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*coof coof*


Poorfag here, I have a Ryzen 3 3200g and RX 580, how fucked I am?

stop right now



*passes out*

no chance

Fuck! what I need?

ryzen 3700x
gtx 2070s


bout $3,50

You're completely fine u mongole

finally got into the beta today, what can i expect?

no you didnt.

>It was about that time that I noticed this helpful user was about 500 feet tall and from the paleolithic era

Really? as long I can play it I will be happy, I don't care about 1000 soldiers, 4K and all that things, can I play the game with my not so good PC?

yes i did

not a lot of fun if you're not a fan of mp m&b

I have slightly worse specs than that and the beta runs at 60 fps medium-high settings for me

There's already try-hard faggot clans dominating the multiplayer unfortunately. It's 6v6 and there's no voice chat, so if you end up in a team of randoms against a 6 person clan who are in discord together comming and sweating their balls off then you automatically lose. These faggots then proceed to think they're cool and brag about their stats constantly despite the fact they only win because of they have a coordinated stack of try-hards against a bunch of randoms who think they're just having fun trying out mount and blade

wait for the siege gamemode, everything else is shit.


lmao you sound like such a buthurt little faggot


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haha you got so assblasted

>3 weeks
>until open alpha

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So will the early access release have the single player?

>Very last day of March
>Days are getting slower and slower


They said they expect the game to be in EA for 1 year. Most of the core features are in, what's left is polishing, unique sceneries for every location, optimization

Then there is a reason to buy.

Yes. Only a few campaign features won't be present in the first release, like kingdom creation and crafting. Seems like it'll be 75-80% towards 1.0 on first release, with everything needing testing & balanced being more of a concern than the last few remaining features needing added.

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I don't think I can make it, already got the coofs

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Corona virus is the final boss of Bannerlord's release

I still expect it to be horribly unbalanced at first.
Expect the AI not being able to manage its resources, prices being all over the place, etc

yes, and im entirely fine with this. Most stuff is going be "present" but needing tuned.

I'm excited to see how things evolve towards 1.0

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And end game (kingdom management) is entirely missing. It would be a piss off comparable to ED:Horizons if they sold the kingdom content as an expansion.

user, you must forget about this "balance" obsession. Unbalanced games are more fun because winning a fight you should lose is more rewarding.

I haven't played Warband in ages, am I going to get my teeth kicked in when I try Butterlord's beta? Really wish there was a PvE option.

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It's coming in EA, just not in the first release.

it's not skill, it's having 6 people coordinating vs 6 people who are physically incapable of coordinating because there's no in game voice chat. Call it whatever you want, making a sweaty ass try-hard clan in a fucking CLOSED BETA is gay as hell

Yeah I hope so. I was just providing an example where this exact possibility happened. Horizons content was supposed to be part of ED's base game and they sold it for the price of another full game instead. The blowback was so harsh that they havent sold game content since other than aesthetics.

>all this seething cope

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reddit go home

I'm posting legitimate criticism of the lack of a voice chat feature but you can keep posting your meme words if you like, I don't mind

Wasn't this game delayed again in the last few days because of corona/syrians in Turkey?

>thing that doesn't affect the country that much, or the game being developed
>thing that was a thing for literal years
user what the fuck why are you getting your vidya news from random cunts from a containment board
It's delayed because Erdogan is finally being crowned and they want nothing else to happen around the same time

I'll play with you, user. We can communicate and yell at each other all we want. You'll have to reteach me basically everything, though.

>im posting legitimate criticism of the lack of a voice chat feature
You're not just doing that though, you're also projecting your blatantly high levels of butthurt cope by irrationally attacking people just for using a chat program and playing vidya together.

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>boasting about how much a newfag you are

you legitimately have no idea what you're talking about because you're not in the beta. Clans of people who only 6 stick because they refuse to play without an advantage, and they leave games before the end if they're about to lose because then it doesn't count on their record. The beta is small as fuck so everyone already knows who these people are and the whole community hates them already. They're not people just trying to have fun with friends in a voice chat program, they're try hard faggots trying to get their precious stats to show off in a closed beta.

let predict your reply
>hurr cope durr seethe hurrr butts

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You sound like a bit of a bitch.

I'm not talking about Vlandian dominating the map, I'm talking about Khergits being unable to manage their ressources and ending up with no horse, or constant raiding turning Calradia into the Mojave post nuclear wasteland in a few weeks.
Things like that.

You have thought about this far more than I could have predicted. I think it would be cool if you could make the khanate run out of horses. You'd cripple them so bad... but I get what you are saying, running out of horses on their own would be shitty, yes. You're a smart cookie, user.

What is this even about? An MP game? AN SP game?

Beta is mp. Early Access release will have the campaign.

just play the team deathmatch on custom server list, only retards try to play the captain mode

What's with the shitposting? We are weeks away from bannerlord, can't you just be better than this?

Go play warband in preparation, you can cough up the 5 shekels required