How long until the Jews leave fighting games?

How long until the Jews leave fighting games?

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Why do you care what nutjobs have to say, espeically on Twitter of all sites.

What more could sonicfox add to this to get attention? Something involving religion perhaps?

Based Sonicfox helping Trump get reelected.

This is what you deserve for not playing white male games like arena FPS or CSGO.

Stuff like this is surely bad for Bernies chances right?

>unlike you snowflakes I don't get triggered so easily
>why is the black man against us nazis :((

>average Muslim Kombat player

>mentally ill pro gamer is actually a political propagandist

man, he rrally is not helping his cause but making people go against it instead. no sane person would want to be associated with a freak like him who can't even choose what his gender is

Nobody cares about Mortal Kombat.

imagine begin a burgerclaps

Implying Biden isn't getting the nomination
Implying Biden can win against trump

"School shootings is not the problem, it's the solution"

so another 4 years of trump?
not that anything changed

50% now tranny add to the count

tfw yanggang lost so now my Yas Forumsidya bros can't get $1000 for video games every month

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Who cares Biden is still gonna win anyway but he will lose to Trump in November.

He seems a lot more triggered considering he's doing this despite the fact that trannies don't lack any rights at all.

>I don't like flamboyance and presidental candidates.
>But I like MK.
>Grrrrr brain is having a hard time. Gaaaah.

Bros its supposed to be burnies turn...

Is there anything this attention whore wont do?

people know what a terrible person trump is now so him and his alt-right friends are going to get their asses kicked this year

He's only hurting trans by pretending to be one for attention.

>trannies don't lack any rights at all.
based retard


Reread what you replied to. That is the exact opposite of what they were implying.
Seriously rolled my eyes irl reading your post.

Also where are the VIDEOGAMES???
No, someone who played a videogame once on youtube or whatever is not related to videogames.

If I did the same in cargos, boots and a leather jacket while wrapped in a nazi flag and said "Heil hitler" in the mic, I'd be probably killed on the spot.

>average bernie voter

you dont deserve rights subhuman is what were saying

No refunds

Why is it always ESLs

commie gamer nigger tranny furry faggot out of space

Attached: hahahahahahaha.jpg (462x483, 49.61K)

at least you would have good fashion sense user

What is wrong with Americans? You never seen copious amount of autism spewing from any other people.

ill enjoy you killing yourself

Because they do not understand the importants of rights

>nigger fursuit lgbt bernie

What next, impaling a chihuahua on his cock while flossing?

Shit like this makes me want to vote Trump

trannys like you dont have rights and you also cant read

>layered website design
Trannycaust has been initiated

or vote third party, fuck the DNC.

>Your rights as a patient, including your rights to transition-related health care.
Why is cosmetic surgery a right? I'm a skinny person in a fat man's body, do I have the right to free liposuction?

WTF I thought trannies were supposed to be good at programing

It is currently 100% impossible to change your sex.
There is no such thing as gender.
Those who attempt to change theirs are mentally ill and their delusions should not be humored.
We need to help them, and maybe institutionalize them before they kill themselves instead of selling them placebos first then doing nothing.

It went down to 39%

that's just sonicfox. he is jumping to whatever gets him attention.
first he was all about being a furry then he was all about being gay then black and now he claims to not have gender. whatever gets him those pats on his back

up 50% leave the add to it

>implying vydia loving zoomers are people.
Nah, burgers will vote for Trump because they don't care about any of the left wing candidates or sjw shit.

Trump's already won, try your luck 4 years from now on.

does Sonicfox realize being obnoxious is why everyone hates him and not being gay/a furry

At this point, I'm starting to think he is straight and only pretends to be gay because it gives him attention.

>Why is cosmetic surgery a right?
Ask a psychologist.

>There is no such thing as gender.
Big if true

ah yes i love gay black tranny furries
i will definitely vote bernie now

Grand Archon of the Judaean Dynasty here.

We will never leave video games, not until every young white male is transitioning. There is nothing you can do goyim.

>trammy chimp is ANGRY

it would be the ultimate twist if a 3rd party ever won

the problem is that a lot of the power is rested in non-voted in parties

You forgot about his gore fetish

>Mortal Kombat is for faggots
What else is new?

Anyone that's so violently transfixed on what some minority thinks his pronouns should be was never going to vote for bernie anyways so it's a moot point.

this is mesed up, they deserve nothing at all

>Talking about political beliefs
So hes banned from all future events right?
Because thats against the rules.

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wtf nobody can see my posts

>sonicfox keeps winning and dabbing on anons

Attached: he can't keep getting away with it.gif (245x295, 1.94M)

Shit, it just went down again

Only applies to people who have different opinions from the left.

friendoy reminder, he was friends with kero the wolf, the furfag who raped his dog to death. also that time he implied about wanting to molest someone's child just to turn him into a leftist

you'll struggle to find anyone as straight-up vapid as sonicfox. his entire personality is what you find by browsing for 20 seconds on his twitter account. what an absolutely pathetic human being.

Sonicfox will show off being the first person to posses a frankensteined dual gendered half cock half vagina artificially constructed genitalia

>*conveniently forgets all the other tournaments he lost*

When did psychologists become experts on the legal system?
America doesn't even recognize the right to not die of cancer unless you can pay for it and trannies think cutting their dick off should be given precedence over that, that's fucked up.

China doesnt give a fuck so long as you dont believe their own bugmen deserve basic human rights, so even right-wing beliefs are okay so long as it's not an immediate PR disaster

>talks about oppression and how hard life was
>when his parents are rich and he didn't struggle about anything in life


this is fucked up. It's 2020 and people are still pro-trannies?

No you don't understand user, he's BLACK.

isn't him being a tranny implying that already?

a psychology cannot prescribe you anything user they are not medical doctors or psychiatrists additionally the prescription of surgery not related to the brain for mental disorder isn't exactly solid science in the slightest

nobody made that claim

Pos hombre ese chaval cara de chocolate es un terrible putazo.

It's more that the american medical system is so unbelievably fucked in terms of healthcare - especially mental health that cosmetic surgery is often times more a d better covered through insurance than therapy.

No. He has artwork of his sona being edgy, ripping people apart.

>also that time he implied about wanting to molest someone's child just to turn him into a leftist
source, kennel boy is retarded but doubt he's that foumb

So this is why MK isn't at EVO

>MK is no longer at EVO
who cares

nah its 51% facts are fact trannys are not human

It’s the same shit as 2016
>All the democrats are fighting each other
>The one thing they can agree on is that black men can fuck them in the ass (but not how far they can go) and that Trump is Hitler 2.0 looking to wrangle all the minorities into concentration camps (totally not built by Obama)
>The media flips their collective shit over X popular Republican, and try to fabricate some sob stories or some bullshit
>They (disappointingly) are wrong, and continue to double down each time
>Trump insults people
>Democrats get cocky again because they still think everyone listens to the media
>Trump wins again due to the electoral college
>All the spics and dead people’s votes are wasted because they all voted exclusively in already Blue states

topkek, psychology is pseudoscience.

>this is the kind of person he himself claimed to be trustworthy around children
>he also wanted to sodomize someone's child because the parent was a right-wing

if only people still gave a shit about mk11...

this isn’t China

Nope, LGBT acceptance is at an all-time low and falling the media just wants you to think the opposite

Post your sources on this or don't make shit up.

ok but what about the actual fighting games ?

You're half wrong. LGB acceptance is good but not for the T, for obvious reasons.

Within your lifetime, your new ID will actually have "Gender: M (cis)" on it.
And you won't be allowed to openly dislike it because USA will be using the social credit system from China.