gets shittier because fucking sub 60 iq normie niggers and fucking overflow from reddit subhumans comes to cry and bitch like fucking faggots. do everyone a favor and fucking kill yourself.

This 'tech demo' idea is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Where did we go so wrong as a board we have cowards like you hiding behind buzzwords that they can barely even comprehend the meaning of under the guise of drooling out a banal and regurgitated 'opinion' that just makes everyone reading it stupider for having been forced to interact with you.

It's just a tech demo to set and continue to exceed the standard of facial animation and lip syncing in 2004. It's just a tech demo to create a physics engine and then also use it as a pillar of gameplay. It's just a tech demo to continue to excel at narrative when compared to the entire gaming industry which have retreated into 'cinematic techniques' to be taken seriously when HL2 never stops gameplay. It's just a tech demo to create one of the most important video games ever made.

I hate you op, I hate every lame opinion you've ever spilled onto this board, I hate every copypasta or topic of discussion your underdeveloped brain you keep reposting to get (you)s since you clearly have nothing else going for you, I hate that you didnt even put any amount of effort into your post for this thread, I hate that I share a hobby with you.

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Half Life is gameplay first, story second.
And whether you like it or not, had a larger impact than Dork Forces 2

i'm sorry, i get the fact that you had fun with it but the level of "physicality" that a game has doesn't really give it as much merit as you'd think. a game can have the most glorified physics and still be empty and devoid of personality. half-life feels that way to me; hell, half-life 2 is essentially a sanctified fetch quest to save a guy who ends up dying in poor lighting in the second episode

jesus christ the mental gymnastics you contrarians will go through to discredit Half Life 1 and 2 never ceases to amaze me...

>Game features cute novel tech
Why are you like this, Yas Forums?

Giving you a 20 on Metacritic, I don't like mouthy faggots


Learn the difference between "it's" and "its", retard!

you first, you stupid cockscum-eating shitstain.

don't call it dork forces 2, and i'm just saying it shouldn't have had as big of an impact since HL was so soulless and contrived

i'm not discrediting it so much as saying it could have been much better


This game is 15 years old. Are you being ironic or moronic?

>16 hour game
>epic music
>variety of environments
>many different types of enemies

And you call it a tech demo?
Sounds like you're in denial and butt blasted by this games success

>it shouldn't have had as big of an impact since HL was so soulless and contrived
Another buzzword
I don't think you know the meaning of that

Go back for Dork Forces and suck on jj dick


wolfenstein is just a tech demo

>I hate that I share a hobby with you.
Why does this feel so harsh?

reminder that Far Cry 1 was a tech demo and an inferior game

It's fine if it's a tech demo. They released their fucking engine for anyone to work with for free and also put out EP2 to mitigate the problems you listed

>Physics aren't always simulated accurately
You mean to tell me that the first game that pulled off a physics engine at its magnitude didn't simulate everything perfectly?

tech demo? if only facial animatoin
other tech was old

okay, you want to know the differences then that make DF2 the superior FPS?

as far as shooting enemies go, the aliens and zombies and marines feel as if they're actual bricks when shot at. their movements are stiff, stupid, and awkward. when you actually kill one of them and they fall down, you have to wait a couple of seconds for their body to become, for lack of a better description, "one" with the environment i.e. to lose their physical boundaries so you can pass through them. it's so stupid too because in DF2 the enemies smoothly slide upon death and there's this actual sense that you've made an impact on them. you can shoot an HECU marine with a submachine gun and it feels literally like I'm shooting a water gun at a brick, so stiff and lazy.

half-life is a veritable dungeon exploration game where nothing actually happens, there's no sense of urgency, no life worth fighting for except your own (solipsism much?) and so what happens is you have the veneer of a story covering any sense of its substance. there's no substance to it. at least in dark forces ii you had SOMEONE whom you loved and someone worth fighting for in jan, who wasn't any kind of damsel-in-distress archetype-fulfilling woman but was basically your sidekick. the game had IN-MOVIE cutscenes with real actors and CGI-rendered environments, a groundbreaking assertion at the time that HL couldn't even compete with

These games are all tech demos and that's part of why they're great games.

>Half life 2 is a tech demo, there's no doubt.
Ok, if you say so. Whats bad about that? It was still widely loved and one of the highest rated games of all time.

>It's gameplay is stale and it's crutch is that it has some wonky physics that don't always simulate accurately.
Gameplay is one of the best fps games out there, more variety of weapons than DUUM. And show me one game that does physics better, I'll wait.

>Then of course there's it's story, which seems like it was written for a b-grade porno.
Ok but, youre right, it doesnt bring the best from Star Trek, X Files and other sci fi to make something truly special which has had people waiting for the ending to the story for for over a decade.

>These games are all tech demos and that's part of why they're great games.

This, a game is about GAMEplay.
Fuck everything else.
HL2 just has the best.

nah, half-life 2 is one of the best games ever made
so is half-life 1

>there's no sense of urgency, no life worth fighting for except your own

This is your brain playing on easy

>All that shit about the story
Are you a troll or just extremely autistic? HL1 was gameplay first, story second. It's a game, you go fast and shoot ayylmaos. Would you complain that fucking Doom didn't have a compelling story when it had an objectively greater influence than HL1 did?

honestly if hl2 had better car handling and skippable cutscenes it would be a 10/10 for me

this - you do yourself a disservice by not trying to find something entertaining about popular game.

I don't understand, Dork Forces is known to be shit.
Where HL2 and HL1 are among the highest rated games of all time.

Theres no contest.

I'm sorry, did I at any point ask you for your shitty opinion? Go ahead and poit out where exactly I've suggested that I care for your awful little mind's musings?
Are you so desperate to have your tiny brain's ideas heard that you'd just spout them at any stranger on the internet? Nothing that you've just written is important enough for you to have communicated on this board unsolicited.

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They should've just streamlined the vehicle sections better. There's too much downtime in those sections and it's frankly more fun to BLJ past them (or bhop if for some reason you're still on the old engine)

absolutely fucking based and redpilled

again, it has nothing to do with difficulty and everything with the way the story is set up. you have this grand old exposition that the facility is falling apart and the marines are coming to kill everyone and yet it just feels so soul-crushingly mundane walking around this gray and monochromatic facility with its lights and everything. it's just you and you're so disconnected from everyone else that even any kind of sympathetic connection with the scientists to save them is just so totally undermined and obscured. it just feels like the main part of the game is more so exploration than ESCAPE, than actual fucking escape, like the developers forgot the plot to their own fucking game and got lost in the solipsistic merry-go-round ride that is the majority of the game.

and that's the problem. it's people like you who've ruined video games forever with your condescending patronizing bullshit on how video games should be developed--that you should actually get a free pass on any sense of story if the gameplay holds up. unfortunately, HL's gameplay doesn't hold up, and even if it did, we should still expect as COMPLEX people to be given a story that has a level of urgency and depth and beauty commensurate with video games as an artistic form. DF2 did it a year prior and it was a shooter; Brothers in Arms did it afterward and IT was a shooter. the notion that we should just let developers focus almost entirely on gameplay level details and let the story slide is just going to continue the cycle of tech demos and bad games

well i'm going to keep posting because you contractually consented to hearing it by posting in this thread--you implicitly gave your consent to hear other people's opinions by coming into this thread and posting. it's called discussions and it's called people can disagree with you

dont care

none of the bullshit you just wrote changes the fact that you're wrong lmao

>concedes he has no argument by laughing at what took me several minutes to write
i'm out. fuck this ersatz shithole

Incredibly based.

Finally you see how we've felt about you this entire thread. Keep coping.

>its a tech demo
>describes full game
What did he mean like this? Is OP a fag AND a retard?

>tech demo
>has better physics than any modern shooter
>has better gameplay than any modern shooter
>has better art direction than any modern shooter
>has better soundtrack than any modern shooter
>has more SOUL than any modern shooter

checkmate zoomer shitter

I enjoy the jank car handling.

If you're going to shit on a tech demo might as well talk about Doom 3, now that is a game that is just a pretty engine with slapped on gameplay.
Seriously everything you wrote describes it in some way: stale gameplay, boring and predictable encounters (in a "horror" game) and a literal b-movie story.

I play racing games so i dont. I'd honestly be fine if it just had mw2005 handling or something.

>with your condescending patronizing bullshit on how video games should be developed--that you should actually get a free pass on any sense of story if the gameplay holds up
It does? Your attitude is frankly more condescending, you're calling a game that people like for the gameplay bad because the story is weak and you don't personally like the gameplay. It's fine to have objectionable opinions but you're being incredibly obtuse about it, and that is what I have a problem with.