What games get shotguns right?

What games get shotguns right?

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OP here. Forgot to mention my go to is any tripwire game

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Mfw AA12

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which one do you shoot the plates with


>enemies wield sniper shotguns

I've shot buck and bird at plates. Shooting steel with a slug too close can damage the plate depending on the thickness and rating of the plate

Filtered by swamp.

>use slugs
Congrats you have your own sniper shotgun
Real life bullets dont do less damage just because you're far away

>tfw broke my nose firing a pistolgrip shotgun at 10
>Instructor accidentally gave me 00 buck instead of normal rounds
>Held it up to my face like in the movies and the instructor didn't stop me
I can't blame the instructor because that shit was probably funny as fuck but goddamn does it suck breathing out of one nostril due to being dumbass kid.

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Is the recoil on the average shotgun really strong? I’ve heard multiple cases of people screwing up their shoulders when firing for the first time

i meant the flying plates that come out of a plate launcher

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>Real life bullets dont do less damage just because you're far away
They do if you're really far away

Pleb, I bet you are one of those who cried grenade spam in Stalker CS. Faggot.

All shotguns in stalker are shit tier, they are only good if you use slug ammo

Show me a clip of you using a slug like a sniper in STALKER.

however you may have trouble hitting your target if they're far away

I used the shotgun. You know why? Cause the shot gun doesn't miss, and unlike the shitty hybrid taser it stops a criminal in their tracks in two hits. Bang, bang, and they're fucking done. I use four shots just to make damn sure. Because, once again, I'm not there to coddle a buncha criminal scum sucking faggots, I'm there to 1) Survive the fucking round. 2) Guard the armory. So you can absolutely get fucked. If I get unbanned, which I won't, you can guarantee I will continue to use the shotgun to apprehend criminals. Because it's quick, clean and effective as fuck. Why in the seven hells would I fuck around with the disabler shots, which take half a clip just to bring someone down, or with the tazer bolts which are slow as balls, impossible to aim and do about next to jack shit, fuck all. The shotgun is the superior law enforcement weapon. Because it stops crime. And it stops crime by reducing the number of criminals roaming the fucking halls.

My first playthrough was with grenade spam nerfs. You mad?

Shotgun with a backpack full of shells is mandatory if you don't want to get fucked up and mauled by dogs

I thought BF3 did them right. shotguns were kino in the game

Clays? Birdshot usually lower power target loads.
Yeah it's recoil. AKs and ARs don't really feel like having any recoil after you shoot a shotgun. I shot 25 rounds of clay target birdshot and some buck and a slug and my shoulder hurt till the next day.

Because irl the shotty is a 1-stop all-purpose weapon, outside of suppressing fire.

so you placed the butt up to your face? lol

Nah, your e peen is much smaller though

>game has shotgun
>shotgun damage is directly inversely proportional to range of target
>literally does 1 damage at 10-15 feet awaay

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Rockstar Games from Max Payne 3 onwards do them really well. MP3, GTAV and RDR2 all have shotguns with much more realistic range than most games. Pump action in RDR2 was my bae. All games should let you manually rack the slide.

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Just use your knife

AvP2, it has slugs as secondary ammo and that shit is 1 hit kill on almost everything. Caught a lot of people with it back in the day.

Le sniper slug Battlefield xD

Depends upon the round. 410s are super low recoil and basically the 22.s of shotguns. Super fun to shoot though.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 had amazing shotguns. It's what the chad offensive support wookies used.

lmao no, here in the midwest you start shooting at the latest 12yo and I've never heard of anyone fucking their shoulder up with even a 10 gauge. Maybe it's just all the onions put in coffee in other parts of the country.

>not being proficient at killing dogs with your knife.
First day in the zone?

No, I held it up as if it would have a stock but without a stock on my shoulder.

hitman absolution, pretty much the only good thing about that game

Fuck up no but most people even experienced get a sore shoulder after a long session with a 12 gauge.

Brutql doom has the best shotgun in any videogame ever

I remember shotguns being pretty good in Insurgency, where I scored kills from fifty meters with a buckshot. On one modded server I've put slugs and 4x scope on it and used it as marksman weapon. Good times.

Sorry to hear that user

you just described halo
except it does like 1 damage at 4 feet away

hey :)

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>mfw that bad company 2 shotgun
>shooting everyone in the face half across the map
>all those tears

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because irl guns are made to shoot long distance. If you're fighting 50-100 meters~ you're close range.

insurgency has good shotguns like your pic

use soi to get past the filter

>Is the recoil on the average shotgun really strong?
12 gauge buckshot and slug recoil is stronger than full sized rifle calibers, but it feels like a softer shove compared to a rifle's sharper kick, if you shoulder the gun properly and aren't a bitch it's not bad, just a bit jarring the first time you shoot it and you don't know what the recoil is like.
Birdshot feels like nothing.
>I’ve heard multiple cases of people screwing up their shoulders when firing for the first time
Those people are faggots.

Sup qt?

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>Supports with shotguns getting in close and throwing tracker grenades everywhere so the enemy couldn't hide

Why is the FEAR 1 shotgun so good compared to the one in FEAR 2?

>not using your knife to kill ALL mutants
You haven't lived until you've chased a bloodsucker or danced around a pile of rubble with a chimera

literally impossible unless there's like one

00 is normal

Just do circles around them. Have you not played Serious Sam?

The only game that I know of that don't do the retarded excessive spread and super low range is GTA V. You can snipe things from pretty far away with the shotguns, like you would in real life.

12 gague shotguns do have a nasty kick, doubly so if it's not some kind of semiautomatic. Not that an auto loading shotgun recoils less, but the recoil is spread out over more time. I dunno. The first time I shot a semi shotgun it didnt seem to buck as hard Shouldnt screw up your shoulder unless you're holding it wrong or something. Just keep it pulled back against your shoulder and you should be golden. Once you get the feel for them the recoil isnt too bad and easy to manage. Just first time around it can be a little surprising. Might leave you with a bruise at the worst.

Ok then let me shoot you from very far away then user.

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I actually killed my very first bloodsucker with a knife.
It was awhile ago, I remember being underground near some tubes (MAYBE streloks stash?) I had my knife out and the cunt appeared out of nowhere so I started slashing and it died. I remember wondering what the actual fuck I'd just killed

Yes they do. Velocity drops off after 100m

I either run out of stamina because i'm carrying literally everything or one will magically appear behind and kill me. Either way it bothers muh gritty realism autism i prefer to shoot


Strafe nigga. Trust me, get good with your knife, it will save you ammo, weight, space and you when your out of ammo

First FEAR is breddy good, both short and mid-distance

you mean Recons

knifes are frankly more effective against bloodsuckers and burers than they're against dogs

Max Payne 3 has God tier shotgun


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Bloodsuckers just seem to run into my knife, like its magnetism

the knife has reliably saved me in gunfights with monolith when I've run out of ammo and just bum rushed them and stabbed them in the heads. but against fucking little shits that run around everywhere I just feel silly hopping around trying to track and stab

wtf they jump too damn fast. I can only kite them with a shotgun. maybe mod is changing attack speed?

Shotgun shells filled with poo

top = doom
bottom = resident evbil

What exactly is the point of a slug?

i am literally trying to upload a clip of the toz34 with scope attached in gunslinger and its giving me a hard ass time. Just believe me it's possible with good aim and luck

Battlefield 1.

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big game hunting usually

Range. Believe it or not people put scopes on shotguns and hunt with slugs

I thought I remembered being able to. Been playing Call of Misery after not playing any stalker for a while and was really pissed off at how the attack ranges for mutants seemed really off. Especially for boars and snorks which seemed to have invisible limbs twice the normal length.
I really should just play vanilla again.

The pump action in EYE (the desperado i think?) is really fun and has what feels like a good amount of range

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holy fuck i almost spat out my cum from laughing i havent seen that in years

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In which situations would one use the big boy on the far right

>Not tadpoles

Do you even emotionally torture your enemies while laughing and reloading your shotgun with cumshot?

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Name five games besides doom (or other boomer shooters) where the double barrel shotgun isn't shit tier

shooting big bullet make my pp hard

Ye they fun as shit