Why is this webm making Xenoblade 2 fags so mad everytime? Are they ashamed of the content in their game?

Why is this webm making Xenoblade 2 fags so mad everytime? Are they ashamed of the content in their game?

Attached: animu_humor.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

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Even with cringe prepackaged. Is this thing worth it for the giant robot gameplay?

I don't know the context on this but I do find it funny

Weebs suppress their own self-awareness, when you try to activate it they lash out.

Isn't the context of the scene them having to do an embarrassing dance because of some kind of bet? What's the problem with it then?

Attached: western humor.webm (720x406, 2.94M)

>na """""""humor"""""

Attached: 1583017375139.gif (224x224, 1.52M)

2 has no giant robot gameplay, but yes
There is some cringe in the main story, but this is just a post game side quest that gets cherrypicked because of how awful it is

This is probably the worst of it outside of that scene, and it isn't that bad imo I actually think the screen break boss transition at the end is pretty funny

Post something you think is funny

>Giant robots
That's xenoblade X, not xeno 2
Also this is a sidequest, there is cringe in the main story but it keeps it relatively tame compared to the sidequests

some of those were almost funny when played the game. it's just what stupid kids might do in boring elevator when bored.

holy fuck this voice acting is atrocious

Attached: vore.webm (960x540, 3M)

The dub VA in xeno 2 was pretty terrible
Not as bad as the JP version but christ it wasn't great

Who is mad about it except you? I find it funny while you keep posting it over and over again trying to convince people it's not.

Yes, it's also cringe but it's supposed to be.

Yeah, I don't understand why people spam this for the better part of 2 years.

>nihon """"humor""""

Attached: drakenpiss3.jpg (600x600, 80.41K)

Cherypicked shitposting taken out of context and spammed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY:

>JRPG fanboys: T-The story is so much deeper than Western games!

Attached: 1573616142094.jpg (828x1000, 77.78K)

Holy fuck, I've heard people compliment the voices in dub. Are they normally this stiff throughout the game?

she should drink his pee

The xeno game with the god-tier dub is 1
X is meh, 2 is bad, Torna is meh
NOBODY defends xeno 2's voice acting, literally nobody, even the VAs themselves

It dosen't make me mad.
I love it.
It makes Xonablade 2 haters seethe

It's the best JRPG I've ever played.

Is it cringy?
Only if you think other JRPGs nowadays aren't cringe which means you're an incel weeb. Xenoblade 2 is a comfy adventure with romcom elements and it succeeds at that. Other JRPGs try to have mature storyline and they fail badly and turn out cringe as fuck. Only capeshit and anime lovers like those, and when a great game like XC2 comes out, completely unashamed of what it actually is, incels simply can't handle it. They need a sofisticated facade to protect them from the reality. And the reality is that they never read a book and never saw a film or television series that isn't about superheroes.

>Who is mad about it except you?
Xeno2fags got fucking furious about it back when it was posted when the game launched
It's changed since but it definitely used to make people seethe hard.

2 VA isn't bad aside from the start and a couple of characters.
Torna is better voice acted than XC1.

>[XC2] is the best JRPG i've ever played
Go play the rest of the xeno series then


Looks like western humor to me.

>2 va isn't bad aside from the start and a couple of characters
The shitty VA ruined half the scenes that were meant to be impactful, and you also have it backwards. It was largely bad but had a few good ones like Nia and Malos.
I'm only partway through Torna so far but right now while it's leagues above the base game it's still nowhere near 1's dub and I severely doubt it'll be better

Who the fuck said that? Not being grey and brown dark "mature" boreshitfests is what makes them better.

This is one of the things that makes FFV far better than FFVII, for example. I don't give a shit about the muh environment/planet type shit.

>x is meh
Look at that shit taste

Attached: animu_humor4.webm (800x338, 1.83M)

I wasn't talking about the games themselves and you can't tell me with a straight face that X's dub was anything above decent

Hands down the best villains in the franchise. 10/10.

Attached: 4d3bb961f404b08dba6f6fc53f49c8f0.png (1305x747, 777.49K)

>t. Bfto xbc 1 and x fag who can't get over the fact that 2 is the best

she wants to drink it so badly

my bad

t. butthurt 2fag that can't get over the fact that 1 is a masterpiece that will never be dethroned

That's just arousing.

Everyone I present you the best combat system in jrpgs

Attached: Xenoblade2_gameplay.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Using gorg

The game needs to run at a not shit resolution so you can scale down the ui.

>WARNING: Low Semen
Every time.

nice revisionist history user. The webm has always and only been used by people who hate the game to shit on it.

>1 is a masterpiece

Attached: 3fb.jpg (592x412, 19.85K)

>some of those were almost funny
>it's just what stupid kids might do in boring elevator
You need to be 18 or older to post here.

Nintendo exclusivity is the worst thing to ever happen to the Xeno series
>inb4 "you're a butthurt sonygro"
You really have to see how bad xeno 2 looks in portable mode yourself to realise how bad the switch is, a pro model can't come soon enough

Jesus Christ Japan, I'm never going to play that game and I'm embarrassed watching this.

Every day it's the same thread with the same responses

Keep crying butthurt sonygro. Not every game needs to be playable in portable mode, just dock your system and play on a TV like a normal person.

And like i said, xeno2fags always used to take the bait because they were clearly insecure about enjoying JP humour
Granted, they stopped acting like redditors and taking the bait eventually, but they still used to seethe hard

falseflagging xenoblade2fags trying to make everyone think the only way to critisize xbc2 is by talking about some stupid out of contect scene to distract from the fact it's a barebones self-playing RPG with waifus and gacha and nothing else

>not every game needs to be playable in portable mode
>when Switch Lite exists
ok idiot

user if a game looks THAT fucking shit in portable then it shouldn't be on switch or the devs should've done a better job of optimising it, and considering it's a 1st party title it's obviously not the latter
Also holy shit
>Not every game needs to be playable in portable mode
Is that some AMAZING cope. That's going right in my cringe folder

Ah yes the old "if someone responds to me it means they're mad/insecure" argument.
Retards actually think "U mad bro" is an unbeatable argument don't they?
You've invented a false narrative about what actually happened in your own head. People called out your shitposting not because they were insecure, but because you were wrong or being a faggot. those are the actual #1 and #2 reasons people get (You)s on Yas Forums.

Sure, whatever helps you cope my guy

Attached: 1583173516625.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

kek, u mad.

Fuck you, Gorg is a bro.

t. has literally 0 unique blades other than gorg

That's the joke, it's supposed to be embarrassing on purpose

>Butthurt xenosaga/xenogears fag
>2fag with a hard drive dedicated to pyra/mythra r34
>The only xfag in existence
>Generic shitposter
Which are you?

Good taste, but for me it's still Albedo. Grahf and id were fun too.
It's really just XB1 and X that didn't have great villain, and even then they weren't bad.

Attached: Knife.png (1211x1080, 981.66K)

Why is this webm used repeatedly by the same handful of faggots all the time? Are they that sad that they do nothing but seethe over a game they dislike?

Attached: lol.png (1024x761, 512.15K)

I don't even think this is Xenoblade
>Two teens trying to break up the tension
>This is a bad thing
Everything Pedro says in Shadowgun Legends

Attached: 1549654533489.png (640x479, 204.06K)

>I don't even think this is Xenoblade
It's a sidequest in xenoblade 2

Bruh, what do you call this dance?

I think its just called the default dance

Attached: 1515834355105.gif (500x500, 44.19K)

Why would people who like the game complain about it? That webm has been spammed for two years by people who throw tantrums over "Japanese humor" as shown by those two words always accompanying the webm every time the thread is remade.

Attached: these fucking guys.png (370x698, 319.27K)

Yea it's xenoblade.
Japanese humor is something else. It's a bit like slapstick in all honesty.

Attached: Pain.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

>Japanese """""""""""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Attached: gato.png (671x477, 399.67K)

Made for Oniichan’s dick

Jin, and Malos are basically just Grahf and Miang in the Blade verse

I don't have any problem with this webm. Not everything has to resemble a generic Hollywood movie...